Unit 6 Test Flashcards
What is capitalism
an economic an political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit
What is democracy?
A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives
What does NATO stand for?
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
What is NATO?
A security agreement system and America’s first peacetime military alliance outside the Western Hemisphere
How many countries were first involved of NATO?
What did NATO claim they were not against?
In reality, what was NATO really for?
Protection against Russia, if Russia attacked one of them, they attacked all of them
What is a first world nation?
a mostly developed nation
What was the political system of communism, in theory
No government
What was the communist political system in Russia, in reality?
an authoritarian system with a dictator
What theory is communism based off of?
Marxist theory
How did Stalin enforce his rule
with gulags, forced labor camps which killed 30-40 million people?
What are 5 examples of a first world nation?
Italy, France, Japan, UK, US
What is economic communism
A theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their ability and needs
What was the Warsaw pact
An Eastern alliance, meant to counter NATO
What 8 countries were a part of the Warsaw Pact
Soviet Union, Poland, Romania, Hungary, East Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Albania
What Is a second world country?
A country not as developed as a first world country, but more developed than a third world country
What are 4 examples of second world nations?
Russia Poland China Slovakia
What nations particularly were classified as second world nations?
Communist nations
What were third world nations
newly emerged countries, least developed and generally former colonies
What are 3 examples of third world countries
India, Mexico, Costa Rica
What were third world countries to the Soviet Union and U.S.?
What are fourth world nations?
nations where natural disasters leave no development, which ensure in chaos and poverty
What are 3 examples of Fourth World Countries
Haiti, Niger, Djibouti
What did FDR give away at the Yalta conference and why?
Eastern Europe because he was not feeling well
How did the Yalta conference divide Germany and Berlin?
into four zones
Who controlled each of the four zones of Germany?
The Big Three (Britain, U.S., Soviet Union), and France
What organization was created as a result of the Yalta Conference?
United Nations
What 2 committees was the UN divided into
General Assembly and Security Council
What countries were a part of the Security Council?
5 permanent “winners” of WWII and 6 other nations that rotated
What power did the Big 5 of the security council have?
veto power over the general assembly
What was Truman’s weakness in the Potsdam Conference?
He was not worldly and did not understand international politics
How did the Potsdam conference lead to the Cold War
Stalin got control of Eastern European governments
What compromise was made between Truman and Stalin in the Potsdam conference?
Truman convinced Stalin to take reparations from the Soviet zone of Germany, and U.S. recognized a redrawn German-Polish border favored by Stalin
What was the Berlin Blockade
An attempt in 1948 by the Soviet Union to limit travel to West Berlin?
What was the result of the Berlin Blockade?
Truman and the British only grew more resolute, saying they were going to stay put
What was the Berlin Airlift?
America and British planned to fly 2.5 million tons of food and fuel to West Berlin
What was Stalin’s reaction to the Berlin Airlift?
He did not retaliate, and ended up lifting the blockade
What was the Berlin Wall?
A wall, put up by the Soviet Union, that separated the Berlin to prevent people from the Soviet-controlled East from escaping to the US-controll West Berlin
What was important about JFK going to West Berlin?
He flew into enemy territory, a very risky move
What was JFK’s famous quote from his time in West Berlin?
“I am Berliner”
What president also flew to West Berlin, other than JFK
Ronald Regan
What did Ronald Regan say in West Berlin?
“Tear down that wall”
What was Checkpoint Charlie?
A famous gate between East and West Berlin
What happened at Checkpoint Charlie?
Prisoners were exchanged, and US and Soviet tanks faced off there
What declaration did the Truman doctrine expand on?
Roosevelt Corollary
What did the Truman Doctrine state
the there was an American responsibility to support free people resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities and outside pressures
Who did the U.S. aid as a result of the Truman doctrine?
aided Greece and Turkey, afraid of the expansion of communism there
What was the Marshall Plan?
A $13 billion dollar plan to rebuild European eonomy
What did the Marshall plan aim to do?
rebuild cities, industries, infrastructure, and trade, which helped increase production and trade
What did the Marshall plan wish to prevent?
