Upper Gi Tract Flashcards
Landmarks of oesophagus trachea and aorta
Oesophagus approximately 25cm long - C5/6 to T10, where it enters the diaphragm, progressing from skeletal to smooth muscle
Trachea lies anterior to oesophagus
Aorta lies on left hand side of oesophagus
Perfusion of thoracic and abdominal part as well as drainage
- Thoracic part supplied by branches of aorta, superior supplied by branches of the thyroid artery (from the thyrocervical trunk)
- Abdominal part supplied by left gastric artery and inferior phrenic artery
- Drainage from thoracic part is the azygous vein (systemic), but also has portal vein
Anatomy of lower oesophagus
Phrenoesophageal ligament upper and lower limbs anchor oesophagus to the diaphragm
The Lower Oesophageal sphincter is surrounded by the diaphragm
The angle of His is the angle between the peritoneum of the stomach and the oesophagus
Swallowing phases
- Stage 0 - Oral phaseChewing and Saliva prepare the bolusBoth oesophageal sphincters are constricted
- Stage 1 - Pharyngeal phaseBolus guided to upper sphincter by pharyngeal musculatureUpper oesophageal sphincter opens reflexivelyLOS opened by vasovagal reflex
- Stage 2 - Upper oesophageal phaseUpper sphincter closesSuperior circular muscle rings contract, inferior rings dilateSequential contractions of longitudinal muscle
- Stage 3 - Lower oesophageal phaseLower oesophageal sphincter closes as food passes
- Determined by pressure managements (manometry)
- Peristaltic waves ~40mmHG
- Resting pressure of lower sphincter ~ 20mmHg
This goes down by less than 5mmHg during receptive relaxation
This is mediated by inhibitory noncholinergic nonadrenergic neurones (NCNA) of the myenteric plexus
Functional disorders of oesophagus
- Absence of a stricture
Caused by abnormal oesophageal contraction, as a result of disordered coordination, hyper OR hypomotility - Failure of protective mechanisms for reflux
Gastrooesophageal Reflux Disorder (GORD)
Difficulty swallowing
Localisation is important - upper (cricopharyngeal) or lower (distal) sphincter
- For fluids or solids
- Intermittent or progressive
- Precise or vague in appreciation
Pain when swallowing
Return of oesophageal contents from above an obstruction
May be functional or mechanical
Passive return of gastroduodenal contents to mouth
Hypermotility achalasia
Achalasia - a condition in which the muscles of the lower part of theoesophagus fail to relax, preventing food from passing into the stomach.
Occurs as a result of loss of ganglion cells in Auerbach’s myenteric plexus in the LOS wall causing decreased activity of inhibitory NCNA neurones
- Primary - cause unknown
- Secondary - known disease with similar oesophageal motor abnormalities, e.g.:
- Chagas’ disease
- Protozoa infection
- Amyloid / sarcoma / eosinophilic oesophagitis
Pathophysiology of achalasia
Increased resting pressure of LOS
Receptive relaxation is late and too weak
During reflex phase pressure in LOS is much higher than in stomach
Swallowed food collects in oesophagus causing increased pressure throughout with dilation of oesophagus
Propagation of peristaltic waves
Progression of achalasia
- Insidious onset, people have symptoms for years before seeking help
- Without treatment, there is a progressive dilation of the oesophagus
- Risk of oesophageal cancer increased 28 fold, but incidence rate is only 0.34%
Treatment of achalasia
- Pneumatic dilation (PD)
Weakens the LOS by circumferential stretching, and sometimes tearing of its muscle fibres
71-90% of patients initially respond, but many subsequently relapse - Surgery
- Heller’s Myotomy: a continuous myotomy performed for 6cm on oesophagus and 3cm onto stomach
- Dor Fundoplication - anterior fundus folded over oesophagus and sutured to right side of myotomy
-Oesophageal & gastric perforation (10-16%)
-Division of vagus nerve (rare)
-Splenic injury (1-5%)
Hypomobility scleroderma
Scleroderma - autoimmune disease
- Hypomotility in its early stages as a result of neuronal defects causes atrophy of the oesophageal smooth muscle
- Ultimately peristalsis in the distal oesophagus stops entirely, which causes:
- Decreased resting pressure of LOS
- GORD develops (this is often associated with CREST syndrome, a less severe form of scleroderma)
Treatment of hypomobility scleroderma
- Exclude organic obstruction
- Improve force of peristalsis with prokinetics (cisapride)
- When peristaltic failure occurs this is usually irreversible
Disordered coordination -corkscrew oesophagus
Diffuse oesophageal spasms:
- Incoordinate contractions causing dysphagia and chest pain
- Pressures reaching 400-500mmHg
- Marked hypertrophy of circular muscle
- Will appear as a corkscrew oesophagus in a Barium study