Unit 10 - Eschatology (paper 1) Flashcards
What are the ‘four last things’ christians believe in?
- death
- judgement
- heaven
- hell
Christian teachings on death?
- transition of a new phase of life without the limitations of the earthly body
- soul is judged by God and sent to heaven of hell
Catholic teaching on the body and soul at the end of time?
at the end of time (judgement) - the body and soul will be united in a perfect form
Christian teachings on judgement?
- after death God will judge everything a person did during their lifetime
- Gods judgement will be merciful - because Jesus died so all people could be saved
Christian teachings on heaven?
- state of eternal happiness in the presence of God - without worry of care
- God respects everyones freewill - we have a choice to accept God in order to enter heaven
Christians teachings on Hell?
- state of eternal seperation from God - an are in constant state of anger and frustration
- people send themselves to hell by not accepting God
What is the paschal candle?
Large candle that has an important role in church services like the Easter vigil
What happens during the easter vigil service?
- after the sun has set the priest lights a fire, and traces the designs of the alpha and omega symbols with his hands whilst saying a prayer
- priest lights the cande from the fire and says a prayer
- priest moves to altar whilst lighting candles held by everyone with the paschal candle
Why do alpah and omega symbols appear on the paschal candle?
Shows that christ is eternal
What does the paschal candel represent in the easter vigil service?
The light of christ coming into the world, to overcome darkness of sin and death - glory of christ shared to everyone through the lighting of the believers candles
Why is a paschal candle lit for baptisms and funerals?
Shows the person has been filled with the light of christ - lit at funerals to show the deceased person has joined christ in the resurrected life
Features of the paschal candle?
- five grains of incense represents the five wounds christ recieved
- alpha and omega symbols show christ is eternal
- candle represents the risen christ
What is the last judgement?
Painting by michelangelo that depicts the final judgement
fetaures of ‘the last judgement’ painting?
- chirst is the central figure in the painting - emphasises his importance as the judge of all, his right hand is raised reflecting the parable of the sheep and goats
- everyone except Mary and Jesus are naked - shows everyone is equal after death
- saints are holding the tools used to torture and kill them - all portrayed with perfect bodies
How can ‘the last judgement’ help christians with their faith?
- saints presented with perfect bodies - shows those who stick to their faith will be raised up to heaven
- those who are good and follow God will rise up to Jesus those who do not will go to hell (larger book for people going to hell)
Catholic teachings on the body?
Whole person, body and soul will be judged in Gods presence, and since its the temple of the holy spirit it should be treated with respect even after death
Features of tombstones?
- often inscribed with RIP - prayer expressing hope that the person is in heaven
- shaped like a cross - shows the person believed in Jesus
- have angles carved on them - idea the angel will present them to God
What is a tombstone?
Large carved stone that is placed over a persons grave - indicates the person believd in Jesus and expresses the hope they will be resurrected with Jesus
What is a monument?significance?
Structure that is built to remember an important person or event - shows the person believed in Jesus and a reminder that Jesus died so everyone would be able to expirence heaven
Features of monuments?significance?
In the middle ages monuments were often decorated with skeletons and symbols of decay - reflects the belief, no matter how important or wealthy a person is, they face death and God’s judgement like everyone else
What are rememberance gardens?
Outside area where the ashes of people can be kept - many people today choose to be cremated
Significance of remembrance gardens?
Help mourners reflect on the peace and beauty of heaven - and allows people to mourn in peace and feel close to the loved one
Define eschatology?
The study of what will happen at the end of time
3 bible teachings on the end of time?
- cosmic disasters - stars falling from heaven / sun darkening
- Jesus will come to judge the whole of creation
- reign of God will be established
Early christians belief on resurrection?
- believed Jesus’ resurrection meants the end of the world would happen shortly
- all people would then be resurrected and taken into the presence of God
Give evdience from St pauls letter on the apperance of the resurrected body?
- ‘If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual body’
Catholic teaching on purgatory?
Cleansing process after death where the effects of sins are removed so the person can feel happy in the presence of God
What is particular judgement?
Happens immediately after a person dies when God judges someone on a personal individual basis - results in person going to hell or heaven
What is final judgement?
Happens at the end of time - christ will come in glory and judge the whole of creation and the reign of God will be established and everything made perfect
Contrasting christian views on life after death?
- many do not believe in purgatory
- some christians believe judgement happens during the second coming of christ
Beiefly explain the parable of the rich man and Lazarus?
Story of a rich man who had everything but never gave to the poor, homeless man called Lazarus layed at the gates of his house when both men die the rich man goes to hell where he calls out to Abraham (who is in heaven)
3 teachings from parable of the rich man and Lazarus?
- showing love and kindness to others will lead to heaven
- hell is a place of torment and isolation from God
- not possible to move between hell and heaven
Evidence that shows it is not possible to move between heaven and hell?
- abraham tells the rich man there is a “great chasm” between heaven and hell
- can’t escape hell by repenting or apologising
- persons actions and choices lead them to hell
How will having faith in Jesus lead people to heaven?
abraham replies to the rich man “if they do not listen to moses and the prophets … neither will they be convinced if somone rises from the dead” - means that if people do not listen to the scriptures of have faith in God they will not go to heaven
What is cosmic reconciliation?
Idea that at the end of time, the whole of creation will be reconciled with God
What does Jesus say to Julian of norwich when she asks why there is hell?
“It was necessary that there should be sin; but all shall be well and all shall be well” - shows God has given humans free will and the whole of creation will be brought together