The spread of communism
What caused the China Revolution
Mao Zedong took over Nationalist forces under Jiang Jieshi
How much money did US aid to Jian Jieshi and why?
$2 billion, needing to “save” China
Why did the US remove their involvement in the Chinese revolution?
US did not want to war with China, so they stepped out as Mao took over
What dispute did the China revolution cause
A dispute with Taiwan, where Jiang fled, but Taiwan recognized themselves as Chinese
What was Taiwan not allowed to do
Own a flag or allowed to join the UN
What did the China Revolution generate?
fear over the spread of communism through the domino theory
T/F: The domino theory is about communism
False - it is about global influence and power
What zone was made as a result of the Korean War
DMZ (demilitarized Zone), which split Korea at the 38th parallel
What side supported north Korea
What country supported South Korea
What did the Korean War signify?
the first military action of the Cold War/first proxy war
What is the Korean War referred to and why?
the “Forgotten War” for the lack of attention it received compared to more well-known conflicts
Who was Douglas MacArthur
a military general who served in both World Wars as well as the Cold War
What was Douglas MacArthur’s role in the Korean War?
He lead South Korea to the China Border
What was the result of Douglas MacArthur’s attack?
provoked Chinese involvement in the Korean War, and the Chinese attacked UN forces
What was the Arms Race?
a race between the USSR and US over the creation and stockpiling of superior nuclear weapons
What did both the USSR and US spend a lot on as a result of the Arms Race
an enormous amount of money, materials, and labor
What was the result of the Arms Race
it increased the tension and hostility between the US and USSR because many spies leaked Information about weapons to the USSR
What does MAD stand for?
Mutually Assured Destruction
What is MAD?
The notion that a nuclear attack by one superpower would be met with an overwhelming nuclear counterattack such that both the attacker and the defender would be annihilated
What was present, on both sides, during the Cold War?
Spies and Double Spies
What country proved the domino theory?
How was Vietnam split?
US wanted to stop the spread of communism in the South, and Guerrilla fighters in the north prevented that
Who was predicted to win the election: Dewey or Truman?
Why did many believe that Dewey actually won over Truman?
A newspaper published it
Who incorrectly called the election between Dewey and Truman?
The Chicago Daily Tribune
What does the famous “Dewey defeats Truman” photo depict?
the Chicago Tribune headline was famously held up by Truman at a stop at St. Louis Union Station, smiling triumphantly
What was the Fair Deal
Truman’s plans for domestic policy reforms including national health insurance, public housing, civil rights legislation, and aid to education
What was the Loyalty Security Program designed to do?
root out communist influence in the U.S. federal government and keep communists and other subversives out of jobs in the government
Why was the Loyalty Security Program created?
due to the fear of communism at home and in government agencies
Why was the Loyalty Security Program criticized?
it was a weapon of hysteria attacking law-abiding citizens
What could prior involvement in protests or labor strikes be grounds for?
investigation under the Loyalty Security Program
Who was Joseph McCarthy?
an American politician who served as a Republican US Senator from the state of Wisconsin
What is McCarthyism?
the political repression and persecution of left-wing individuals and a campaign spreading fear of alleged communist and Soviet influence on American institutions
What is a Red Scare?
the promotion of a widespread fear of a potential rise of communism, anarchism, or other leftist ideologies by a society or state
What was the First Red Scare
a perceived threat from the American labor movement, anarchist revolution, and political radicalism, occurring immediately after World War I
What was the second Red Scare
the perception that national or foreign communists were infiltrating or subverting American society and the federal government, occurring after WWII
What did the House Un-American Committee do?
put communists on trial
What was the House Un-American Committee?
an investigative committee of the United States House of Representatives
What was the goal of the House Un-American Committee
to investigate alleged disloyalty and subversive activities on the part of private citizens, public employees, and those organizations suspected on having communist ties
What was the House Un-American committees anticommunist investigations often associated with?
Who did Diwght “Ike” Eisenhower defeat
Adlai Stevenson
What did Ike manage during his presidency
Cold War-era tensions with the Soviet Union under the looming threat of nuclear weapons
What war did Ike end and when?
