Unit 6 - Relationship And Families✔️(paper 2) Flashcards
Quote that shows men and women are both equal?
“He created them;male and female he created them.God blessed them”
What does the catholic church teach sex should be?
Marital , unitive and procreative
Define marital?
To do with marriage
Define unitive?
Something that joins or unites people together
Define procreative?
Open to creating new life
How is commitment of love expressed in the catholic chruch?
Expressed through the sacrament of marriage - where the couple will make promises that they will be together for life - the commitment is then consummated in the physical union of sex
Catholic church teachings on sex before marriage?
The sacrament of marriage is finalised and expressed in sex which is a holy union that should not take place before the couple have commited themselves to each other - sex outside of marriage devalues it
Why should sex be unitive?
Sexual love expresses and deepens the couples love for each other and it is through this physical act which the couple come closer together “and the two shall become one flesh”
Main reason why adultery is forbidden in the ten commandments and church teachings?
It destroys the unity that is expressed in sex - sex is a creative act which strengthens the couples commitment for each other
Why should sex be procreative?
All life comes from God but God acts through sex to create new life and one of the commitments accepted in the catholic marrige ceremony is that the couple will accept children lovingly from God
3 key ideas from John Paul II theology of the body?
-People discover and expess their fignity through the body - this includes the ability to think and to choose
-the full meaning of the body and the person can only be appreciated when there is a deep relationship with a member of the opposite sex - John paul called this the ‘nuptial’ maning of the body
-true mutual love includes responsible parenthood - and not having more children than the couple can provide for
3 featues from Theology of the body that teach about sex in the church?
-sex in marriage is a fulrilment of the love of the husband and wife - rather then just an act of pleasure it enriches each partner and is a gift of love
-through sex the couple show that they live for each other in mutual love and respect and the use of contraception damages the significance of sex
-female body has periods of fertility and infertility and it is perfectly acceptable to make use of natures cycles to reduce the chance of pregnancy
Contrasting views on theology of the body teachings on sex?
In morden society some people treat sex as a gift of pleasure which should be shared amongst others and are open to ‘casual sex’ whilst others disagree and say it decreases the significance of this act of love which should be shared with your partner after marriage and argue casual sex can lead to STI’s and STD’s
Catholic church teaching on sex before marriage?
Sex is the total commitment of a man to a woman and should be an exclusive act shared only with the person you have pledged to spend the rest of your life with - sex before marriage devalues it and the gift of virginity which should be preserved until marriage (which wil also reduce risk of stds being passed on)
Contrasting views on the Catholic church’s teaching on sex before marriage?
Many people wait to find someone they love before having sex - others think casual sex is fine (providing it doesnt cause emotional harm) the use of contraception allows for safe sex and no chance of pregnancy
Catholic church’s teachings on adultery?
Breaks the commitment that is made in the marriage promises “till death do us part” and is an act of betrayal and can make an innocent partner feel rejected and can destroy trust between married couples and bring tensions into their family which can also affect any children they have
Contrasting views on the catholic church’s teachings on adultery?
Should be forgiven under certain cirumanstances for example in a very unhappy marriage (eg it could be abusive) where its seems the only way to change or improve the marriage and some argue that personal happiness is more important even if it can cause harm to someone else
Catholic church’s teachings on homosexualiy?
- Sex should be procreative and bring new life into the world and homosexual couples are unable to reproduce
- can not carry on a generation of believers
Contrasting Catholic church’s teachings on homosexualiy?
Same sex couples are Legally allowed to get married in england just not in the catholic church - shows that many of the british society believe homsexuals should have the same rights as anyone else - many believe the catholic church is outdated and needs to mordernise and goes against what God would want as we are all equal and should be treated fairly
4 conditions for a valid marriage?
-people have to be free to marry - can not be already married
-must be getting married of their own free will - can not be forced into marriage
-must not be closely related - first cousins can not marry’
-must be consent or it is not a valid marriage
Reason why the church is against same sex marriage?
Church has insited that marriage is a sacrament between a man and a woman and two people of the same sex can not promise to accept children lovingly from God
Reason why the church should allow same sex marriage?
Many people in contemporary british society believe homosexuals should be entitled to exactly the same rights as hetrosexuals including the right to marriage
Three examples of the nature of marriage?
-an exclusive union of two people
-a sacrament and a sign of God’s love and blessing on and through the couple
-a sign of the love of christ for the church
Three examples of what the marriage promises stress?
-the marriage takes place in public with both the husband and wife ready to declare their love in front of other people - public announcment is also asking for the community’s acceptance and support of the marriage
-fule name and ‘here present’ are used to ensure there is no question about exactly who is making the commintment to who
-the commitment is ‘till death do us part’ once the commitment is made in full freedom of choice it is not posible to marry another person
Why is the church against cohabitation?
-breaks the sanctity of marriage and the sexual union
-relationship might end at any point when either partner decides to move on
-it can destroy the sense of family,with potentially disastrous results for any children
Three reasons for an annulment?
-one of the couple continued having affairs with other people after the marriage has taken place
-couple either did not have sex at all or used contraception showing neither is prepared to live by the promise they woul accept children lovingly from God
-couple was forced to get married - possibly under pressure from family
Why is the church against divorce?
-couple made promises which included the words ‘till death do us part’ and since the promises were made before God and infront of witnesses they cannot be broken
-God made man and woman to be united as one and no human has the ability to break this bond
-jesus taught that anyone who divorced and then married another person was committing adultery
Why are people againts the church’s teachings on divorce?
