Unit 7 Vocab Part 1 Flashcards
Yellow journalism
exaggerated events, Hearst and Pulitzer fueled warfare + cause of Spanish-American war
ex: De Lome Letter, increased tension
1898 Treaty of Paris
ended Spanish-American war with negotiation of land
Causes of Spanish-American War
-“Yellow journalism,” sinking of USS Maine (Spain was blamed), Teller Amendment (justified war effort), De Lôme Letter
Insular Cases
established by SC that constit. rights do not automatically extend to land acquired in Spanish-American War
Teller Amendment
promised independence to Cuba, justified US war effort
Platt Amendment
seven conditions to get US troops out of Cuba
Schenck v US
Espionage Act upheld, prevented use of mail to intervene w/ war efforts
Schenck mailed leaflets opposing draft, couldn’t continue
League of Nations
peacekeeping organization est. after WW1, dispute without war, Wilson’s ideas BUT US never joined
Open Door Policy
John Hay, ALL nations have equal opp. to any Chinese port open to trade
-no China consent, imperialism
Fourteen Points
Wilson prin. for world peace: open diplomacy, freedom of seas, creation of organization (later League of Nations), self-determination
Big Stick Diplomacy
Roosevelt, promoted US interests
peaceful but threatened with “big stick”
Dollar Diplomacy
Taft, strengthen US ties
promoting US trade, less militaristic, foreign investment, private fin. investment
Missionary Diplomacy
Wilson, America respon. to spread its institutions and values to far corners of globe
Panama Canal
connects Atlantic to Pacific ocean, key channel for international trade
The “lost generation”
didn’t like US society anymore in 1920s, caused people such as Sinclair Lewis/ F. Scott to move to EU
Kellogg-Briand Pact
sixty-two nations pledged to not use war as instrument of policy
-if US, Germany or France broke they wouldn’t get benefits
National Origins Act
quotas to restrict flow of EU immigrants
Creel Committee
aimed to sell America and world on Wilson’s war goals
War Industries Board
coordinated purchase of war supplies for WW1:
Selective Service Act
made every adult male register for the draft at age of 18, helped US entry into WW1
Dawes Plan
Ease financial crisis in EU
Arabic Pledge, Sussex Pledge
no sinking of passenger/merchant ships w/o warning
Pacho Villa
killed many Americans in Mexico, US sent John Pershing to capture but he never did
Roosevelt Corollary
added to Monroe Doctrine, obstructed EU military intervention, assumed US right to “an international police power”
Zimmerman Telegram
Germany sec Zimmerman asked Mexico to attack US, rep. direct threat, hastened US entry into WW1
sunk by German u-boat, caused US to enter WW1 against Germans
Harlem Renaissance
black artistic and literary creativity in Harlem district of Manhattan
challenged views of women, flaunted sexuality in public
Palmer Raids
disregarded basic civil liberties, against suspected communists/anarchists
1920s fundmentalism
liberal inter. of Bible
Scopes Trial: John T. Scopes convicted of teaching evolution, shows conflict in fundamentalism/modernism