War in Korea in 1953
What did Ike authorize
a number of covert anti-communist operations by the CIA around the world
What did Ike strengthen?
Social Security
What did Ike create, that is still used today, and you have probably even used many times
massive new Interstate Highway System
What did Ike do behind the scenes
maneuvered to discredit the rabid anti-communist Senator Joseph McCarthy
Why was the Interstate Highway System created
for a fast evacuation from bombs
Who created the Interstate Highway System
Dwight “Ike” Eisenhower
What did the Interstate Highway system allow for?
an urban sprawl and suburbanization
What was JFK the first of?
young and catholic president?
What did the Peace Corps do?
volunteer in Third World nations to help build infrastructure
Who established the Peace Corps?
How is JFK similar to Lincoln
at first, didn’t support Civil Rights, but later granted them
What happened in the Bay of Pigs
JFK sent troops to invade Cuba, but they are stopped
What is the Bay of Pigs an example of
American distrust
What was the Bay of Pigs
a failed attack launched by the CIA during the Kennedy administration to push Cuban leader Fidel Castro from power
What caused failure in the Bay of Pigs?
invaders were badly outnumbered by Castro’s troops, and they surrendered after less than 24 hours of fighting
What was sputnik
the first Russian space satellite
What did the sputnik launch cause?
a lot of suspicion and paranoia in America, which prompted a race over space exploration
What caused the Cuban Missile Crisis?
US found missile bases in Cuba
What is the Cuban Missile Crisis the closest we have ever gotten to?
a nuclear war
What did JFK do after he found missile bases in Cuba?
put out a naval blockade that didn’t allow Soviets into the US
What prevented a nuclear war in the Cuban Missile Crisis?
MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction
Where did Americans hold their nuclear weapons?
What philosopher hated democracy
What type of government did Plato support?
What American things did Plato dislike?
Cars, TVs, and people enjoying their life
What is American economy based off of?
How was the postwar boom defined by?
the dramatic expansion of consumer markets
In the 1950s, what was consumption associated with?
American citizenship, as it fulfilled a social responsibility
Where did the Kitchen Debate take place?
in the kitchen of a model home at the American National Exposition in Moscow
Who debated in the Kitchen debates?
Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet premier Nikita Kruschev
What was debated in the Kitchen Debate?
the value of frozen meatloaf on a tray, and American middle class life and the convenience for American consumers
What did the Kitchen debate symbolize
the Cold War contest over the standard of living in the homes of both nations
What was the featured high school on Life Magazine
New Trier
What did Life Magazine promote?
white suburban affluent communities
Who published Life Magazine?
Henry luce
What was Life Magazine
the nations leading opinion magazine, and shaped the opinions of millions of Americans
Where was the Bretton Woods Conference hosted?
Bretton Woods, New Hampshire
What 2 things did the Bretton Woods Conference establish?
The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund
What was the World Bank
an international bank that provided loans for reconstruction of Europe and development of previously colonized nations
What was the World Bank similar to, but separate from
Marshall Plan
What was the International Monetary Fund
a fund that stabilized national currencies and created a predictable environment for trade with the U.S. dollar as the benchmark
What did the International Monetary Fund Establish as the monetary standard
the American dollar
What does the Bretton Woods conference prove about America
that we liked that we won WWII, we like being in positions of power
What do critics of the Bretton Woods Conference say
that the conference favored the US at expense of recently independent countries
What was the military-industrial complex
an alliance between the Defense Department and a network of large corporations
What caused the military-industrial complex
an escalating arms race during the Cold War, which enhanced the business-government partnerships of WWII,
When did Eisenhower cation Americans of the military-industrial complex
in his farewell address, fearing it exerted undue influence over the government
What states did the military-industrial complex benefit the most?
Mid-Atlantic states, industrialized upper midwest, Washington State, and California
How many people did the military-industrial complex employ?
More than 3.5 million
What fraction of the GDP did military spending represent?
