unit 8: intelligence Flashcards
a bar graph depicting a frequency distribution
most frequenty occuring scores ina distribution
avergae of a distribution, obtained by adding the scores and dividing by the number of scores
middle score in a distribution
representation of scores that lack symetry around the average value
skewed distribution
tail right
pos skew
tail left
neg skew
computed measure of how much scores vary around the mean score
standard deviation
numerical data that allows one to generalize
inferential statistics
statistical statement of how likely it is that an obtained result occured by chance- doesn’t indicate importance
statistical significance
general intelligence factor that, according to spearman, underlines specific mental abilities and is therefore measured by every task on an intelligence test
general intelligence
statistical procedure that identifies clusters of related facotrs on a test
factor analysis
tested people on several scales
LL thurstone
condition in which a person otherwize limited in mental ability has an exceptional specific skill
savant syndrome
argued that there are 8/9 forms of intelligence and did a study on it
passion and perseverance in the pursuit of longterm goals
proposed a triatrich theory of intelligence
proposed the idea of social intelligence
edward throndike
ability to perceive, understand, manage, and use emotions
emotional intelligence
devised mental age
measure of intelligence test performance devised by binet, chronological age that most typically corresponds to a given level of performance
mental age
widely used american revision of binet’s test (terman)
stanford binet
defined originally as ratio of mental age to chronological age x100
used iq tests to aid eugenics
most widely used intelligence test containing verbal and performance tests
defining uniform testing procedures and meaningful scores by comparison with the performance of a pretested group
extent to which a test yeilds consistent results, as assesed by consistency scores on 2 halves of the test
extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed to
extent to which a test smaples the behaviro that is of interest
content validity
success that a test predicts the behavior it was designed to; assesed by computing correlation and criterion
predicitve validity
group of ppl from a given time period
accumulated knowledge and verbal skills; increase with age
crystallized intelligence
ability to reason speedily and abstractly, decreases in late adulthood
fluid intelligence
condition of limited mental ability, indicated intelligence score of 70 or below
intellectual disability
condition of mild to severe intellectual disability and associated with physical disorders caused by extra copy of chromosome 21
down syndrome
proportion of variation among individulas that we can attribute to genes
self-confirming concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype
stereotype threat