Unit 2 - Judaism Practices (paper 2) Flashcards
What is Shabbat?
Shabbat is the Jewish holy day from sunset on Friday until sunset on Saturday it is a day of rest and a time to enjoy family life and worship - God told the Jews to celebrate and “keep the sabbath day holy”
Quotes on Shabbat?
“You shall not burn a fire in your dwelling on the day of Shabbat”
“Keep the sabbath day holy”
What food is placed on the table during Shabbat?
Wine or grape juice and two loaves of challah bread - wine symbolises joy and celebration - two loaves represent the two portions of manna(type of food) that God provided for the Israelites on Shabbat
What is challah bread?
Is a type of bread made with eggs that is usually braided before baking it is eaten on Shabbat - symbolises the food god gave the Israelites on Shabbat
How is the wine drunk on Shabbat and what does it symbolise?
Shabbat wine is sweet and usually drunk from a special goblet known as a Kiddush cup - drinking the wine symbolises joy and celebration
How are the candles lit during Shabbat?
Female member of the family lights the candles eighteen minutes before sunset to welcome Shabbat she will do this whilst waving/beckoning her arms and reciting a blessing and a prayer
What is the blessing the female family member will recite when lighting the candle?
“Blessed are you lord, our God, King of the universe who sanctifies us with his commandments, and commands us to light the candles of Shabbat?
What happens during the Friday meal?
After the evening service in the synagogue the parents bless the children and the household recites the Kiddush blessing while holding the Kiddush cup - family then say Amen
What happens after the Kiddush blessing?
Family say “amen” at the end of the blessing each family member then washes their hands as an act of purification
What is the challah bread dipped in?
Bread is cut into slices dipped into sprinkled salt and passed around to each other - salt symbolises the eternal covenant between God and Jews
When do boys have the brit milah?
When they are eight days old
What happens during the brit Milah?
A close friend or relative given the honour of placing the baby on an empty chair - trained circumciser picks the baby up and places him on the knee of a person chosen to be the “companion of the child” - boys father blesses the baby - others respond and a blessing is said over wine and the baby is formally named - the foreskin is then removed - it is a simple quick operation
What does the baby boy being placed in an empty chair symbolise?
Close friend or relative given the honour of placing the baby in an empty chair that symbolises the presence of the prophet Elijah
Who is the Sendek - brit Malah?
Sendeck is the “companion of child” it is a honoured role often given to the baby’s grandfather during the brit Malah
At what age are boys and girls considered old enough to take full responsibility for practising their faith?
Boys 13 and girls 12
When do boys have their bar mitzvah?
At 13 they will have their bar mitzvah ceremony and become a “son of the commandment”
When do girls have their Bat mitzvah?
When girls turn 12 they will have the bat mitzvah ceremony and become a “daughter of the commandment”
Teachings on bar and bat mitzvahs?
Their is no mention of ceremonies to mark coming of age in the Torah or Talmud but they are implied elsewhere
How is a bar mitzvah celebrated?
First opportunity after 13 birthday usually on the first Shabbat - boy is called to read from the Torah at the normal synagogue service - he will wear a tallit for the first time and may make a short speech - father thanks god for bringing his son to maturity-meal or party may be held after
How is a bat mitzvah celebrated?
Reform Jews often have a bat mitzvah ceremony and celebrations for girls - girl will read from Torah-give a short speech - often followed by a party/meal
How is a bar mitzvah celebrated by orthodox Jews?
Orthodox Jewish women do not take active role in synagogue worship-instead orthodox Jews may mark it will a family meal and gift - the girl may make a speech or give a brief Torah lesson at end of synagogue service
What do Jews do when they hear about a death?
Jews make a tear on the right side of the chest when they hear about the death of a loved one - symbolises that death has torn a hole in the fabric of their life-when children hear about death of parents - tear the clothes next to the heart symbolises that death is a permanent tear in their heart
Why do Jews tear their clothes when they hear about the death of a loved one?
In book of Genesis Jacob hears that joseph his son had tragically died he tears his clothes - “Jacob tore his clothes….and observed mourning for many days” - Jews incorporated this into Jewish law
What is the blessing Jews say upon hearing about the death of a loved one?
