Unit C Section 2.2 Flashcards
What elements is our air made out of?
nitrogen (78%) oxygen (21%), argon (less than 1%), carbon dioxide (0.03%), traces of hydrogen and neon.
Air quality can be determined in two ways:
- by measuring the levels of pollutants in the air
* by estimating the amount of emissions from pollution sources
Which technique for determining air quality is more accurate?
Measuring the amounts of chemicals in the air is more
-Measurements of chemicals in the air include chemicals produced by natural sources such as forest fires.
- This provides a more complete picture of air quality
- Monitoring chemicals in the air over a period of many years provides information about seasonal variations, as well as long-term trends.
What Sulfur dioxide?
Sulfur dioxide (SO2(g)) is a major air pollutant
What does sulfur dioxide form?
Smog and Acid rain
How can sulfur dioxide affect you?
It can affect your respiratory system (throat and lungs) and irritate your eyes.
How does sulfur dioxide form and what is the major source for sulfur dioxide? (4)
- Sulfur dioxide and other oxides of sulfur form when oxygen combines with sulfur
- The major source of sulfur dioxide is industrial processes.
- In Alberta, the major source of sulfur dioxide is the oil and gas industry.
- Sulfur dioxide and other oxides of sulfur are also formed by burning fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas.
What are scrubbers?
Industrial and electrical generating plants use devices called “scrubbers” to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by up to 99%.
How are scrubbers used?
-Scrubbers use limestone (calcium carbonate) to convert the pollutant sulfur dioxide into a useful product.
-The sulfur dioxide reacts with the calcium carbonate
in the scrubber to produce gypsum (calcium sulfate). The gypsum is recovered and can be used in manufacturing.
Scrubber: sulfur dioxide and limestone reaction:
sulfur dioxide + water + limestone + oxygen → gypsum + carbon dioxide
is there bad air only in the outdoors?
it can also be indoors, For example, a smoke-filled
the party room can be a health hazard. Other substances that contribute to indoor air pollution include paints,
glues, and cleaning supplies.
What are Nitrogen oxides (NOx(g)?
Nitrogen oxides (NOx(g)) are also major air pollutants
What do Nitrogen oxides form?
smog and acid rain
How do nitrogen oxides affect humans?
They affect the respiratory system and eyes.
What does the x in Nitrogen oxides (NOx(g) represent?
The “x” in the chemical formula NOx(g) indicates that nitrogen oxides are mixtures of NO(g) and NO2(g) and sometimes other oxides of nitrogen.
What is the source of nitrogen oxide?
- mainly from combustion in vehicles.
- also form by combustion in generating plants
- industrial processes, such as oil refining.
What are the stages for Nitrogen oxide to form as a gas?
- The nitrogen formed by burning fuels first combines with oxygen to form nitrogen monoxide gas (NO(g)).
- then combines with oxygen in the atmosphere to form nitrogen dioxide (NO2(g)), a brownish gas.
What is the main concern for pollution?
the main concern is with pollution from vehicles.
What is Carbon monoxide?
Also a major air pollutant.
What is Carbon monoxide known as?
the silent killer because it is a colorless and
odorless gas
What is the process for carbon monoxide to be produced:
-When chemicals containing carbon burn, they produce carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide.
- Carbon monoxide (CO(g)) forms if there is not enough oxygen to produce carbon dioxide (CO2(g)).
- If there is enough oxygen during combustion, carbon dioxide is produced
What is the main source of carbon monoxide?
- from human activities is motor vehicles.
- combustion of wood (e.g., fireplaces, wood stoves)
- natural gas,
- industrial processes,
- airplanes,
- cigarette smoking.
Why is there more of a danger of carbon monoxide during the winter?
it can be a problem during the colder months when many people burn wood for heating.
What effect does carbon monoxide have on our bodies?
If inhaled, carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen carried by the blood.
As a result, it can cause headaches, sleepiness, chest pains, brain damage, and death.
What are catalytic converters?
-Technologies such as catalytic converters in
vehicles and industry convert carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide
- is a device that uses platinum and palladium catalysts
to remove pollutants from vehicle exhaust.
What is non-ground level ozone?
- a layer of ozone protects Earth’s surface from harmful ultraviolet light.
- This layer is located high above Earth in the upper atmosphere.
What is ground-level ozone?
- It is the same ozone but found on Earth’s atmosphere.
- But at ground level, ozone is a harmful pollutant.
- Ozone (O3(g)) is an odorless, colorless gas composed of three oxygen atoms.
What are the three oxygen atoms that form ground-level ozone?
reactions between oxygen, nitrogen oxides, and compounds called volatile organic compounds (VOCs), in the presence of heat and sunlight.
What are volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
VOCs are organic chemicals that evaporate
How are VOCs formed?
-Some plants and trees emit VOCs, but most of the VOCs come from human-made products such as solvents and gasoline.
The major source of ground-level ozone:
-is fuel combustion in vehicle engines and industry.
During which setting is Ozone pollution mainly a problem?
mainly in larger cities, especially during the summer.
Ground-level ozone may be harmful to which kinds of people?
- Ozone is especially harmful to people who have lung diseases such as asthma, and anyone with a cold.
- All children are at a higher risk of developing lungs.
- Anyone who exercises outside in air containing high levels of ozone
Which crops can ground-level ozone damage?
-wheat, soybeans, and onions
What effect does ozone have on plastic?
Ozone can also cause materials such as plastics to
deteriorate more rapidly.