Unit 9 - Kingdom Of God✔️ (paper 1) Flashcards
What is a pilgrim?
A person or religious journey normally to a holy/sacred place - for christians life is a pilgrim (journey from earth to heaven)
What are the stations of the cross?when are they worshiped?
A series of 14 images that remind catholics of jesus’ final journey to the cross - many christians will often walk between the stations and make a prayer during lent
Example of three of the stations of the cross?
- jesus falls the first time
- jesus falls the second time
- jesus is buried
What do catholics who pilgrim to Jerusalem do?Why do they do this?
Do the stations of the cross on the Via Dolorosa (the street through which Jesus carried the cross) and visit the tomb in which it is thought he was buried - allows catholics to renew their faith and commitment to Jesus
Example of three reasons someone might go on a pilgramage?
- to express thanks to God
- to ask for forgiveness for sins
- to seek spiritual and physical healing
Why do catholics go on a pilgramage to Rome?what do the do/visit there?
It is the centre of catholic faith - st Peter (leader of the apostles) went to Rome to preach the christians faith, he was crucified and buried where the vatican now stands - visit the Popes cathedral (most important catholic church) and st Peters tomb
Why do catholics go on a pilgramage to Lourdes?what do the do/visit there?
Town in france which is believed to be where a peasant in 1858 saw visions of a woman who identified herself as the immaculate conception (Mary) who gave the peasant instructions - catholics believe that bathing in the springs cures you
What were the three instructions given to the peasant (St Bernadette) in the visions by mary?
- to pray the rosary
- to come in procession (meet up with other catholics are walk together)
- to build a church
Christians belief on evangelism in drama?
Catholics believe they are part of church’s mission to take the message about Jesus,his life and teachings to the people they meet - many kinds of dramas that show this message including films, plays ext
How does the film ‘Les miserables’ show the christian duty of love and forgiveness - refer to the scene between the bishop and ex-convict?
ex-convict Valjean steals a lot of silver from the bishop and when caught and confronted by the police and bishop, he lies saying it was a gift from the bishop which the bishop agrees with - bishop encourages Valjean to use the money to do good which he does - shows forgiveness and love
How does the film ‘Les miserables’ show the christian duty of love and forgiveness - refer to the scene between the ex-convict and jailer?
Valjean broke his parole from prison and is wanted, Javert his fomer jailer constantly chases him but is not willing to forgive him (believes no man can change) Javert is captured by revolutionaries, who ask Valjean to kill him, which he instead decides to let Javert go free
How is the power of faith and forgiveness shown in the film ‘The mission’ give 2 examples?
- forme slave trader kills his step brother, feels bad so he decides to work among the people he enslaved , only when one of his ex-slaves releases him that he accepts he is forgiven
- priests orderd by their bishop to abandon the native people to the slavers - they rejected the order trusting their conscience
Define kingdom of God?Quote from jesus?
Also called the reign of God where all people live as God intends - refrenced many times by Jesus and according to mark’s Gospel, jesus’ first teaching was ‘the time is fullfilled, and the Kingdom of God has come near’
Quote on the kingdom of God?
Seen in ‘The lords prayer’ which includes the phrase ‘hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come’
Quote which shows the churchs’ response to evangelism in drama?
‘The production and showing of films that have value… ought to be encouraged and assured by every effective means’ (Inter Mirfica 14)
Order of the kingdom of God?
1) kingdom began when Jesus was born
2) it was established through jesus’ resurrection and the coming of the holy spirit
3) it is extended by christians, who form and help to spread the kingdom of God on earth
4) will be completed at the end of time
Explain how justice is important in relation to the kingdom of God?
To help create justics christians should live in a way that respects the rights of other - helping uphold justice will help to spread the kingdom of God on earth
Explain how peace is important in relation to the kingdom of God?
Christians should support all effort to establish peace and harmony in the world - this includes supporting organisations that work for justice and unity - christians believe this will lead to peace of Gods kingdom being expirenced on earth
Explain how reconcilliation is important in relation to the kingdom of God?
Breaks down the barriers that exist between people - helps peace and justice spread which helps the kingdom of God grow and restores damaged relationships
Features of the second vatican council document - Dei Verbum (the word of god)?
- deals with the importance and the interpretation of the bible
- stresses that the bible should be taken seriously as the word of God, but should not be read in a literal way
Features of the second vatican council document - Lumen Gentium (on the church)?
- deals with the nature and structure of the church
- stresses that all members of the church have important roles to play, not just the pope
- emphasies the idea, a pilgrim church moving forwards within morden society
Features of the second vatican council document - sacrosanctum concillium (on the sacred liturgy
- deals with the liturgy and church services
- allows catholics to hear the mass in their own language
Features of the second vatican council document - Guadium et spes (the church in the morden world)?
- deals with issues related to morden society
- stresses that the church should not be seperate from modern soceity, but should guide people on how to live in the morden world
How does mary show her acceptance of Gods will?
- mary willingly accepted the role of the mother of Jesus
- her praise in the magnificat prayer
How does mary show her trust in God?
- when mary said the magnificat she was a pregnant unmarried teenager who could have been killed for alleged adulerty
- mangificat shows mary’s belief that God will help people who are weak and poor, like her
What is the magnificat? issues with it?
A prayer that Mary said after she became pregnant with Jesus and visited her cousin Elizabeth - controversial kingdom prayer as some think it could inspire the poor and weak to rise up against the government as a means of spreading the kingdom of God on earth
2 quotes which show the magnificat as creating a sense of revolution?
