unit 4 apush (add christina's vocab to this later/apush doc) Flashcards



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-hamilton vs jefferson, hamilton favoring centralized govt and manufacturing, jefferson supporting limited govt and agrarianism
-revolution in 1800- one of the first peaceful transfers of power from opposing factions
-democrat republicans want to limit govt, such as removing whisky tax (whisky rebellion 1794) under jefferson
-minimized military and reduced amount of federal jobs
-Louisiana purchase 1803-acted like a federalists (unlike him), french had lost war against haitians in haitian revolution and was no longer a colony, having the land would have control of the Mississippi river, sent james monroe as a diplomat, but then napoleons offered all of the land for 15 million and monroe was like ok pur and jefferson didn’t know and was like tf because he preached strict constructionism
-justified it by giving natives more room to go westwards
-1804 corps of discovery
-john marshall- 4th chief justice
Marbury vs Madison 1803- judiciary act had offered openings, john adams had filled them with midnight judges, madison decided not to deliver those appointments and marbury was like what the actual fuck i need a job and they decided he gets a right to his job and then marshall declared that the court had the right to determine whether something was constitutional or unconstitutional and then they ruled the judiciary act unconstitutional–> Judicial review, increasing power of the supreme court
McCollough vs Maryland 1819-does state have right to tax federal bank? they decided no and that national law>state law (expansion of federal power)
-foreign policy: us had to pay tripoli leader for protection of their merchant ships and one day jefferson was like no and so pirates attacked their merchant ships
War of 1812 between britian because impressment and they found out british were helping finance natives who wanted to attack colonists when they tried to move westward, war hawks in us so they declared war when britain refused to stop and the federalists were so upset they held the hartford convention 1814 and threatened to seceded but they were drowned out because the us won and there was a lot of nationalism for beating england twice


Jefferson Era/Rise of political parties

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  • war of 1812 proved that without a national bank the us had no reliable credit for raising funds and weak infrastructure (made it very hard to transport supplies)
    -henry clay American System supporting federally funded internal improvements, federal tariffs, (if tariffs are more expensive then people will buy more domestic goods), second bank of the united states with a national currency, madison and monroe rejected the infrastructure reform because they considered it an overstep and not that helpful for the south but kept the tariffs and bank
  • americans began to move westward because of a population increase and cheap offered land
  • 1819 MI tried to apply for statehood, 1820 compromise that it would be a slave state but maine would be added as a free state to keep equilibrium, the states past the 36o30 line would be free (there had been a perfect balance of freed and slave states so mi would mess everything up), north also had advantage in HoP
  • Tallmadge Amendment- proposed slavery be banned in mi after 25 years and south was upset that it could lead to the end of slavery in all states and so south threatened to secede (resolved with 1820 mi compromise)

Politics & Regional Interests

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james monroes’ presidency- sent jqa who negotiated treaty establishing border of us and canada at 49th parallel and joint gb-us ownership of the oregeon territory
-florida territory belonged to spain and they struggled reigning over it with their international affairs so they gave it to the us after seminoles tried to flee there and andrew jackson was crossing the border to try and stop the natives, (Adams-Onis Treaty 1819)
Monroe Doctrine 1823, upon seeing free LA nations from european rule whom britain could pounce on, us wanted to establish diplomatic relations with them (challeneged europe for authority in the americans) additionally by 1820s us had a good relationship wiht mexico (especially ne manufacturers who had a new market for their goods)


America from an International lens

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  • coordinated transportation, industry, and agriculture
  • American transition from agraian to capitalist society
  • Transportation Reform- Cumberland Road stretching from Maryland to Illinois (1000 miles)
  • building of canals for trade–> eerie canal 1825 set off frenzy of canal building in us , steamboat to ship goods down the river, steampower allowed the boat to power itself through the trips rather than the current (increase efficiency of trade)
  • 1820s and 1830s RR, loans and tax breaks granted,

-Industry Reform-eli whitney (interchangable parts, originally laborers had to construct everything beginning to end)

-1820 Factory System- manufactured goods could be produced by unskilled laborers and there was a surplus in goods

-Agricultural Industry- eli whitney’s cotton gin, spinning machine
-commercial farming replaced substinent farming with cash crops such as sugar, tobacco, indigo, cotton