What were Multinational Corporations (MNCs)
corporate organizations that own the production of goods/services in a country other than its home country
What companies were the greatest facilitators of globalization
Walmart, Apple, McDonalds
What happened for the first time, in respects to MNCs
there were parts made globally and shipped back to America
What did MNCs give way to?
exploitation and manufacturing jobs
What was the National Defense Education Act of 1958 in response to? (THIS IS ON THE TEST)
Sputnik, because Eisenhower was alarmed that the US was falling behind after the Soviet Union launched the world’s first satellite in 1957, so he persuaded Congress to act
What did the National Defense Education Act of 1958 provide
more scholarships and millions of dollars of funding into college research/education
Who did the National Defense Education Act of 1958 help?
institutions like Stanford and MIT to become leading research centers
What type of education did the National Defense Education Act of 1958 push?
STEM Education, resulting in more math and science teachers
What was the rise of the middle class?
three decades of sustained economic growth, which created an affluent society
At what rate were middle class families increasing at?
1.1 million per year
What was the Urban Crisis
Because suburban growth came at the expense of cities, urban decay was hastened
What resulted of the Urban Crisis?
deepened racial segregation as African Americans moved to cities, but only were further burdened by declining urban economies
What did Urban renewal programs do?
demolished neighborhoods, moving those who were dislocated to federally funded housing projects?
What did not get enough public funding
Public housing
What did Public Housing often take the form of?
Cheaply built high-rises that isolated itself from surrounding neighborhoods, creating “pockets of poverty”
What is an example of the poor hunting to Public Houses
Robert Taylor Homes in Chicago
What was public housing racially used for
to put black people in their own, segregated areas
T/F: Whites also experienced poverty
What caused West Virginia to become a democratic state
White poverty
How did television change history?
Lives revolved around television time, “I have to be home at 7 on Thursday to catch my show!”
What was TV the primary venue for
What was American programming and commercials centered on?
white, Protestant world of middle class life, with no ethnic racial or class diversity
What was a popular television series about suburban life
Leave it To Beaver
What are 2 reasons for the rise of the teenager during the 1950s
economic game (created a new consumer market) and college industry
How was the cultural phenomenon of teenagers focused on?
spending power of the “teenager” as a key target for advisers
Who stared in a “rebel without a cause”
James Dean
What became a commodity of teen culture
What did movies play a large role in?
fostering teenage culture as young people were the largest audience
Why did teenagers favor Rock N’ Roll?
teenagers favored the louder, faster sounds of R&B
What two works of literature were a part of the Beat generation
Howl by Ginsberg (poem), On the Road by Jack Kerouac (novel)
Who was Billy Graham?
A famous religious leader who led crusades
What phrase was added to the Pledge of Allegiance during the 1950s
“Under God”
Who consisted in a nuclear family
mom, dad, 2.2 kids, dog, white picket fence
What was there no of in a nuclear family
no divorce
What happened as a result of the nuclear family
higher birth rate
What magazine “taught women how to act”
Ladies Home Jounal
What 2 things did the Kinsey Report say
That Americans were having sex outside of marriage, and that only 10% of people were exclusively gay or straight
Who was Hugh Hefner
owner of playboy magazine, which caused widespread access to porn
T/F: Feminists did not like playboy magazine
False - they had mixed opinions on it
What did Booker T. Washington believe?
that blacks had to prove they were equal to Whites by studying hard to get into college
Who reflects Booker T. Washington’s approach today?
Justice Clarence Thomas
Who was the opposite of Booker T. Washington
W.E.B. DuBouis
What did W.E.B. Du Bois believe
that people needed to protest for their civil rights
Who shared W.E.B. Du Bois’s beliefs
Thurgood Marshall. a NAACP lawyer
What does NAACP stand for
National Assoziation for the advancement of colored people
Why was the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) made?
after the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Where was the SCLC centered
Which SCLC member called for the Selma march
James Bevel
What organization led the Birmingham Campaign
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Who partly created the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee
Ella Baker, an SCLC official
What was the audience of Baker?
students, because Baker said they were receptive to her notion of participatory democracy
What did Executive Order 8802 prohibit?
racial discrimination in defense industries during WWII
What happened as a result of Executive Order 8802
A. Philip Randolph of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters canceled his march on the capital
What committee was established to enforce Executive Order 8802
Fair Employment Practice Committee (FEPC)
Who founded the Dixiecrats?
