Unit 8 - Redemption✔️ (paper 1) Flashcards
4 ways christ is present at the eucharist?
- in the consecrated bread and wine
- in the word proclaimed in the readings from the bible
- in the priest working through him
- in the worshippers together,as the body of christ
Give an example of one interpretation of the story of adam and Eve?
Is a myth that shows an important factor about the relationship between God and humans - God accepts that humans do not always do as he wants despite the fact it destroys the harmony between him and creation - more important that humans are free and able to accept Gods will
Christian belief on sin?
Sin is the rejection of the will of God - christians believe that all humans are born with the tendency to reject God (origional sin)
How was the relationship between God and humanity damaged? How was it restored?
due to human weaknes humans alone can not restore the relationship with God (which had been broken by sin) - the only way which God could help without destroying the gift of free will was so send his son in full human condition to re-establish the relationship between god and humanity
Christians belief on Jesus restroing the relationship between God and humanity?
Christians believe that jesus lived his life in total obedience to the will of God (he lived by Gods law and love) - and it was this sacrafice of obedience rather than the sacrafice of pain and blood that restored the relationship between God and humans
Christian belief on Jesus’ ressurection?
Because Jesus fullfilled his father will and showed his obedience to God by accepting his own death - Jesus triumphed over death and hell (which could not hold him because jesus had never rejected god and sinned) - God raised Jesus from the dead and destroyed the power of sin - restoring the harmony of creation
What do christians believe about the ascension?
jesus goes to be with God and takes his place at the right hand of the father
3 exmaples in the gospel which show the importance of jesus death on a comsic (universe) level?
- sky turned dark in the middle of the day and there was an earthquake
- veil which seperated the holiest part of the temple from the rest tore in two
- water and blood flowed from the side of christ where he was pierced
Significance of the veil tearing in the holy temple of jerusalem?
Veil seperated the holiest part of the temple from the rest and when it tore it symbolised that the barrier between god and humanity had been broken and humans now had direct access to God
3 features of the ressurection of Jesus?
- jesus’ followers did not initially recorgnise him which suggests something had changed in jesus
-when he appeared jesus was present in bodily form
-jesus was no longer limited by things that would limit other humans - could appear in a locked room
Define salvation?
Freedom from sin and the eternal seperation from God that is brought about by sin
Explain slavation in the present?
For many christians salvation has come through the death and resurrection of Jesus - means sinners have been freed from the power of sin and death and the gates of heaven have been opened - salvation is an act of god and a gift of grace to the believers
Explain salvation in the present?
Others believe salvation is an ongoing process and while christ won the victory over sin, believers need to allow themselves to be guided by the holy spirit every day and must resist the temptation of sin and accept forgiveness
Explain salvation in the future?
Christians believe that the final vicotry of Gods grace will come at the end of time when Gods kingdom is established in full power - when this happens the power of sin and death will be completely destroyed and all believers will share in the glory of christ
Define atonement?
Restoring the relationship between people and God through life,death and the resurrection of Jesus
How is Jesus the example?
In the garden of gethseman, jesus was aware of all pain, both physical and emotional that he would have to suffer however through his courageous descion to be obedient to the will of god, jesus set an example for all people to follow
How is jesus the restorer?
By his total obedience to the will of God, jesus restored the close relationship between all humanity and God
How is jesus the victor?
Jesus was full human and went through all that the expirences/conditions a human goes through, experiencing suffering and death - by bringing the presence of God into these experiences he defeats them and makes it possible for all humans to share in their defeat
2 features of the coming of the holy spirit?
- power of the holy spirits filled the disciples
- spirit transforms the desciples and gives them both the courage and ability to go and spread the news
Why did Jesus descend into hell?
To free those who had died before him including phrophets, moses and abraham who rose up to heaven with him
What was St irenaeus’ metaphor on salvation?
Slavation metaphor - salvation is part of Gods plan for human beings - all humans were affected by the rejection of the will of God (when adam and eve ate the fruit) - it was Jesus’ total acceptance of the will of God that save humanity from the affects of sin
Features of St irenaeus’ salvation metaphor?
Makes use of the parallels between Adam and Jesus - particulary in the symbol of the two trees just as humans were lost by eating the fruit of a tree they were saved by another, the cross Jesus died on - jesus was totally obedient to the will of God in contrast Adam disobeyed God
What was St Anselms metaphor on salvation?
