Unit 3 - Judaims Beliefs And Teachings✔️(paper 2) Flashcards
How many Gods do Jews believe in?
Jews believe in one God who is beyond human understanding - is infinte and has no beggining or end
Belief about one God in the Shema?
First two verses express belief in the oneness of God and how human should respond to this belief - “The Lord alone”
Quote that supports Jews view on monotheism?
“the lord is our God,the lord alone”
Define monotheism?
Belief that there is only one god
Do Jews support abortion and euthanasia?
No - Jews believe in the sanctity of life and that all life is holy and precious because it comes from God - seen in Genesis when he breaths life into Adam - so only God should begin and end life
What are some ways Jews are inspired by the sanctity of life?
-donate blood
-donate organs after death
What is the Talmud?
Talmud - important book in which rabbis give detailed esxplanations of the law in the Torah
Teachings about preserving life - “He who saves life … saves the whole world”
What is Pikuach nefesh?
This principle allows most Jewish laws to be broken in order to save life. It emphasises
how valuable human life is to Jews.Talmund also contains teaching where shabbat law can be broken
What is shabbat?
The Jewish Sabbath day - from sunset on Friday until sunset on Saturday and Jews must “keep the sabath day holy” (4th commandment) no form of work
What is the belief of shekhinah?
Shekhinah is the belief that God can focus his presence in a certain place, on earth.However jews belief God has no physical form or gender
Examples of shekhinah in Judaism?
The Tenakh describes how the Jews were sometimes led towards the promised land by a pillar of cloud during the day – and a cloud with fire in it at night which hovered above them and guided them. These are believed to be experiences of the Shekhinah.
Where did Jews belief shekhinah was focoused?
Focoused in the temple (soloms temple in jerusalem) and present in the Holy of holies - room entered only by the high priests once a year
Quotes that support Gods presence in the temple?
‘I beheld my Lord seated on a high and lofty throne’ (Isaiah 6:1)
4 ways Jews please God?
-studying scripture
-falling mitzvot
-Three moral principles:
• Justice
• Healing the world
• Kindness to others
Define orthodox jews?
Strict jews that follow laws and practices in the torah
Define reform jews?
Believe jewish laws and practices but should be re-interpreted to suit mordern life
Reform beliefs on the messiah?
-will not actually be a person but a period - “messianic age” of global peace and harmony everyone has a duty which is following the three moral principles
“Nations shall never again go to war”
Three moral principles?
• Justice
• Healing the world
• Kindness to others
How do reform jews believe God created the world?
With the big bang and created humans through evolution
How do orthdox jews believe God created the world?
Believe God actually created the world in 7 days and reject the big bang and evolution
Jews belief on Free will?
Jews believe God gave us free will and the choice between good and evil and choosing good is more significant to God then the ability to only do good (no free will) however somtimes people misuse their free will
Define mizvah?
Jewish law - God gave Jews 613 mitzvots to follow in the torah - first ten are the ten commandments and most important
What are 2 times when Jews believe they are judged by God?
-once a year at Rosh Hashanah
-when they die
Jewsih beliefs about sheol?
A place of waiting after death - were souls are cleansed similar to christians “purgatory”
Who did God reveal himself to?
Revealed himself to Abraham the first time in human history he revealed himself to humans
Said to him - “I will make you a father of a great nation and bless you”
Define covenant?
A solem promise or agreement between two or a group of people
What was Gods covenant with Abraham?
-to protect and favour the Istralites
-give abraham and his descendants a special land known as the promised land
In exchange:
-Jews have to live a life dedicated to God
-all Jewish boys to be circumsised - sign of the covenant
quotes on the covenant between God and Abraham?
“The lord chose you to be the treasued people”
Who was moses?
Isralite who lived arround 1000Bc in Egypt and saved the jews from slavery - chosen by God to lead the ews to the promised lands
What happend at mount sinai?
God renewed the covenant with abraham and made a covenant with moses and the jewish people and gave the jews 10 commandments to follow and live by aswell as blesses the isralites his chosen people
What is the jewish temple?
Build arround the tabernacle where the sekhinah resided in jerusalem and destroyed by the roman promised to be rebuilt by the messiah
What is the tenakh?
Believed to be the absolute word of god seperated into three sections:
What is the torah?
Compilaion/made up off the first five books of the hebrew bible and is the jewish law
What are Gods three characterisitics?
Omnipotent - almighty/unlimited power
Omniscient - all knowing
Omnipresent - being everywhere
Jewish belief on God and creation?
Jews believe God created everything and there is no concept in judaism that evil was created by the devil however he also gave jews free will and the choice too reject evil
Jews belief about the afterlife?
Little teaching about life after death in the jewish holy books - some jews believe there is physical life while others believe it is spiritual
What do the limited teachings on life after death describe?
Teachings imply that the good will enter paradise (Gan Eden) while others will go to a place refered to as Sheol (a place of waiting whilst the soul is cleansed)
Jewish teachings on Judgment and resurrecion?
-Some jews believe they will be judged by God as soon as they die others believe it will be on the day of judgement
-little to no teaching on resurrection some believe it is more spiritual rather then physical - jews believe it is important to focus on the present instead and pleasing God
What is meant by Messiah?
‘The anointed one’ a leader of the Jews who is expected to live on earth at some time in the future
What is meant by Messianic age?
A future time of global peace when everyone will want to become closer to God,possibly through the intervention of the messiah
Orthodox Jews belief on the messiah?
Believe that in every generation there is a descendent of king David who has the potential to be the messiah who will rule over all of humanity will kindness and justice and will uphold the law of the Torah and will rebuild the tmeple of Jerusalem
Orthodox Jews belief of what the messiah will do?
-rule over humanity with kindness and justice
-uphold the law of the Torah
-rebuild the temple of jerusalem
-gather the jews back to the land of Israel
Jews belief on Jesus being the messiah?
Jews firmly believe Jesus was not the messiah as he did not fulfill the expectations that the jews have for their messiah
Example of two of the 10 commandments?
“You shall have no other gods beside me”
“You shall not murder”
Importance of helping others and charity to Jews?
Jews believe it is there job to heal the world and volunteer and do charity suported by “Love your fellow as yourself”
How did Moses communicate God? what did God instruct him to do?
400 yeasrs after coveneant with abraham - God spoke to moses through a bruning bush and he told moses to approach the egyptian pharoah and demand him to release the jews - god sent plagues and jews escaped to desert - God gave moses 10 commandments at mount sinai
Significance of the 10 commandments?
detail how Jews should live there life - most important teachings to please God but were also the basis of the covenant between God and the jews