- ‘he has brought down the powerful from their thrones’
- ‘he has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty’
Why is the magnificat seen as controversial?
- some people think it supports rebelling against their government - believe it encourages the weak and poor to rise up against those in power to spread the kingdom of God on earth - by creating greater equality and promoting justice
- other think it shows God only supports the weak and helpless and only those will be saved
What are the four marks of the church?
Four qualities that are necessary for the catholic church to exist - include: once, catholic, holy and apostolic
Define apostolic succession?
Idea that the Pope and Bishop are successors to the twelve apostles - this gives the Pope and Bishops the authority to shape and confirm the church’s teachings
Catholic belief on apostolic succession and magesterium?
Authority of the apostles has been passed down from one generation of bishops to the next - authority of Peter who led the apostles and the early church has also been passed down to the current Pope
What is magesterium?
The combined authority of the Bishop and the Pope - catholics believe the church is guided by the holy spirit and when the Pope makes a formal doctrine (teaching) he cannot be wrong
Explain the ‘one’ mark of the church?
- while it is made up of many individual churches, these are all part of one church
- at the last supper, Jesus prayed to God that his followers ‘may all be one’
Explain the ‘catholic’ mark of the church?
- the word ‘catholic’ means ‘related to the whole’ or ‘worldwide’
- the beliefs of the church are univeral, held by catholics everywhere in the world
Explain the ‘holy’ mark of the church?
- the presence of God makes the church holy
- all christians and the church as a whole are guided by the holy spirit
Explain the ‘aposolic’ mark of the church?
- the chruch’s teachings are built on the teachings of the 12 apostles
- the successors to the apostles (Pope and bishop) guide the church today
How is the church concilliar - give two reasons?
- councils (meetings of the Pope and bishops) are held to make important descions and update church teachings
- councils express the voice of the whole church and influence teachings and the direction the church goes
What does the church being concilliar mean?
The church is concilliar because it makes important descisions through councils
What does it mean the church is pontificial?
The church is pontificial because the Pope has the highest authority
How is the church pontifical - give two reasons?
- Pope is the leader of the church and has the highest authority - this authority has been passed down over generations from Peter
- the Popes teachings must be taken very seriously and can be declared infallible (without error)
Quote which shows the church’s importance of helping support the weakest and poorest members of society?
‘The church sincerely professes that all men …ought to work for the rightfull betterment of this world in which all alike live’ (Gaudium et Spes)
Quote which shows the church is against economic exploitation and greed?
“Today we… have to say ‘thout shalt not’ to an economy of exclusion and inequality” (evangelii Gaudium)
How can christians follow Jesus’ command to ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ give a reason and example?
By showing love to those in need - christains can work through local, national and global charities - for example SVP which is a catholic charity which works locally by providing friendship and practical help to those in need
Example of a national and global catholic charity? Example of a local charity?
- CAFOD is an example of a national/global charity trying to make a difference for people who live in poverty
- SVP is an example of a local catholic charity aimed at providing friendship and practical help
3 things SVP chairty does on a local level to help those in need?
- SVP members visit people in need in their care homes, hospitals or in prisons and offer support, friendship and advice
- help individuals with practical needs - eg might help with shopping
- might run slightly bigger projects eg soup kitchens for the homeless
2 things CAFOD chairty does on a global level to help those in need?
- provides emergency aid in places overseas which have been victim to natural disasters or conflicts and provides help to rebuild their lives
- challenges national and international laws and policies that hurt those living in poverty
What are kingdom values?
Values or standards for living that God wants people to have as members of his kingdom eg humility and love
What is vocation?significance in regard to kingdom values?
Vocation Is a call from God to take a certain role in life, like priesthood and embracing the kingdom values, such as serving others and showing love - christians believe everyone has their own vocation
How are kingdom values expressed in priesthood - give 3 ways?
- priest takes a promise of celibacy - they commit themselves, body and soul to God which shows obedience to God
- serve others and because they dont have a family are always free to help others
- take a promise of obedience to their bishop knowing they are obeying the voice of God
How are kingdom values expressed in family life - give 2 ways?
- love unites a family together
- aim to teach their children kingdon values and by doing so they help to spread the kingdom of God on earth
How are kingdom values expressed in religious life (eg monks or nuns) - give 3 ways ?
- they take a vow of poverty,chasity and oedience to show they are committed to gods values
- they take on roles as teachers, nurses or care workers to show love through helping others
- they live simple lifes dedicated to prayer and serving others
How has Pope Francis helped create justice for the poor - give 3 ways?
- he increased the number of priests working among the poor
- he aims to inspire other to live more simply - for example he lives in a small modest flat rather then a large apartment in the vatican
- he criticises economic policies that lead to inequality - speaks out against all forms of abuse
How has Pope Francis helped create peace - give 3 ways?
- played a role in restoring relations between US and cuba
- he brings together leaders of countries that have been at war with each other - eg prayed with palestinian and israeli presidents
- uses public addresses to pray for peace
How has Pope Francis tries to restore relationships between people (reconciliation) - give 3 ways?
- he goes to local prison every Maundy thursday and washes the feet of 12 prisoners incluing muslims
- visited areas of tenstions in the world
- has helped reconcile some of the tensions between muslims, ews and christians - by praying with muslim and jewish leaders
2 quotes which inspire SVP society?
- ‘you shall love your neighbour as yourself’
- ‘all of you are one body with many parts’