Unit 8 Vocab Part 1 Flashcards
Stimson Doctrine
US wouldn’t recognize territory acquired by force
Good Neighbor Policy
FDR, American troops out of foreign nations (esp Latin America)
Henry Wallace
ran on New Progressive Party due to disagreement w/ Truman policy, caused Dem party to split even more
Neutrality Act of 1935
prohibited arms shipments and US travel on ships of belligerent nations
Neutrality Act of 1936
forbade loan and credit extension to belligerent nations
Neutrality Act of 1937
arms shipments not used in Spanish Civil War
Neutrality Act of 1939
“cash-and-carry” basis for EU dem buying American war materials
Lend-Lease Agreement
FDR authorized sale of surplus military equip while still being neutral
Executive Order 9066
allowed internment camps to be set up to exclude residents seen as threat
southern dem who seceded from party in 1948 in opp to its policy of extending civil rights
Youngstown Sheet/Tube v. Sawyer
sc decision that limited the power of the President
Fair Deal (Truman)
domestic reform policies, included civil rights legislation
NSC 86
top secret policy paper, presented to Truman, one of most important American policy statements in the Cold War
Munich Agreement (1938)
permitted Nazi Germany’s annexation of certain parts of Czechoslovakia
Atlantic Charter
Churchill & FDR, promote democracy and intentions for improvement post WW2
Korematsu v US
relocation of Japanese Americans during WW2, raised constitutionality of their internment as a wartime necessity
Manhattan Project
developed first nuclear weapons during WW2, led by US w support of Canada and UK
War Productions Board
supervised war production during WW2, FDR established it
Office of Price Administration
in charge of stabilizing prices and rents during WW2
Zoot Suit Riots
series of brutal attacks, aimed toward Mexican-American teens involved in gangs
Yalta Conference
Big 3 (FDR, Churchill, Stalin), dealt w/ postwar occupation and partition of Germany
Potsdam Conference
Big 3, negotiated terms for WW2 compromise
FDR’s “Four Freedoms” speech
speech in which FDR proposed four fundamental freedoms for people
freedom of speech, worship and freedom from want, fear
United Nations
replaced the League of Nations, new international peacekeeping organization, US joined which signaled end of isolationism
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- defended dem nations of Western EU by using “collective security”
Warsaw Pact
communist alliance that the USSR led against NATO
Truman Doctrine
speech about military and economic aid to nations “at risk” of falling
“containment”/ George Kennan
official US policy toward communism, idea that US must prevent spread of communism
Marshall Plan
American initiative to aid Western Europe
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
American citizens who spied for the Soviet Union, they were later executed
U-2 incident
spy plan caught over the Soviet Union, embarrassed the US
Alger Hiss
American gov official who was accused of being a Soviet spy in 1948
Dr. Robert Oppenheimer
played major role in developing atomic bomb but spoke out against its use and was labeled as a security risk