Unit 4 - Incarnation ✔️ (paper 1) Flashcards
What does incarnate mean?
Being made flesh
What are the catholic teachings on the incarnation?
-God took on the full limitations of the human conditions
-jesus went threw the whole human cycle
-God loves the human race so much he was prepared to share in it to the fullest extent
Significance of God taking on human conditions?
When God took on human conditions and became Jesus he went through the whole human cycle and expirenced human emotions and therefore can emphathise with the human race
How does God show he loves the human race?
Prepared to share it in the fullest extent - helps christians value Gods love
Jesus - “i will be with you always until the end of age”
What is grace?
Gods love freely available to all people poured into peoples hearts and brings people closer to God
What is a sacrement?
Sacrement - a moment of grace when God pours his love into us - “an outward sign of an inward grace”
What is the annuciation?
When the angle Gabriel asked mary to accept the role of the mother of the Son of God
Quote that shows God took on human conditions?
“word became flesh and lived among us”
What is the Ichthus symbol?
symbol used by early christians translates to “jesus christ son of God saviour”
Why are some christians against depicting God with art?
-God is infinite - not possible to depict with finite means like art
-second commandment states “do not worship false idols”
-statues can give wrong ideas of god and are misleading he is not human
why is using art to depict the incarnation acceptable?
-God has taken on a limited human form therefore we can depict him in this form
-we do not know what jesus looked like however we know he was a man with human qualities
-art can help Christians focus on spiritual ideas and aspects of Gods work
Sacred heart features
-Jesus dressed in kingly robes and sometimes wearing a crown
-hand pointing to heart
-Expression of peace and love
Significance of the crucifix?
reminder of the pain jesus suffered sometimes emphasised with his dead body shows his self giving love jesus has for all people
What was the sermon on the mount?
Jesus is the new lawgiver - building upon moses laws - starts the sermon(talk) telling people to change their attituded this part is known as the beatitudes
What are the beatitudes?
List of eight attitudes which jesus blesses in Gods eyes - example -“ blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”
Quote from jesus about the sermon on the mount?
“I have not come to abollish the laws but to fulfil it”
Example of three of jesus’s moral teachings from the sermon on the mount?
-even looking at someone lustfully is wrong
-do not even get angry at someone or insult them
-do not take revenge
Three examples of moses teachings which were later changed/fullfiled by jesus
-do not commit adultery
-do not commit murder
-an eye for an eye
Christians beliefs about jesus’ moral laws?
Christians believe jesus took the old laws and made them more perfect
What is Gods will?
The things that God wants people to do
What does jesus’ parable of the sheep and goats mean?
Jesus tells his followers that they must care for people who are in need - anyone who ignores the needs of other people will suffer “eternal punishment”
What is tradition?
Tradition that which has been passed down over time
What was st Irenaeugs teaching?
Aimed to show that the incarnation brings God and human closer to God and jesus is also the meeting point between a transcendent God and us humans on earth
“Jesus is the glory of God ,a human who is fully alive”
3 teachings from st Irenaeus?
-humans can get to know God threw Jesus seen threw the quote in the bible “he is the image of the invisible god”
-jesus is the perfect human and sets an example of how we should act
-‘jesus is the glory of God a human who is fully alive’
Quotes that show jesus is fully God and human?
“The word made flesh”
“The son himself is the word”
What is apostolic exhortation?
A letter or document from the pope encouraging catholics in their religion
What is the divine life?
The shared love of the father and the son in the holy spirit
3 examples of the sacrmanets?
When do catholics believe human life starts?
At the moment of conception - from that moment the whole person is present
Define imago dei?
The image of God the latin term used to how that God made humans in his image
Why should abortion be allowed in the church?
-if the mother is in mental/physical harm
-should be a womens own decision - gd gave us free will
-the quality of the childs life (might be severly disabled)
Catholic churchs teachings on abortion?
-murder breaks the commandment “tho shall not commit murder”
-sancity of life - all life is sacred
-the life begins at the moment of conception and that the person is fully present
Three statues that show the incarnation?
-christ the redeemer
-sacred heart
What were jesus’ moral teachings?
During the sermon on the mount jesus gives us a set of rules and values to apply to life
What is an issue with focusing to much with jesus being human?
There could be a tendency to slip into the hersey (belief) that jesus was not really God but just a good person but in reality he was God in ‘disguise’
Significance of marys child (john) leaping in her womb when she was greated by mary?
Christians believe it was because Jesus was trully present in his mothers womb from the moment of conception and therefore john sensed the holy spirit
Mother teresa quote on abortion?
“If we can accept a mother can kill even her own child how can we tell other people not to kill one another?”