Unit 7 - Triune God✔️ (paper 1) Flashcards
What are the book of psalsm?
poetry found in the old testament centred arround the prasie of God - form the back bone of the divine officce
When are psalms used in mass?
Used during mass between the first and second reading often said to help peple focus
What does ‘liturgy’ refer to? What is used to enliven the liturgy?
Refers to the practices and rituals that happen during the communal worship of God - music helps enliven the liturgy and allows people to take part in a meaningful way
What is plainchant? When is it used?
Plainchant or gregorian chant is an ancient form of music that is usually unaccompanied and sung to a limited range of notes
What are traditional hymns?
Usually hymns that have been used by generations of believers - they are still in use today eg ‘soul of my saviour’ - they help raise the minds and hearts of believers and are used alongside modern hymns to help people of all ages feel involved in the mass
Who changed the rules for which the mass could be said in? Why did they change it?
Thhe Second Vatican Council allowed the mass to be said in the country’s own language rather than in Latin - done so that people could feel more personally involved in the mass and be able to join in the singing
What is contemporary music? Why is it used?
Contemporary worship songs often use musical instruments that are modern like guitars and drums rather then the organ - many people believe God should be worshiped in a way that reflects the feelings of the people present and therefore feel the upbeat nature of contemporary music reflects this best
Issues with contemporary music?
Some people find this type of music disrespectful as they feel the upbeat music can distract people rather than helping them focus on God - however many people see it as the church responding to the need of catholicss in the twenty-first century
What are mass settings? What features should they have?
Music that enables people to sing certain parts of the mass - such as the Alleluia and the Eucharistic acclamations - often use simple melodies to reflect a style of music that is both contemporary yet suited to public worship and easy to join in
What are acclamations?
Specific parts of the mass which are praised with great enthusiasm
What is the Gloria? When is it said?
Gloria is based on the hymn of the angels - it is not said during the season of advent or lent which are the more sorrowful periods during the church’s year
What is the alleluia? When is not said?
Hebrew word meaning ‘praise God’ and is sung three times to announce the resurrection it is hymn of joy,triumph and praise of God and is not used during lent - at every mass (except during lent) the gospel is introduced by an alleluia
What does the word ‘sanctus’ mean?
Latin for ‘holy’ it is the first. Word of the hymn sung before the eucharistic prayer at every mass - it is based on the vision of isaiah in the temple when the angles cried out ‘holy,holy,holy’ - can be sung in a reflective manner showing peace and harmony some of the plainchant versions follow this approach it can also be sung as a jubilant hymn of praise to God
What is the mystery of faith?
Immediately after the bread and wine have become the body and blood of christ, people proclaim the mystery of faith
Which two terms are used to refer to the belief of three persons in one God?
-Triune God - stresses the fact that within God there is a three-ness
-Trinity - focuses on the distinctive qualities of each of the three persons
significance of jesus’ baptism?
-spirit of God is shown as a dove, free to go where it wills - the spirit comes down on Jesus and stays with him
-jesus is called by God,the father ‘my son, the beloved’
-the father is unseen but makes his presence felt through his word - the father loves the son, the holy spirit is the bond of love between the father and the son
Why is jesus’ baptism important?
First instance in which the trinity is revealed
What does the nicene creed teach about God the father?
God the father is the almighty creator of all things and the source of all life - “the father almighty”
What 2 things does the nicene creed teach about God the son?
-chirst is the ‘only begotten son of God’ - meanss that the son shares in the same nature as the father - God the son was “born before all ages” - there was never a point when the son did not exist
-God the son became human out of love for people to save humans from the eternal seperation from God, that is caused by sin - He suffered and died as a human being,fulfilling Gods promises in the old testament
What 3 things does the nicene creed teach about God the Holy spirit?
-the spirit or breath of God gives life to all things
-the spirit comes from both the father and the son - unting them in love
-the spirit inspired people to let them know the will of God
How does the trinity influence christians to help people?
Through missions - encouarges the church to send out people to care for the needs of other people in many ways for example providing education,medical care and guidance on farming techniques believe that ‘those who love God must love their brothers and sisters also”
What is evangelism?
Preaching the good news about jesus to other people - many pass on the gospel because they want to help other experince the joy,peace and love of being a believer - it is often done at great personal risk
Significance of jesus baptism with the trinity and triune god?
baptism of Jesus - spirit descends on jesus and remains with him and voice of the father proclaims jesus as his son - “spirit descending like a dove on him” and “a voice came from heaven, ‘you are my son, the beloved”
Whilst the words ‘triune god’ and ‘trinity’ are not mentioned in the bible there are moments where they are refrenced what are these moments?
