unit 8 presidents, impact, etc. Flashcards
- Truman Doctrine (1945) contain communist countries
-Marshall Plan- economic & financial recovery offered to ussr if they changed
-Berlin Airlift- in response to ussr blockade
NATO (Ussr warsaw pact) - sent MacArthur for korean war, start of war (38th parallel)
1948 signed bill making segregation in armed forces illegal
created committee on civil rights 1946
Fair Deal- improve housing, increase employment rate, national health insurance (shot down) a higher min wage, better farm prices support,
new TVAs (?)
taft-hartley act- made it easier for congress to break up union labor groups and strikes, stopped closed shop
Truman’s Impact (1948-1952)
- handeled start of cuban scare with fidel castro
- 1953 stop creeping socialism
- tried to stop TVAs
stop military/industry relationship - operation wetback- one million mexicans sent to mexico
tried to terminate tribes as lesser idenentities
start of vietnam war
1955 guatemalan interference
military industrial complications
domino theory
brown v board of education
Eisenhower impact (1953-1960)
- bay of pigs invasion & cuban missile crisis
“great frontier”, was hestitant so he put a quarantine on cuba and it may have failed because of him?
Important House Rules Comittee
slow progressive legsilation with medication and education
1961 berlin wall
1963 trade expansion act
final frontier- getting first people on the moon
first to add troops into vietnam for start of vietnam war to protect political stability but also encouraged 1963 coup?
peace corps to stop communism
ordered quarantine on cuba. embarassed krushchev, pushed for nuclear test ban theory, begged for us not to see ussr as devil’s land, got involved with civil rights movement after robert kennedy was beaten up , alliance with MLK, denounces segregation as a moral issue
Nuclear test ban treaty- slow the amount of blowing things up from ussr and us
first to start adding troops into vietnam war as “military advisors”
military forces to get black people to school safely
Kennedy Impact (1961-1963)
gulf of tonkins resolution- since n, vietnam attacked us forces he struck back with little check in with congress
Great society, extension of new deal
abolish poverty, new welfare programs
medicare (elderly) medicaid (poor), abolished immigration quota (1965 immigration and nationality act)
1964 civil rights act
1964 mississipi freedom democratic party, bombings in south, etc
, war on poverty, avoided question of separation and state
gradual escalation policy, used tonkins resolution as an excuse,
abuse of executive power
credibility gap for people, drafting
Tet offense is when he finally stopped
- griswold vs ct
- gideon vs warwright (attorney will be provided if you cannot afford one)
-engel vs Vitale- stopped prayer in schools
- required affirmative action against discrimination
Johnson (1963-196)
- Nixon Doctrine- vietnamization
- secret bombings of cambodia
- War Powers Act so presidents had to check in with congress 48 hours before declaring war
- “new isolationism” getting nixon out of war
environmental protection agency, clean air and water acts 1970, ERA campaign, rules for the “forgotten man” and silent majority which led to huge conservative uprising against ERA, NOW, etc, led by phyllis schlafly who wanted to preserve womens’ rights - right to birth control (griswold vs ct)
- miranda rights
- detente with ussr
- went to china and arranged SALT talks with ussr
- watergate scandal, resigned
- meant to restore trust in people as a democrat
blamed for stagflation, OPEC oil embargo and rations, bad life at home - 1979 trying to get hostages out in iran, and the only agreed to give them back when reagan was president because irani revolutionaries were upset us had let ayatollah pallavi flee to the us because he wasn’t in good health and they wanted him dead in their revolution (when us had set up military dictator)
- created Camp David Accordance treaty
Jimmy Carter (1976-1980)
- advocating for “common man”
- ironic how republican party is now adopting populist party
- hates favoritism towards minorities and especially affirmative action, targets to please suburbs middle class white population
- hopes to shrink govt and lower taxes (on individuals, state taxes, etc.)