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-first influx of immigration: irish and german immigrants (most germans were displaced farmers/seeked democratic govt, irish came to escape the famine) who came to work in industry (underpaid and exposed to dangerous working conditions) but they carried culture into the us so jewish people formed synogogues and catholic churches
Nativists 1830s and 1840s spread negative propaganda about the groups
-development of a middle class in the north (lawyers, shopkeepers, journalists, doctos etc.) with its own norms such as religious afficilation, education, and temperance (no one cared what type of protestant as long as you weren’t catholic, had opportunities to spend money on lesiure like plays or circus
-Temperance movement
- Cult of Domesticity- a women’s identity was to have children and produce comfortable haven for husband for when he gets home, laboring women did not participate in this (but they had lower wages, worked for 12+ hours,seen in factories such as the Lowell factory)



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-participatory democracy expanded-farmers began demanding right to vote
Panic of 1819- Bank of America began limiting lending policies to control inflation but caused many state banks to close and decrease in demand for us goods such as cotton–> more bankruptcies, increased unemployment, those who could not pay their debts were imprisoned, farmers upset they didn’t have suffrage while a few frontier states granted suffrage for all white men –> us needed reform
- 1825 more eastern states began extending suffrage (lowered or got rid of land qualifications)
-because federalists ended after opposition to war of 1812, the democratic republicans were the only group but that split into two groups within the faction of democrats and republicans
- National Republicans- want to expand federal power, loose constructionism
- Democrats- limited federal powr (state power), strict reconstructionism
- Election of 1829- henry clay, william crawford, AJ, and JQA- HoR had to vote on preisdent because no one won electoral college votes but AJ won majority with ppoular votes but the clay threw support to JAQ and then he was made jqa’s secretary of state (Aj called it corrupt bargain)


Expanding democracy

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Democrats and Republicans solidified into 2 parties:
-Democrats want limited power in govt, free trade, and local rule, but are against corporate monopolies, high tariffs, and the National Bank

Whigs (led by Henry Clay) want a more involved central govt, American System (Infrastructure, higher tariffs, and National Bank), have a vendetta against discrimatory crimes against immigrants
- They majorly debated the extend to which federal power was being used and abused for infrastructure, higher tariffs, and the National Bank
- Tariffs- if tariffs are high people are more likely to get domestically made products
- Tariff of 1828 increased duties by 35% to 45% which really helped north manufacturers, but south suffered since they heavily relied on imported goods (Tariff of Abominations)
- John C Calhoun (AJ’s vp) hated it so much being from the south he invented the doctrine of nullification- if a state found a law unconstitutional they could nullify and ignore it and AJ was like mm how about no
- 1833 Force Bill- AJ had the authority to storm SC with troops in response to their belligerence so he stormed them and they eventually agreed to not secede if they lowered the tariff, they still nullified the Force Bill though
- 1816 Second National Bank established: stablizied economy but 1830s many state banks had to close down because they couldn’t pay their payments to it so now citizens had worthless money from those banks
- Jackson HATED the bank because as a campaigner of the common man, believed that it only amplified the wealthy and was a root of evil so 1832 Henry Clay made a contract to get it rechartered and he vetoed it , and lower classes supported this so he was reelected
- Internal improvements- jacksonians considered this an overreach of federal power while the whigs found it necessary
- 1830 Indian Removal Act- Cherokee Nation resided in GA and considered themselfs a soverign state byt GA kicked them out when they found gold where they lived, so the act stated that natives be located west of the mississipi river to the oklahoma territory where they wouldn’t be bothered again, and cherokees argued their rights in Worcester v. GA and they WON because their land was federally protected
-1835 Treaty of Echota exchanged the cherokee current land for land in the west but aj was like no so when they resisted it started the 1838 trail of tears (illness and death)
- the natives that refused to leave and fought or hid became the eastern band of cherokee indians in NC


Jackson & Federal power

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  • art and architecture shaped by enlightenment but started shifting to romanticism
    -switch from rationality and thought to emotion and desire and transcendentalism
  • architecture originally built in georgian style (tgg, symmetry) , introduction to arcs and domes (ex. white house)
    –writers such as sir walter scott (british) influnced us writers such as james fennimore cooper, washingtonirving reset america to be written like fantasy
    1828 Noah Webster published dictionary- expanded vocab and used in many schools
    Hudson River School- landscapes romanticizing enviornment of “untouched america”, portrayed emotion over accuracy
    Transcendalism- humans can achieve (basically nirvana), transcendalists such as Ralph Waldo Emerson who preferred self reliance, Thoreau who wrote down findings in “walden”
    -despire for people to create their own utopian communities:
    Shakers- KT, held common property, abstinence, died out
    Onida- perfect equality with property and socially, spread to marriage and parenting, everyone’s spouse and everyone’s kid (polygamy), had good financial deal because of their silverware