Jews will say a blessing that refers to God as the “true Judge” showing they accept Gods taking of the persons life
what are the four periods of mourning?
1) First period (24 hours)
2) second period - Shiva (7 days)
3) third period (30 days)
4) final period (11 months)
What happens during first period of mourning?
Family stay with the body until they are buried - usually 24 hours
What happens during the second period - Shiva?
Intense mourning for a weak - mourners stay at home sit on the floor and do not , wear shoes, makeup, shave or focus on their appearance - prayer services held in the home and Kaddish prayer recited
What happens during the third period?
Normal life resumes - mourners will not go to party’s, music concerts, travel for pleasure ext..
what happens during the final period?
Mourners and children still recti the Kaddish blessing daily - anniversary every year
Why are Jews buried in a simple coffin?
Shows everyone is equal after death
Define kosher?
Food Jews are allowed to eat
Define trefah?
Food Jews are not allowed to eat
Kosher food rule 1 - Requirements for Jews to eat food?
-have a split hoof
-eat grass
-have sevreal stomachs
2)Sea creatures:
-have fins
-have scales
-not be a bird of prey
-only eat grain
-have to be clean
Kosher food rule 2 - how to prepare food?
-do not mix with dairy - “You shall not boil a kid(baby goat) in its mothers milk”
-milk repersents ‘life’ should not be associated with death (meat)
Kosher food rule 3 - storing food?
-must have 2 sets of pans - one for meat and one for dairy
-two different areas for preparing meat and dairy
Kosher food rule 4 - how should animals be killed?
-animal must be healthy
-have its throat slit by a trained Jew
-blood drained from it - blood is not kosher
What is Rosh Hashanah?
Jewish new year period - lasts for about 10 days and finished with Yom Kippur - time of judgment
Jews belief about Rosh Hashanah?
Jews believe God judges their actions over the last year and decides how the year ahead will be - judgment influenced by Rosh Hashanah therefore they will make up with any wrongdoings
What is blown in the synagogue to announce Rosh Hashanah?
Rams horn - Shofar - blown 100 times in the synagogue
How is Yom Kippur observed?
“You will have a day of complete rest and self denial”
-no work is done
-no food/drink
-no sex
-white often worn as symbol of purity
3 ways Jews celebrate Rosh Hashanah?
1) special meal at home
2) special prayers
3) special synagogue service
What is the Seder meal?
On the first evening of Pascha families hold a Seder service and have a special meal - different aspects symbolise the struggle the Israelites suffered in Egypt
What does the matzah symbolise - Pescah?
Unleavend bread - Reminds the jews that the Istralites left in such a hurry they did not have time for their bread to rise
What does the charoset symbolise - Pescha?
Symbolises mortar used to make the pharoahs buildings - sweet taste symbolises freedom
What does the lamb bone symbolise - Pescah?
Symbolises the sacrifice of the lamb - whose blood Jews put on the doors on the night of the Passover
What does the roasted egg symbolise - Pescah?
-A symbol of the harshness of the Egyptians
-The new life offered to the Jews by God
*Not actually eaten
What does the bitter herbs symbolise - Pescah?
Bitter herbs – like horseradish – are eaten (with matzvah) to symbolise the bitter suffering of the slaves in Egypt
What does dipping the parsley symbolise - Pescah?
Next, a green vegetable -often parsley - is dipped into salt water.
• This reminds Jews of the sweat and tears of the slaves
• TheParsley is a symbol of the fresh start God gave the Israelites
What does the wine symbolise - Pescah?
• First, four cups of wine are drunk to remind Jews of the four times God promised freedom to the Israelites
• Wine symbolises the joy of freedom
3 ways Jews prepare for pesach?
- eat unleavened bread for seven days each year
- remove leaven(chametz) from the home this includes wheat, barley oats or grain
- clean there home thoroughly so that not a trace of leaven can be found
How long does pesach last for?
Seven or eight days and on the first evening of pesach families hold a Seder service and celebrate with a special meal
What is Yom Kippur?
The day of Atonement - a day of fasting on the tenth day after Rosh Hashanah