the different deals Flashcards


square deal


Department of Commerce and Labor, Elkins Act, Hepburn Act, Meat Inspection Act, Pure Food and Drug Act
Muckrakers, “bad” trusts and monopolies broken, Gospel of Wealth, referendums, initiatives, recalls, scientific management, direct primaries, direct election of senators

protection of the consumer, control of large corporations, and conservation of natural resources.

Compulsory school, National Child Labor Committee,
Conservation > Desert Land Act, Forest Reserve Act, Newlands Act, Hetch Hetchy Valley for Yosemite National Park
Panic of 1907, Federal Reserve Act of 1913
Big stick policy, Panama Canal, Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, Roosevelt Corollary, Treaty of Portsmouth, Root-Takahira Agreement
Niagara Movement to push for reforms and equality for black people

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first new deal


Reestablish public’s faith in banking system
Hundred Days to work out details of the recovery plan
Emergency Banking Relief Bill- placed poorly managed banks under the Treasury Department, granted government licenses to “those that were solvent”
Broadcasted plan with fireside chats over the radio where he promised the banks were now secure→people put money in banks, renewed faith
Banking Act of 1933, created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which would guarantee bank deposits
Provide relief for the poor since farmers were overproducing, Agricultural Adjustment Act- provided payments to farmers if they cut production to up to half (money from the program came from packers, millers, and other food processors who faced increased taxes)
burned crops to reduce produce
Farm Credit Act- provided loans to farmers in danger of foreclosure (where mortgagers fail to pay their mortgage payments)
National Industrial Recovery Act- consolidated businesses and coordinated activities with the goal of eliminating overproduction and thus stabilizing prices
Public Works Administration- set aside 3 billion to create jobs in building roads, sewers, public housing units, etc.
Civilian Conservation Corps- provided grants to the states to manage their own PWA projects
The government took over the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) (which had provided energy to the tennessee valley region)and its operations were greatly expanded
National Labor Relations Board- mediated labor disputes
Securities and Exchange Commission- regulated the stock market
The first new deal was a political and economical success- unemployment rate fell and wage increased
Democrats increased their majorities in both houses during midterm elections

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second new deal


conservatives opposed new deal→ opposed the higher tax rates and the increase of federal power in business and complained poor are too dependent on relief programs
disliked deficit spending the govt was engaging in→ borrowing money to finance the programs

Leftists complained the AAAt getting farmers not to overproduce was immoral because so many couldn’t even feed themselves
believed government was too forgiving and wanted harsher measures, blamed corporations for the great depression
led to the socialists and communist party rise in america called for nationalization of business
1935 Schechter Poultry Corp vs. United States, invalidated sections of the National Industrial Recovery Act, and the codes under the agency was unconstitutional because only Congress could make laws
(NIRA set wages and price standards, maximum work hours, and labor union regulations) was unconstitutional
United States vs. Butler-no more AAA and Roosevelt responded in 1937 with “packing the court” with justices supporting his ideas
the court packing scheme was rejected by congress, but he continued with a second new deal
Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, which created WPA aka.( Works Project/progress Administration)- generated over 8 million jobs paid for by the government,
employed writers, photographers and artists for creating travel guides and recording history alongside public works jobs
Summer of 1935 Second Hundred Days- congress passed legislation broadening powers of the NLRB, democratizing unions and punished businesses that had anti-union policies
Created Social Security Administration which provided retirement benefits for many workers, including the disabled and families whose breadwinners had died
Increased taxes on wealthy individuals and top end business profits, led to the creation of New Deal Coalition, made up of union members, urbanites, underclass, and blacks, the democratic coalition put roosevelt back into office with victory(1936)

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fair deal

  • never actually passed
  • health insurance, that the minimum wage (the lowest amount of money per hour that someone can be paid) be increased, and that, by law, all Americans be guaranteed equal rights.
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