UNITÉ 4 LEÇON 4A: Boire (Irregular Verb Conjugation) Flashcards
to drink
je bois
I drink / I am drinking
Ex. Je bois souvent du thé.
I drink tea often.
Ex. Je bois par fois du thé.
I drink tea sometimes.
Ex. Je ne bois pas de thé.
I don’t drink tea.
tu bois
you drink / you are drinking
il boit
he drinks / he is drinking
elle boit
she drinks / she is drinking
nous buvons
we drink / we are drinking
vous buvez
you drink / you are drinking
ils boivent
they drink / they are drinking
(m.) (f.) (pl.)
elles boivent
they drink / they are drinking
(f.) (pl.)
un / une
du / de la / de l’ / des
Ex. Nous buvons un café.
We drink / We are drinking a cup of coffee.
Ex. Ils boivent une limonade.
They drink / They are drinking lemonade.
Ex. Tu bois du café.
You drink / You are drinking coffee.
Ex. Il boit _de l’_eau minérale.
He drinks / He is drinking some mineral water.