6.5 Progressivism Flashcards
When was the first time the government regulated an industry?
Interstate Commerce Act
What did the Sherman Anti-Trust Act do?
Prohibited monopolies and trusts that hindered competition
What was a big shortcoming of the Anti-Trust Act?
Failed to provide adequate definitions (loop holes)
What event caused NYC to pass new fire and safety codes?
Triangle Shirtwaist fire
The progressive era consisted of?
Much reform
What book sparked the reform movement?
Jacob Riss’ “How the Other Half Lives” (talked about urban poor)
Reform minded journalists and writers
Who exposed Rockefeller?
Ida Tarbell
What book was written that exposed the meat packing industry?
“The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair
Who was the first progressive president?
Theodore Roosevelt
Square deal
Fair treatment for all Americans
Forest Reserve Act
Set aside land for public parks and to protect resources
What two things improved public health?
Pure food and drug act (FDA) and meat inspection act
What was Roosevelt known as?
“Trust Buster”
What was the outcome of Northern Securities v United States?
Broke railroad monopoly
What was passed to stop the spoils system?
Pendleton Civil Service Act
Which court case showed the weakness of the anti-trust act?
U.S. v EC Knight