1.3 Early Colonization Flashcards
What did Ponce de León explore in 1513?
The Florida coast
Who crossed Panama in 1513?
Vasco de Balboa
What was the first permanent European settlement in North America?
St. Augustine
Who conquered the Aztecs in 1521?
Hernán Cortés
Who conquered the Inca during the 1530s?
Francisco Pizarro
What was the encomienda system?
Colonists profited from land and indigenous labor
What divided the New World between Spain and Portugal?
The Treaty of Tordesillas
Who established “New France” near Quebec in 1608?
Samuel de Champlain
Who helped the French dominate the North America fur trade?
Friendly relations with the natives led to _______
extensive trade networks
What did the French bring?
Disease, guns and alcohol
What areas did the Dutch exploration focus on?
Modern NY
What did the Dutch build near Albany in 1614?
Fort Nassau
The Dutch built a settlement on Manhattan Island named _________
New Amsterdam
Who did the Dutch form an alliance with?
Iroquois Confederacy
Who ruled England from 1558 to 1603?
Elizabeth I
What were England’s main objectives during the 1570s?
To find the “northwest passage” to Asia, discover gold and disrupt Spain
Who founded the Roanoke colony in 1585?
Sir Walter Raleigh
What was the piece of land that mysteriously disappeared in 1590 called?
The “Lost Colony”
Who defended the Spanish Armada and 1588?
What did “God and Gold” fuel?
Spanish exploration and colonization
What did Ponce de León explore in 1513?
The Florida coast
Who crossed Panama in 1513?
Vasco de Balboa
What was the first permanent European settlement in North America?
St. Augustine
Who conquered the Aztecs in 1521?
Hernán Cortés
Who conquered the Inca during the 1530s?
Francisco Pizarro
What was the encomienda system?
Colonists profited from land and indigenous labor
What divided the New World between Spain and Portugal?
The Treaty of Tordesillas
Who established “New France” near Quebec in 1608?
Samuel de Champlain
Who helped the French dominate the North America fur trade?
Friendly relations with the natives led to _______
extensive trade networks
What did the French bring?
Disease, guns and alcohol
What areas did the Dutch exploration focus on?
Modern NY
What did the Dutch build near Albany in 1614?
Fort Nassau
The Dutch built a settlement on Manhattan Island named _________
New Amsterdam
Who did the Dutch form an alliance with?
Iroquois Confederacy
Who ruled England from 1558 to 1603?
Elizabeth I
What were England’s main objectives during the 1570s?
To find the “northwest passage” to Asia, discover gold and disrupt Spain
Who founded the Roanoke colony in 1585?
Sir Walter Raleigh
What was the piece of land that mysteriously disappeared in 1590 called?
The “Lost Colony”
Who defended the Spanish Armada and 1588?
What did “God and Gold” fuel?
Spanish exploration and colonization
Who succeeded Elizabeth in 1603 and signed a truce with Spain?
James I
Who renounced Spain claims to VA?
King Philip III
Why was a charter granted by James I in 1606?
To separate joint-stock companies
Who sent colonies to find Jamestown in 1607?
VA Co. of London
When was the First Anglo-Powhatan War fought?
Who spent years developing a proper farm to raise in VA?
John Rolfe
When was the House of Burgesses created?
What were Virginia’s three major problems by 1622?
Debt, death, Indian disputes
When was the second Anglo-Powhatan War fought and what did it do?
1622-1632 and bankrupted the VA Company
When did Virginia become a royal colony?
After James I revoked its charter in 1624
Who gave Thomas Westin a patent for a northern settlement?
VA Co of Lon
When and where did the Mayflower land?
November 1620 in Plymouth Bay
When was the Thanksgiving festival held?
After Plymouth’s first harvest
Separatist Puritans
Separatists is to felt the need to completely abandon the church of England
Believed that they could reform the church from within
A group of non-separatist Puritans fled to NE in the late 1620s and started what?
Massachusetts Bay Colony w Boston as its capital
What was the population boom in the 1630s caused by?
A “Great Migration”
John Winthrop
Influential leader of the MBC
John Winthrop envisioned Boston as a _______
“City upon a hill” for all to emulate
How did John Winthrop lay out his plans?
By writing “A Model of Christian Charity” in 1630