Said that jesus’ obedience ‘paid a ransom’ for the sins of all humans - he was using a metaphor here from the slave trade - just as slaves could be freed if enough money was paid, so humans are freed from the effects of their sins through the payment made by Jesus
Issue with St Anselms metaphor on salvation?
some christians unhappy with question to whom the ransom is paid - idea there is someone greater then God through the
What is christians belief on conscience?
Is the voice of God in their heart and soul - which means that God through the holy spirit guides each person to make the right choices - should be the deciding factor when making a descion but can be supported with other factors like education
Christians should not just work alone with conscience but with ….?
- law of God - which is summarised in the ten commandment and two great commandments of Jesus
- teachings of the catholic church are infallibly guided by the presence of the holy sirit
- human nature is a gift from God that helps guide people and avoid evil
How do the readings reflect the understanding of redemption?
Catholics are reminded that God has guided his people - in Gospel readings, Jesus demonstrates through his words and actions how God loves,heals and forgives all people
How does the offertory reflect the understanding of redemption?
The gifts (bread and wine) are brough to the altar as a sign o f thanksgiving
How do the eucharistic prayers reflect the understanding of redemption?
Exact words Jesus said at the last supper also called the words of instituion - transubtantation occurs when these words are said - ‘take this, all of you’
How does communion reflect the understanding of redemption?
Transubtation occurs - change of substance when the bread and wine become the actual body and blood of christ the exact moment this happens is called consecration (moment bread and wine become body and blood of christ)
How does the end of mass reflect the understanding of redemption?
Catholics go out into the world and through their daily actions share the presence of christ that they received in the eucharist
2 Features of ordthodox christians understanding of the eucharist and the practice?
- eucharist is called liturgy
- consecration takes place behind the holy doors of the iconostasis which is a highly decorated screen that divides the altar from the congregation
3 Features of Anglican christians understanding of the eucharist and the practice?
- some share the catholic understanding that in the eucahrist bread and wine literally becomes the body and blood of christ through a miracle
- larger group believe that christ is spiritualy present but not physicaly (brad and wine do not literally become body and blood)
- christ is present in the coommunity that share the eucahrist
Catholic belief about the eucharist?
Bread and wine literally become the body and blood of Jesus through a miracle - Christ is physicaly present ths is called real presence
2 Features of non-conformist christians understanding of the eucharist and the practice?
- eucharist is a memorial of the last supper and the purpose is to remember rather then re-enact which catholics do
- christ is present in the word of God - this is where they meet christ in particular
Features of quakers and salvation army and their understanding of the eucharist and the practice?
These groups do not celebrate any form of eucharist in genreal - believe that christ is present through the spirit who inspires their prayers and actions in the service of God and other people
Significane of ‘Do this in memory of me’ - words of consecration (eucharist prayer 3)?
jesus gaves his desciples the commission to do what he had done - means he mad them the first priests with the power to re-enact what he had done this has been passed on to bishops and priests
Why is Jesus refered to as the Lamb of God?
During the Jews escape from egypt God instructed every Jew to eat a lamb and put its blood on their door - to show they had obeyed Gods command and that no one in the house would be killed by the angle of death - for chrisians jesus is the new lamb of God, is death and blood destroyed the power of sin and death
Why do catholics recieve communion on the tongue rather then by hand?
Jesus is trully present and so they treat the eucharist with great respect as it is not normal bread which they might tough with their hands
What is bendiction?
Where the blessed sacrament is exposed and catholics worship christ in the sacrament
Importance of the altar?
Place of sacrafice - christ is present on the altar offering himself to the father on behalf of all humanity
Importance of the lectern?
Reading stand which the bible readings are given and the word of God is proclaimed - christians believe that Jesus is the word of God made flesh, christ is present when the word of God is proclaimed
Importance of the tabernacle?
Place in the church where the consecrated hosts are kept - is a sacred place where Jesus is kept
Importance of the crucifix?
Representation of jesus on the cross - reminded of what jesus suffered for the sake of humanity
What are 4 ways Jesus is present in the mass?
- consecrated bread
- Gods word proclaimed in the bible readings
- the priest
- the worshipers as the body of christ
4 features of church’s built before 1965?
- built facing Jerusalem
- built in the shape of a cross
- mass said in Latin
- altar against the east wall
4 features of church’s built after 1965?
- altar is physicaly closer to the people
- priest faces the congregation
-masses said in local language
Significance of an empty cross?
Emphasies christs victory over death
Significance of an risen cross?
Focuses on christ as the risen glorofied saviour