- cut many programs such as good stamps, medicaid, job centers
wants to cut out 35 million from budget - high interest rates, us had to try to stop people from buying stuff to shift stagflation
- involvement in nicaraguan revolution: money from 1980 lebanon hostage crisis (sorted out with arms exchange) was given to nicaraguan rebels despite us congress heavy disapproval, tensions with iran (entering iran-iraq war) because us sold stuff to iraq and saddam hussein
- reagan worked with mikhail gorbachev fore radical reform of the ussr- glasnost, perestroika, led to collapse of ussr
Ronald Reagan
USSR was portrayed as evil because the soviet refused to recognize poland’s conservative government-in-exile
2 years and they took over hungary and czechoslovakia
propaganda from both sides made each other into enemies
1947, communists threatened to take over greece and turkey
truman than stated the truman doctrine, the cornerstone of containment
idea of containment came in the long telegram
us would not instigate a war with the soviet union, defense of countries in danger of communist takeover
US also wanted to get more allies by providing financial aid through the marshall plan
spent money to rebuild cities and their economy
countries had to work together to promote economic growth
formed an alliance with canada and countries in western europe called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO) in 1949
soviets would later create the warsaw pact and force their satellite states to join
Crisis in Berlin
1945 german was divided into 4 parts and then berlin, in russia’s territory was divided into 4 parts also
USSR imposed a blockade on berlin to stop western berlin from becoming democratic
berlin airlift by US brought supplies
berlin wall happened in 1961, and berlin blockade is 1945
Soviets detonated the first atomic bomb
led to the creation of the national security council and the CIA
national security council 68 was a doc that said us should spend more money on military
2 issues in Asia, the reconstruction of Japan and the Chinese Revolution
US took control of pacific islands and the southern half of korea
under macArthur japan wrote a democratic constitution, demilitarized and started an economic revival
Mao Zedong’s communist party took over after the war started in 1949
US refused to recognize the legitimacy of mao
truman aided the french during the vietnamese war for independence
cold war 1945-1980
mccathyism! second socialist/communist wave
- led to a second red scare where they were rooting communists like the how in 1949, alger hiss was found guilty of consorting with a communist spy
Joseph McCarthy and the rise of HUAAC
led a campaign of false innuendo that ruined a lot of people’s careers
subpoenaed people and forced them to confess and also created lists called blacklists which prevented communists to find work
during eisenhower’s rain is when he was stopped in 1954
chose to target the army and with the help from edward R. Murrow’s tv show and the army-mccarthy hearings, he was stopped
red scare
- Taft-Hartley Act- prevented closed shops under truman’s administration
- Eisenhower Admin begins developing the Interstate highway system
- consumerism and the belief that US ideals were right led to the “good life”
congress also passed the servicemen’s readjustment act aka the GI bill of rights in 1944 (under truman)
provided an allowance for educational and living expenses of soldiers and veterans
stimulated postware conomic growth
provided low-cost lans to purchase homes or farms/ start small businesses
kennedy-program was called the new frontier, pushed legislation that increase unemployment benefits, expanded social security, bumped minimum wage and aided distressfarmers
project head star let children have free early schooling
upward bound did the same for high-school students
hob corps trained the unskilled so they could get better jobs
volunteers in service to america (VISTA) a domestic peace corps
legal services for the poor→ legal counsel to those would couldn’t afford lawyers
department of housing and urban development (HUD)–> increased federal aid to low-income apartment renters
established medicare and medicare
social policy is also called the great society
increased tax revenue from an expanding economy funded the whole package
the people that gave him the landslide victory in election did not like cause of these super liberal policies and vietnam war
nixon-the economy worsened, stagnation and tride to combat problems with a price-and-wage freeze and increase in federal spending (FAIL)
divided between conservatives and progressives
jimmy carter
inherited a weak economy with slow economic growth, and inflation and stagflation
most of the problem come from the increase cost of OPEC petroleum
funded the department of energy for new power sources
some saw nuclear power as the solution, other feared power plan failures were uper bad as seen in teh Three Mile Island failure that contaminated pennsylvania
economy post 1945
- beat generation
- 1960s hippies, US was divided: progressives did not trust govt, found it corrupt, and conservatives deemed them godless anarchists
- Counterculture- rock n roll music, weed, birth control/being promiscious, drive in movies, anti govt and some are even communists, a LOT oppose the vietnam war oh also free love! you’re gay! and a feminist! nuclear unit family was decreasing
-Counter-counterculture- neo conservative movement, phyllis shlalfly STOP ERA, took place in nixon but ESPECIALLY rea rea’s campaign
culture post 1945
vil rights movement experienced landmark cases
1954 brown v board of education of topeka→ marshal argued for case and overturned “separate but equal” in plessy v ferguson
some southern states started to pay tuition for white children to attend private schools in order to maintain segregation→ declaration of constitutional principles→ bunch of south states signed petitions to not desegregate
1957, had to call in military to let the black students, the little rock nine go to little rock high school
Montgomery bus boycott began in 1955 with Rosa Parks
against jim crow laws
set off martin luther king jr and he founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
started a year long bus boycott and the civil rights movement
King organized peaceful protests inspired by gandhi and henry david thoreau
1960, the SNCC students in greensboro, north carolina started the sit-in trends
early steps in the civil rights movement (1940s, 1950s)
- prescence in vietnam war,korean war, and cambodia
- space race with ussr, sent men on the moon to outdo sputnik
- war powers resolution 1973- prevents any future president from involving the military in another undeclared war
US as a world power
US involvement in vietnam to stop communism was a MASSIVE FAILURE!
