Pictures Flashcards

Supraorbital nerve

Thyrohyoid muscle

Cone of light

Vocal process

Left common carotid artery

Pulmonary veins

Celiac trunk

External iliac vein


Supratrochlear nerve

Lesser wing of sphenoid

Inferior petrosal sinus

Hyoid bone

Digastric muscle

Digastric muscle (anterior belly)

Oblique fissure

Azygos vein

Supratrochlear artery
Which artery is this?

Right coronary artery?

Thoracic duct

Palatine tonsil

Costal facet

Gastroduodenal artery


Pulmonary ligament

Left pulmonary artery

Renal artery

Hyoid bone

Maxillary artery

Greater wing of sphenoid

Hepatic portal vein

Common carotid artery

Body of mandible

Fossa ovalis

Flaccid area
Which chamber is this?

Left atrium

Vagus nerve

External iliac artery

Common bile duct

Papillary muscles

Pyloric canal

Epiglottic cartilage

Handle of malleus

Eustachean tube


Tensor tympani


Anterior scalene

Phrenic nerve

Phrenic nerve

Internal jugular vein

Subclavian vein

External jugular vein

Brachiocephalic vein

Pulmonary trunk

Inferior mesenteric artery

Renal vein

Greater omentum

Falciform ligament

Supraorbital artery

Lacrimal bone

Great cerebral vein of Galen

Facial artery

Middle meningeal artery



Palatopharyngeal arch

Brachiocephalic artery
Which chamber has been opened here?

RIght ventricle

Thyroid cartilage

Greater wing of sphenoid

Axillary artery

Coronary sinus

Muscular process

Submandibular gland

Crista terminalis

Thyrohyoid muscle

Epitympanic recess

Posterior interventricular branch of right coronary artery
(posterior descending artery)

Oesophageal plexus
Which chamber is this?

Left atrium

Internal jugular vein

Occipital artery

Superior vena cava

Hepatic portal vein

Thyroid cartilage

Arytenoid cartilage

Major duodenal papilla (of Vater)

Cricothyoid membrane

Soft palate

Transverse costal facet


Horizontal fissure

Subclavian artery

Ligamentum arteriosum

Pyloric antrum

Coronoid process
Which chamber is this?

Right ventricle


Facial artery

Lingual artery

Chordae tendinae

Thoracic duct

Pretracheal fascia

Mylohyoid muscle

First segment of duodenum

Condylar process

Digastric muscle posterior belly

Pulmonary artery

Phrenic nerve

Superior thyroid artery

Anterior longitudinal ligament

Carotid sinus

Superior petrosal sinus

External carotid artery

Angular notch or angular incisure

Cricothyroid muscle

Mental foramen

Digastric muscle posteriro belly

Cardiac notch or cardiac incisure



Body of stomach

Crycoid cartilage

Coronary sinus

Quadratus lumborum

Left recurrent laryngeal nerve

Common iliac vein

Trabeculae carnae

Right gastric artery

Posterior auricular artery


Vagus nerve

Hepatic aretery proper
Which chamber is this?

Left ventricle

Chorda tympani

Mylohyoid muscle

Round window

Radial ligament of head of rib

Posterior wall of pharynx

Common hepatic artery

Obturator foramen

Superior petrosal sinus

Inferior petrosal sinus

Hyoid bone

Inferior vena cava

Omohyoid muscle

Omohyoid muscle

Thyrohyoid membrane

Internal iliac artery

Splenic vein


Oblique fissure

Clavicular head of sternocleidomastoid

Left inferior pulmonary vein

Hepatic vein

Cricoid cartilage

Cricoid cartilage


Superficial temporal artery

Internal thoracic artery

Occipital artery


Sternal head of sternocleidomastoiod

Pectinate muscles

Coronary sinus

Internal thoracic artery

Ascending pharyngeal artery

Cricoid cartilage

Sternohyoid muscle

Common carotid artery

Common iliac artery
Which chamber is this?

Right atrium

Palatoglossal arch

Left recurrent laryngeal nerve

Superior mesenteric artery


Common bile duct

Sternohyoid muscle

Articular facet