Strom Thurmond
Was Strom Thurmond for or against segregation
What “revolt” did Strom Thurmond lead?
The change of segregationists to the Republican Party
Where was Strom Thurmond a senator from
South Carolina
What party did Strom Thurmond run for as president
Who was Thurgood Marshall related to?
he was a great-grandson of a slave
What occupation was Thurgood Marshall
NAACP Lawyer
What was the peak of Thurgood Marshalls career
A Supreme Court justice, appointed by LBJ
What school did Thurgood Marshall graduate from
Lincoln University, a black college
What law school was Thurgood Marshall denied from?
University of Maryland
Why was Thurgood Marshall denied from the University of Maryland Law School?
because he was black
What law school did Thurgood Marshall enroll in
the all-black Howard University School of Law
What case did Thurgood Marshall help win
a case that forced UMD to allow qualified African Americans
What case did Thurgood Marshall win, that said universities could not segregate black students on campus
McLaurin v. Oklahoma
How did Thurgood Marshall argue against Brown v. Board of Education?
cited the 14th amendment
How old was Emmett Till when he died
Where was Emmett Till from
South Side of Chicago
Where and when was Emmett Till when he died
Missisippi in the summer of 1955
Why was Emmett Tilll brutally mutilated and tortured?
he was thought to have interacted with a white woman in a grocery store
Where were pictures of Emmett Till’s body published?
Jet magazine
What type of funeral did Emmett Till have?
Open casket, which was visited by thousands
Who was the eye witness testimony at Emmett Till’s trial?
Mose Wright, his uncle
Why were the murderers of Emmett Till not convicted
because the all-white jury was extremely biased
Where did the two men who murdered Emmett Till confess, and why
in Look magazine for money
Who was MLK Jr. A son of
a prominent Atlanta minister
What was MLK appointed
a pastor of Montgomery’s Dexter Avenue Baptist Church
Who was the famous black nationalist?
Malcolm X
What religion was Malcolm X
A Muslim
Why did Malcolm X distance himself from the Muslim religion
He had a power struggle with founder Elijah Muhammad in 1964
What did Malcolm X support
militant separatism and violence only for self-defense
What was Malcolm X hostile to
the mainstream civil rights movement
What did Malcolm X call the march on washington
Farce on Washington
Who did Malcolm X not want to change the minds of
hostile whites, he just wanted to strengthen the black community
How did Malcolm X change his stance?
he began to talk about class struggle uniting poor whites and blacks
How did Malcolm X get inspired
from seeing Muslims of all races worshipping together in the Middle East
What organization did Malcolm X create
organization of Afro-American Unity
What was the purpose of the Organization of Afro-American Unity
to promote black pride and to work with traditional civil rights groups
How was Malcolm X killed?
in Harlem, by three black muslims in 1965 while delivering a speech
Who overcame the filibuster to pass the civil rights bill
Lyndon Johnson
What was Lydon Johnson the former of
senate majority leader
Where was Lyndon Johnson from
the south
How is Lyndon Johnson described
tough political bargainer, political hardball
What were Lyndon Johnson’s two motivations
his own principles, just doing the right thing, and supporting the bill that would make him look good, like his idol FDR
What organization was Cesar Chavez involved in
the Community Service Organization (CSO)
What did the CSO (Community Service Organization) do?
advocated for Mexican political participation and civil rights
T/F: Cesar Chavez was always greatly involved in the CSO
False, he left the group in 1962
What was Cesar Chavez’s focus after leaving the CSO
agriculture around Delano, CA
What organization did Cesar Chavez organize
United Farm Workers
What was the United Farm Workers
a union for migrant workers
What was Cesar Chavez’s personality?
deeply spiritual
What protest did Cesar Chavez organize
a 28 day hunger strike with Robert F. Kennedy
What is the United Farm Workers famous for
a nationwide boycott of grapes, which resulted in CA grape growers signing contracts, recognizing the UFW
How did Kennedy and Lyndon differ?
