Disorders Of Upper Gi Flashcards
What investigations are done for duodenum perforation
Why do we do CXR AXR for duodenal perforation
- Want to see if they have air under diaphragm in CXR
- Want to look for free air in AXR but also to check small and large bowel
What do you see in perforated duodenum
- Rigler’s sign- free intraperitoneal air (right pic)
- Free subdiaphragmatic air (left pic)
How do we manage peritonitis pre-operatively then operatively?
- Put NG tube in to empty gastric contents to stop them leaking into abdomen
- NBM or else anything that goes in will go through the hole
- IV fluids
- Antibiotics
- Identify aetiology of peritonitis (where hole is)
- Eradication of peritoneal source of contamination
- Peritoneal lavage and drainage
What are the common sites of perforation for duodenal ulcers?
- Most commonly anterior/superior surface of first part of duodenum or pylorus- anterior ulcers typically perforate at D1
- Rarely on pre-pyloric antrum
- Less frequently in stomach (lesser curvature, fundus)
- Rarely found on posterior surface of first part of duodenum or the stomach
- Duodenal perforation is 10x more frequent than gastric perforation
What is the problem with posterior duodenal ulcers?
These are retroperitoneal and can perforate into arteries and bleed
Especially gastroduodenal artery which is a big one
What is a laparoscopic omental patch?
We take a bit of omentum and stitch it on top of perforation- not too tight or else it’ll make duodenum ischaemic
Then lavage and clean it a lot to get rid of any contamination which could later become infected
Gallstone pancreatitis
Where gallstones obstruction ampulla of voter where the bile duct and pancreatic duct end it into duodenum
Causes enzymes to back up and activate
How do we assess severity of pancreatitis
P – PO2 <8KPa
A – age >55yrs
N – WCC >15
C – calcium <2mmol/L
R – renal: urea >16mmol/L
E – enzymes: AST >200iu/L, LDH >600iu/L
A – Albumin <32g/L
S – sugar >10mmol/L
Management for pancreatitis
- 4 principles of management:
- Fluid resuscitation (IV fluids, urinary catheter, strict fluid balance monitoring)
- Analgesia
- Pancreatic rest (with or without nutritional support if prolonged recovery e.g. NJ feeding or PN)
- Determine underlying cause
- 95% settle with conservative treatment
What other IX for pancreatitis/gallstones
USS abdomen
Then MRCP to look for stones
Then ERCP LAST to push stone out
Murphys sign
Looks for cholecystitis
Put 2 fingers under patient’s right subcostal margin and ask them to breathe in- this pulls liver and gallbladder down and if gallbladder is inflamed when gallbladder hits finger the patient is in a lot of pain