US culture

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–religious revival among protestant christians on righteous living, personal restraint, and strong morals to lead society to salvation, quickly spread to us by baptists and methodists
-Camp meetings (especially in pa with quakers) they would preach these teachings for the public
-Similar to the Market revolution where people learned that they impacted economic failure or success
-2nd Great awkkaening- it was up to these people to change their lives by doing good, abstaining, etc. (contrast to the first awakening with calvinism where preachers like jonathan edwards said salvation was in the hands of god alone) and nothing could change it
-rise of democracy and individualism- growing desire for a more expansive particpation in us democracy , especially for the lower classes
-the camp meetings were very diverse with white and black men, freed or enslaved, and women as equal members of the movement
-rejection of rationalism in favor of romanticism- belief in the will and desire of people, preachers such as charles grandison finney, used plain language lower classes could understand, wanted to awake emotion in the audience, preaching moral reformation of society through religion


2nd great awakening

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-stemming from market revolution with the idea that hard work and industry determined their futures
- felt they had agencies in their national affairs
- Joesph smith founded mormonism, had revelations from jesus and it was his duty to go and write these on pamphlets (moses core), strayed from traditional christianity focusing on smith’s revelations, wrote his visions down in the book of Mormon, he becamse controversial when he preached polygamy so they arrested and lynched him, then bringham young became new leader and led mormons to utah
- Temperance: avoiding alochol, mainly organized in 2nd great awkening by curing evil in abstaining from alcohol, 1826 American Temperence Society formed from clergy and buisnessmen aimed at working class men, then buisness owners and politicans began enacting laws to stop this in hooes to reduce crime and increase productivity (irish and german immigrants rejected this)
- Abolitionist movement: ranged from those who wanted to end it over time and those who wanted radical abolition, 2nd great awakening convinced people it was immoral! william lloyd garrison said white people need to take a stand against slavery without violenece, established 1833 American Anti Slavery Soceity 1833, believed slavery needed to come to an immediate end and even burned the constitution saying it was a pro slavery doc
- abolitiionists also comprised of escaped slaves and freed blacks, Frederick Douglass, published narrative of the life of frederick douglass and emphasized the dehumanization of slaves and slave holders
- Women’s Rights, 1848 Seneca Falls Convention, decided if they were gonna advocate they needed more rights , edeclaration of sentiments and resolutions and listed grievances of women against society where they were treated as second class citizens


Age of Reform

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-slaves used their african names for each other despite being given english ones to keep the memory of their culture and their language through telling of music, dance, and folklore, this connected slaves across plantations when they went to markets or secretly married
-some kept their religion like muslims despite being forced to go to church, others embraced christianity from reformists and preachers who incorporated english and african dance and music in their sermons
-Slave rebellions- greatly feared by slave owners (elite class) , especially influenced by the 1804 haitian revolution where haitains rose up and killed white people and established a govt of their own–> went to supress african culture in their plantations

1832 Nat Turner Slave Rebellion, killed their masters, brutal murders of women and children, were stopped by VA militia and hung and in retaliation white planttion owners killed around 200 slaves

1839 Amistad defect- slaves that were placed on the ship to be sent to the us resisted and got control of the ship, when they arrived to america they argued in Amistad v. Americaand the enslaved africans were represnted by jqa and they ruled in their favor

1840 many south legislators made it illegal to free slaves and it was a considered a crime to help them escape (underground railroad)or teach them to read/write, abolished marriage between slaves and their rights in court, their argument was that they were delulu and slaves benefitted from slavery (white man’s burden) and needed to be taught, considered animals


African Americans

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a lot of farm owners actually did not have slaves (yeoman farmers) but occasionally challenged plantation elite because the system disadvantaged them
- as they gained more voting rights 1830s and 1840s they hoped to influence legislature about their political concerns but there was little to change because cotton was so rampant
- but they still felt pressured as SA and europe began abolishing slavery, such as GB’s emancipation of all its slaves 1834
- southern states had much larger voice in congress because of the 3/5ths compromise
- planters made loans to those in need and hired poor whites, used their resources to move their resources to the market, didn’t particpate in slavery but couldn’t do anything to stop it
- general white superiority, positive good of slavery
- white classes of the south unified with idea of superiority


Southern society

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