Unit 8 Significant Slideshow Flashcards
Which Wisconsin senator is responsible for the second red scare?
Joseph McCarthy
What communist alliance did USSR lead against NATO?
Warsaw Pact
What is NATO?
North Atlantic treaty organization; defended democratic Western Europe
What is the CIA?
Central Intelligence Agency; responsible for spying on other countries (espionage)
What was the Crucible inspired by?
Salem witch trials
Korean War
Communist North Korea invaded democratic South Korea
38th parallel
Border between north and South Korea
Eisenhower doctrine
Stopped communism from spreading into the Middle East
National highway act
Construction of interstate system
U2 incident
Spy plane caught and shot over Soviet Union
Domino theory
If one country falls, more will follow
Who was John Foster Dulles?
Secretary of State who made up brinkmanship
What was the UN subcommittee who was responsible for maintaining world peace?
Security council
Who came up with “containment”
George Kennan
Marshall plan
Provided economic aid that helped rebuild postwar Europe
Most famous suburbia
What did the UN replace?
League of Nations
What signaled the end of isolationism?
America joining the United Nations
What was the iron curtain?
Boundary begween Soviet controlled Eastern European nations and democratic Western Europe
Truman doctrine
Speech about military and economic aid to falling nations
Tuskegee airmen
Group of famous black fighter pilots
“Big three”
FDR, Churchill, and Stalin
Battle of midway
Turning point; US victory that halted Japanese expansion
Island hopping
Attaching strategic islands en route to Japan
Manhattan project
Developed first atomic bomb
Casablanca conference
FDR and Churchill decided on Sicily
Dealt with postwar occupation and partition of Germany
What were the two cities the United States bombed?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Blamed US entry into WWII in greedy bankers
Nye commission
Date that Nazis invaded Poland
September 1, 1939
Date of Pearl Harbor
December 7, 1941
Act pushed by FDR through congress that aided Britain and ended US neutrality
Lend lease act
Case that upheld Japanese American internment camps
Korematsu v United States
Conference that agreed upon appeasement after hitler claimed Sudentenland
Munich conference
FDR policy that attempted to reverse previous interventionist policy in Latin America
Good neighbor policy
Use KF aggressive force to bring glory to a nation or race
Speech by FDR that compromised neutrality and isolationism in America
Quarantine speech
Dress rehearsal for WWII
Spanish civil war
Which two countries signed the nonaggression act
Germany and USSR
What legislation was made in response to the launch of the Sputnik?
National defense education act