-many people argue that if a couple has fallen out of love their is no point in them remaining married - aswell as this 43% of marriages in england end in divorce and many people argue this shows the church needs divorce
-divorce is a good option if the marriage is abusive and causing emotional pain
2 points against divorce?
-if it was easier to get a divorce fewer people would try and make the marriage work
-couple has made promises infront of everyone and god so they should stick by them
Catholics views on remarriage?
If the husband or wife had died it means the marriage had ended naturally or if they had an anulment then the church teaches they are free to remarry - a person who divorces and remarries cannot recieve communion which reflects the church’s belife in the sanctity of (valid) marriage
Why is the church against artificial contraception?
Goes against the promise to accept children from God as the sex wont be procreative
Why form of contraception do the chuch allow?
Natural family planning - means taking advantage of the womans natural monthly cycle so the couple can choose when they are more likely to conceive or not conceive - the church supports this and encourages responsible parenthood and they teach that the parents must be aware of the family situation and take appropiate actions to ensure they can provide for any children they have
Church teachings on natural family planning?
The church teaches that natural family planning does not prevent the work of God but it makes use of gods gift of the womans monthly cycle to reduce or increase the chance of contraception - always leaving the final decision up to God
3 Arguments for contraception?
-prevents the spread of sexualy transmitted infections (STIs)
-morden society many people are okay with having sex with different partners and contraception prevents unwanted pregnancys
-concerns of global population some people believe familys should not have to many children because there is a limited amount of resources
3 Arguments against contraception?
-encourages casual sex as there is no risk of pregnancys which can lead to emotional damage as some people might feel as if they have just been used for pleasure
-goes againts the promise to God to have children and the sex will not be procreative
-forms of contraception are used when the egg is already fertelised for example the ‘morning after pill’ which some people see as an abortion and goes against the sanctity of life
What are the 4 tasks of familys?
-form a community
-support the life and personal development of each individual
-share in the development of the wider society
-share in the life and mission of the church
Why is security important in a family?
Children need a stable,safe enviorment in which to develop - development comes through experiencing life and responding to challenges and in a loving family these challenges can be presented in a way that ensure the child will not be harmed
Why is education important in a family?
Church teaches that parents are the first and most important teachers of their children and children should be able to grow and flourish supported by the actions,teachings and examples of their parents
Contrasting views on the churchs teachings on family?
Traditional idea of a ‘nuclear family’ is becoming less common in Britian with people arguing that the morals and values learned in a traditional family can still exist regardless of who makes up the family - some people argue that the emotional attachemnt to people is often more importants than blood connections and a might argue that a family who provides you support should consist of only the people you wnat it to
3 points in ‘Ephesians 5:21’ by the appostle paul about family?
-family life is livied in the love of christ - what people do for each other they also do for christ
-husbands should love their wives unconditionally even to the point of dying for them
-children should obey their parents as this is Gods command - this obedience is a way for children to honour their parents
Catholic teachings on ‘mothers’ and the dignity of work in the home?
Catholic chruch stresses the importance of a mothers role in looking after the home and children and that women should be given every possible help to fulfil their duties within the family but this if of course not their only purpose in life
Catholic teachings on the mans/fathers ob in the family?
The role of the man should be to provide for the needs of the family,protect the family and teach by word and example
Catholic church teaching on single or same sex parents?
Church teaches marriage is limited to the union of one man and one woman therefore any family that is not founded on this relationship is not encouraged by the catholic hurch
Contrasting views on single or same sex parents?
There is growing acceptance in britian today of same-sex parents and many people argue that the love between the children and the parent is what matters most aswell as this same sex couples can adopt and fulfill Gods whish (for married couples to bring life into the world) in another way by adopting and embracing the sanctity of life
2 qoutes that show men and women are equal in the bible - Genesis?
“God created humankind in his image …. male and female he created them”
“A man laves his father and his mother and clings to his wife and they become one flesh”
Examples of the importance of women in the bible?
-The importance and dignity of women is symbolised in Mary, the mother of Jesus.she is the perfect disciple as she shows how all people should be open to the will of God
-Jesus showed great respect for women in his teachings about divorce and adultery,he showed that the same standards apply to men and women
-Jesus first appeared to a woman after the resurrection and that Mary of Magdala was given that task of announcing the resurrection to Jesus’ male followers
Importance of men in the bible?
most events recorded are about men - even in the new testerment men appear. To dominate - Jesus’ 12 apostle were all men this is however largley due to the structure of society at the time as women going from town to town preaching would not have been accepted by the genreal population
Churchs teachings on men and women being equal?
In Genesis it shows how God made both women and man in his image and the church believes that women and men can not be the same due to differences in physical and phychological traits but this enables each to reinforce the other and value the gifts and qualities that are more prominent in the other - and when a man and women unite they create a natural bond that strengthens and completes them as individuals
Contrasting views on the churchs teachings on equality?
Many argue that men and women should not have predifined roles (for example women can not be priests in the catholic church) and many view this as sexist as they believe treating women as equals would also mean allowing the chance to fufill the same roles as men and whilst overall men and women might be suited for particular roles this doesn ot mean that individuals should be expected to fulfil only these roles
Catholic churchs teachings on gender discrimination?
-discrimination can do great damage as it prevents people from developing their God-given talents and can make them feel like they have less worth and value
-Pope francis spoke how women have the same rights as mens and should therefore be paid the same
-however the catholic church teaches that men and women should not be treated identically unless the situation requires this - men and women have their own roles which must be respected