native american relations in the us Flashcards
powhatan wars
1610-1677, feud between english settlers and powhatan confederacy in VA over territorial disputes, NAs were granted reservation land as a resolution
pequot war
1636-1638, population in MA was too big so people wanted to go to CT vailley but pequots were already there who resisted the english and when they attacked a settlement and killed a few colonists they retaliated and killed 400 natives and burned their villages
The beaver wars
1628-1701, the iroquois confederacy fought with french-backed algonquin tribes over fur and fishing rights, beaver was really important for its fur but it was being over hearvested so conflicts between trappers intensified, one of the bloodiest wars (this fighting is continued in the 7 years’ war)
decline of the huron confederacy
1634- 1649, SMALLPOX huge impact on tribes, tribes up to 40,000 declined to 12,000 during 1630s, hurons allied with french and fought in 7 years’ war
king phillip’s war
metacomet aka king phillip, settlers intruded on their land to make “praying towns” to convert people to christianity, he led attacks on settlements but ran out of food and ammunition and when he died the alliance fell apart and settlers sold a lot of natives into slavery to the west indies. it marks a turning point in which natives would never have peaceful relations with settlers again
pueblo revolt
1680, spanish sought to gain control of soutwest, pueblos of new mexico revolted against juan de onate, they killed hundreds and drove the remaining settlers out of the region, the spanish returned 1692 and even though they got control over the terrirot, they were more lenient to the natives for fear of more conflict
chickasaw wars
1721-1763, the chicksaws were allied with the british and fought the choctaws, who were allied with the french for control of the land around the mississipi river, the wars were deadlier because natives were now supplied with guns from europe, and this stopped at the end of the 7 years’ war
decline of the catawba nation
1700s, used to be the most powerful and numerous tribe in carolina piedmont, allied with colonists and fought alongside patriots during revolutionary war but were always at war with other tribes like the iroquois, algonquin, and cherokee, and in additon they were weakened by smallpox and eventually they became so decimated by disease and war
bacon’s rebellion
1676, nathaniel bacon wanted to expel the natives from western frontier of va and berkley says no and he gets mad and kills natives and then other tribes including those alliied with the english and then they burned and looted jamestown and then he died, early example of populist uprising in us
Battle of Acoma
1598 Battle of Acoma: between Spanish & Pueblos leads to the creation of New Mexico
first anglo-powhatan war
1610 First Anglo-Powhatan War: Lord de la Warr vs natives
Irish torture techniques, houses and crops burned
1614 marriage between Pocohantas and John Rolfe leads to peace
1622 natives strike back and kill 347 settlers
1625 1200 out of 8000 survived
2nd anglo-powhatan war
1644 Second Anglo-Powhatan War: native defeat
1646 peace treaty eliminates coexistence with natives
1685 Powhatans considered extinct by English
francisco pizzaro
1532 francisco pizarro, defeat inca people
herman cortes
1519 Herman Cortes sailed to Mexico and causes the collapse of the Aztecs
jay’s treaty
Jay’s treaty 1794
highly backlashed against jay cause it seemed like the terms of the treaty really only benefited the british
the british after the war would secretly give weapons to different groups like the shawnee, miami and delaware and kept their troops in the US ? why idk?
they also stole cargo from sthips and took slaves
Treaty said:
no compensation for damaged cargo or lost slaves
british will withdraw after 18 months
american planters still have to pay back debts
limited trading rights for british in the west indies
western frontier impact (dawes severalty act)
attempts to assimilate natives on reservations, namely the 1887 dawes severalty act which broke up resevrations and redistributed land to the head of each native family, ignoring the sense of unity tribes had, considered natives an issue that could be solved
ghost dance movement
1889, inspired by visions of prophet which claimed that through proper ceremony and magic, natives would live peacefully on their native lands, so they did the ghost dance but troops were like no. so they killed a lot of natives in the Wounded Knee Massacre over what they considered potential rebellion and uncivilized, especially since they wanted the natives converted to christianity
little big horn
one of the battles that the natives, like the sioux, won agianst the western settlers, but the federal power ultimately overpowered them,
AIM movement
- took back wounded knee and alcatraz
- 1968