-jesus’ baptism
-pauls letter to the Galations
Significance of pauls letters to the Galations with regard to the trinity and triune god?
Throughout pauls writings he made constant refrences to the father, son and spirit - “God has sent the spirit of his son into our hearts”
What does St Augustine teach about the trinity?explain his analogy of ‘love’?
‘Love’ replaces the holy spirit - The father loves (which is the holy spirit) the son, and the son loves (which is the holy spirit) the father - this love is not contained within God it pours outwards into the hearts and lives of believers as the holy spirit
What does Catherine LaCugna teach about the trinity?
The son is continually, eternally coming from the father - is the love that eternally unites the father and the son and constanly flows outwards into the whole of creation to bring redemption - the son comes from the father to save humanity, continually guiding believers towards the father - all things will be brought back to God
Why did Augustine focus on the relationship within the trinity?
He said that understanding this is essential for understanding God
What did LaCugna teach about the relationship within the trinity?
Placed more importance on the outward effect of the trinity - she though the best way to know God is through understanding God’s actions in peoples lives
Why is the ceremony of a person becoming a bishop important?
Involves the laying of hands - a symbolic gesture that passes on the power of the holy spirit and the apostolic authority (since the leader of the apostles, Peter died in Rome so there has been an unbroken succession of bishops) - Pope and bishops form the magisterium (the authority of the chruch)
What is the council?importance of this meeting?why is it important to catholics?
When the pope and bishops gather to discuss and make descions about important issues for the church - teachings that come from the council are believed to be infallible (without error) as catholics believe the church is being guided by the holy spirit
Example of two important councils held in the last century?
- council of nicaea
- council of constantinople
Why was the council of nicaea called?what was the outcome?
- priest called Arius was teaching that only God the father was eternal, not God the son
- council confirmed that the son is eternally begotten from the father, and that the father and son have always co-existed and are both equal and of the same nature
Why was the council of constantinople called?what was the outcome
- further disputes about the nature of the trinity, including the nature of Jesus
- confirmed that the holy spirit is the third person of the trinity and fully God, and that Jesus is both fully God and fully human
What was produced as a result of the council of constantinople?importance?
Nicene creed which is a statement of faith that all catholics accept, which sets out the church’s beliefs about the trinity and jesus
What is the magisterium?
Refers to the authority the pope and bishops have to shape the catholic chruch’s teachings, which comes from the authority of the twelve apostles
Jesus’ teaching on baptism?
jesus ordered his apostle to baptise all of his followers - jesus himself was baptised by john the baptist
4 reasons which show the Importance of baptism?
- cleanses a persons of all their sins
- sacrament or sign of initatian through which a person becomes a member of the church
- shares the life of the father,son and holy spirit
- pledg that the person will join God in heaven when they die
What does baptism symbolise give three examples?
- new stage of life abnd joining in with Jesus’s death and resurrection
- symbolising the person commiting their life to God
- rising up out of the water symbolises a new life as a chrisian
What does the use of water in baptism symbolise?
Water symbolises the holy spirit - during baptism a person is filled with the holy spirit
Catholic church’s teaching on prayer?
Describes prayer as ‘raising the heart and mind to God’
What are traditional prayers?
Have set words that have been used over generations of believers - some people prefer them because the familiar words help them open up to the presence of God
what are spontaneous prayers?
Made up in the moment - some people prefer them because they feel like a more personal and sincere way of communicating with God
Explain what a prayer is? Give three exmaples?
- when a person opens up to God and communicates with him, listening to his answer
- inspired by the holy spirit
- the highest form of prayer is jesus offering himself to the father on the cross
Example of some traditional prayers?
- our father
- hail mary
3 reasons why spontaneous prayer is prefered by some people?
- feels more sincere - and lets you open up to God and your own personal concerns and worries
- helps you to develop an individual relationship with God
- comes from the heart and reflects how you feel at the moment
3 reasons why traditional prayer is prefered by some people?
- don’t have to worry about coming up with the right words
- don’t have to focus on the words - can focus on God
- familar words can help comfort you
Why are physical postures used when praying?
Can assist prayer and help to show intention behind prayer
Why might people kneel when they pray? What does it mean?
- sign of humility
- shows the person aknowledges God’s authority and submits to his will
- position asking for forgiveness
Why might people stand up with arms raised when they pray? What does it mean?
- sign of praise for Gods greatness and glory
- focuses on God ‘above’ in heaven
- the person is totally open to God
Why might people join hands when they pray? What does it mean?
- sign of asking
- a request for help from God
Why might people stand when they pray? What does it mean?
- sign of respect
- catholics stand for the Gospel reading at mass out of respect for God’s word
- shows readiness to act on Gods behalf