Kennedy hated Vietnam, but Lyndon wanted a Vietnam war
What encompassed black nationalism?
anything from wearing African dashikis, buying from black businesses, or calling for total separatism
Who were 2 precursors of black nationalism
Fredrick Douglass and Marcus Garvey
Why was Islam appealing to blacks?
it stressed equality
What was the leading group that advocated fro black nationalism?
nation of islam
What was the nation of islam’s philosophy
self-improvement and a rejection of white culture
What was the nation of islam’s strict code
men wore dark suits, white shirts, and ties, women wore long dresses and head coverings
What did minister’s preach in reference to Islam
an apocalyptic version of Islam that said that one day Allah would banish the white “devils” and deliver justice
Where was islam most common
Northern cities
T/F: Many were not strict adherents to the nation’s of islams’ strict code
What ideal was created by some SNCC and CORE activists
Black Power
Who led black power
Stokely Carmichael
What did black power think
it wasn’t good that blacks were relying on whites to achieve racial justice and that blacks should build economic and political power in their own communities
How did black power fight poverty
setting up day care centers, running job training programs, and working to improve housing and health care
Where did black power open jobs
in urban cities in police and fire departments and in construction and transportation
What did black power give to black entrepreneurs
what was black power committed to ending
police harassment
What did black power reject?
white society, in favor of African culture
What movement did Black Power promote
the black arts movement, where music preference goes from Motown (soul music)
What party promoted black nationalism
Black Panther party
What was the black panther party
a militant organization that protected blacks from police violence
Where and who was the black panther party founded?
Oakland by Huey Newton and Bobby Scale
What community service did the Black panther party organize
free breakfast, sickle-cell anemia testing
what war did the black panther party oppose
Vietnam War, declaring solidarity with 3rd world revolutionary movements and other struggles
What was the manifesto of the Black Panther Party
“What We Want, What We Believe”
What was mentioned in the Black Panther’s Party manifesto?
Ten Point Program for black liberation, such as full employment, decent housing, in order to end police brutality
How toes the Black panther’s party manifesto conclude
“We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice, and peace”
What organization was surveying the Black Panther Party, and late infiltrated them
the FBI
What situation was members of the Black panther Party often in
violent clashes with the police
What was Lyndon’s war
War on Poverty
Was the war on poverty successful?
According to Harry Byrd, what happened as a result of the Brown ruling
massive resistance
What document denounced the Brown decision
Southern Manifesto
What group saw a rise in membership following the Brown descision
T/F: Eisenhower was for the Brown descision
false, he considered it to be a mistake
What caused Eisenhower to use federal power to enforce the Brown decision?
when 9 black students could not attend Little Rock’s all whit Central High School do to violent protests
What did white mobs chant at Little Rock
“Go back to the jungle
Who called the national guard to block students from entering Central High School
Governor Oral Faunus
Who finally sent federal troops to help the 9 black students go to school
What caused the Montgomery Bus Boycott
After Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white man
What other boycotts was the Montgomery bus boycott inspired from
similar bus boycotts in Harlem and Baton Rouge
How long did the Montgomery Bus Boycott last
381 days
How did blacks avoid going on the bus
carpools and walking
What happened as a result of the Montgomery Bus Boycott
the Supreme Court said segregation on public transportation was unconstitutional on November 1956
Where did the Greensboro protests take place
in north Carolina, specifically Woolworth’s drugstore
how did the Greensboro sit-ins start
when four black college students sat at a white’s only lunch counter
What was the Greensboro sit ins
hundreds of African Americans taking turns sitting at counters, despite abuse from whites like food being thrown or beating, and they were later arrested
What desegregated as a result of the Greensboro sit-ins
Woolworth’s lunch counter
Who organized Freedom Rides?
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
T/F: Segregation was banned in interstate commerce before the freedom rides
True, but it still happened in practice
Where did freedom rides take place
Greyhound bus line
What did freedom riders do?
sing songs
What violence occurred at the freedom rides
klansmen attacked the buses when they stopped in small towns (especially in ALabama
Who refused to intervene against violence at the freedom rides
governor John Patterson
Who displaced federal Marshalls to protect freedom riders?