started in ww2 where france was exporting rice, rubber, and metals to themselves from vietnam
vietminh led by ho chi minh had a resistance
1919 asked woodrow wilson to honor his commitment to the right of nations self-determination but wilson ignore him
japan invaded vietnam during ww2
expected to be granted independence like india in 1947 but never got it
wrote a declaration of independence modeled after US and French
US did not support independence cause we were allies with french and cause he was communist
recognized the government of bao dai
fought a war for independence in 1946-1954 and defeated them at the battle of dien bien phu
appealed to truman but was ignored again
1954 Geneva Accords divided vietnam at the 17th parallel
would have an election 2 years later but US broke agreement and installed Ngo Dinh Diem to be leader
Cia raided north vietnam and provoked a communist response
diem pronounced south vietnam to be an autonomous country
US rallied britain, france ,thailand, pakistan, philippines, new zealand, and australia to form Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
diem was a bad leader and persecuted people
vietcongs, south vietnamese who joined communists
kennedy increased involvement with military advisors called the green berets
1963, staged a coup and diem and his brother were killed
American involvement from 1964-1968
Johnson wanted to withdraw at first but then kennedy’s advisors said US force could overwhelm, focused on “total victory”
1964, US supported a second coup, didn’t care who ruled as long as they weren’t communist
started bombing laos cause the north vietnamese were shipping weapons to the vietcong
gulf of tonkin was where north vietnamese “attacked” us ships
gulf of tonkin resolution, president could take any measures he deemed necessary to protect american interest
pursued gradual escalation where they would raid
ir strikes are called “operation rolling thunder”
dropped chemical agents like agent orange and nepal which contaminated the land
americanization of the vietnam war→ drafted more men, protest rallies got more frequent
many fled to canada to avoid drafting
was assured the war was “winnable” until the tet offensive launched by NV
did tremendous dmg to SV and US and took over Saigon the capital
NV were driven back but the severity of the strike was a shock to people
american people find out they’ve been lied to and that the vietnamese were sophisticated
My lai massacre in 1968, soldiers were becoming more frustrated so they acted in unspeakable ways
publicized horrific events where US soldiers abused innocent civilians
more PROTEST ,like the SDS
The Vietnam War
project head star let children have free early schooling
upward bound did the same for high-school students
hob corps trained the unskilled so they could get better jobs
volunteers in service to america (VISTA) a domestic peace corps
legal services for the poor→ legal counsel to those would couldn’t afford lawyers
department of housing and urban development (HUD)–> increased federal aid to low-income apartment renters
established medicare and medicare
social policy is also called the great society
increased tax revenue from an expanding economy funded the whole package
the people that gave him the landslide victory in election did not like cause of these super liberal policies and vietnam war
the great society
earl warren in the warren court enforced a ton of vvoting rights for black peopel and fforced state to redraw congressional districts
expanded civil rights further
gideon vs wainwright→ defendant could get a lawyer for free
Miranda v Arizona→ suspect must be adivsed of his or her right to remain ilent and to consult with a lawyer
1964 24th amendment→ banned poll taxes on elections
lots of resistance to civil liberties
seen by opposition of state governments, police, and white citizens
selma, a lot of police prevented black people fro mvoting
birmingham and the march on washington, people were attacked
KKK bombed black churche and the home of civil rights activists
some abandoned MLK’s nonviolent protest
malcolm x, minister of the nation of islam
urged black peopel to claim their rights by any means necesary
SNCC and CORE later expelled white members and became black power and the black panthers
basically had their own military and weren’t afraid to resort to violence to get their rights
MLk was murdered in 1968
the african american civil rights movement
1962, students for a democratic society sds→ port huron statement basically set a tone for other progressive groups called the new left
new left focused on the elimination of poverty and racism and an end to cold war politics
formed at the university of california in berkeley
1964 protested university ban civil rights and anti-war demonstrations→ called the free speech movement
kennedy calls it a moral issue
black panther party/destroying neighborhoods/rejection of asimilation/clothing and educational rep
expansion of the civil rights movement
beginning of counterculture movement
started with the beatniks, called the beat movement in 1950
allen ginsburg, william burroughs, and jack kerouac challenged conservatism through writing (inspired hippie)
hippies grew their hair long, tie-dye shirts, ripped jean, advocated drug use (LSD), communal living and “free love”
contrast to mainstream culture
1960s, became more accepted from artists like andy warhol, bob dylan, jimi hendrix, the beatle, and the rolling stones
rachal caron focused on environmental issues in her work “silent spring”–> widespread use of DDT (pesticide) was dangerous and led to its ban
based the clean air act in 1955 (nixon)–> control airborne contaminants
most of these groups also protested against vietnam war
youth culture of the 1960s
rachal caron focused on environmental issues in her work “silent spring”–> widespread use of DDT (pesticide) was dangerous and led to its ban
based the clean air act in 1955 (nixon)–> control airborne contaminants
most of these groups also protested against vietnam war
- ## cleean air and water act of the 70’s by nixon
enviornement and natural resources 1968-1980
baby boom immigration, 1960s youth. 2nd wave feminism/radical left, neoconservatives, reversal of republican and democrats
society in transiton