JFK and his brother Robert Kennedy
T/F: JFK initially discouraged freedom rides
What did MLK call “the most segregated city in the United States”
What did the SCLC and MLK do in Birmingham?
led a campaign there
Who was the city’s public safety commissioner and what did he do?
Eugene “Bull” Conor, he sent troops armed with snarling dogs, electric cattle prods, and high pressure fire hoses to stop the protesters
What did King write in Birmingham?
“Letter from Birmingham Jail”
What events in Birmingham caused Kennedy to denounce racism, and promote a civil rights bill on TV
Brutality against protestors, King’s jail times, Alabama governor George Wallace barring two black students from enrolling @ state university
What was Kennedy denouncing racism on live TV deemed
“Second Emancipation Proclamation”
How many people gathered in the Lincoln memorial during the March on Washington
How did people get to the March on Washington
freedom buses and freedom trains
Who planned the March on Washington
A. Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin
What famous speech was given at the March on Washington
I Have a Dream
Who else had a speech at the March on Washington, but had to tone it down due to its provocativeness
John Lewis
T/F: The March on Washington changed a lot of congressional votes
False- it changed very few
What happened at the Birmingham Baptist church
4 little girls were bombed
What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlaw
discrimination in employment on the basis of race, religion, national origin, and sex
What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 guarentee
equal access to public accommodation ands school
What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 grant
new enforcement powers to attorney general
What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 establish?
Equal Employment opportunity commission to implement the prohibition against discrimination
What caused Bloody Sunday
James Bevel of the SCLC called for a march from Selma, Alabama to the capital, Montgomery
What happened in Bloody Sunday
600 participants crossed Pettus Bridge, then state troopers attacked them with tear gas and clubs
What did LBJ call bloody sunday
“an American tragedy”
What did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 outlaw?
literacy tests and other methods that prevented blacks from registering to vote
What did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 authorize
the attorney general to send federal examiners to register voters in any county where registration was less than 50%
What did the 24th amendment outlaw
poll taxes in federal elections
T/F: The Voting Rights Act of 1965 worked
What happened in the Watts Riots
a young black motorist in the Watts section of LA was arrested, leading to 6 days of rioting and 34 deaths
How many cities participated in the Watts riots
22 cities
Who was shocked by the rioting and why?
LBJ, since he had just given black people rights
What did the Kerner Commission recognize as a result go the Watts Riots
how racial inequality did urban violence, and how white institutions created racial ghettos
What happened after the Watts Riots, for MLK
MLK expanded his vision to include poverty and racism as a whole, shown by the Poor People’s campaign
By who, where, and when was MLK assassinated
1968, Memphis, James Earl Ray
What was MLK doing in Memphis the day of his assasination
to support a strike by predominantly black sanitation workers, with the larger goal of fighting economic injustice
What did MLK’s death lead to
further rioting in more than 100 cities
What did the Young Lords organization advocate for
Puerto Rican Rights
What organization inspired the Young Lords Organization
Black Panthers
What problem caused the Young Lords Organization?
In East Harlem, NYC authorities let the garbage rot, and slumlords allowed the housing to suck
What group was particularly active in the Young Lord’s Organization
What caused Women involvement in the Young Lord’s Organization
sterilization campaigns targeting Puerto Rican Women, they wanted health care access
What was the first group to immigrate primarily by plane
Puerto Ricans
Who led the Chicano Movement
Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta
What did young Mexican Americans dislike about their elders
how they were assimilating into Anglo society
What did young Mexican Americans dislike about older political organizations like MAPA and MALDEF
they didn’t like their “incremental gains”
Who created La Alianza
Lopez Tijerina
What did La Alianza want to do
take back land won in the Mexican-American War
What did neighborhoods in LA make as a part of the Chicano movement
Brown Berets
What did Brown Berets nod back to
the Black Panthers
What did the Chicano movement replace the term Mexican American with
Where did the term Chicano first arise?
National Youth and Liberation Conference
What organization led to the formation of Laza Raza Unida
Mexican American Youth Organization
What does Laza Raza Undid translate to
People United
What was Laza Raza Unida
and alternative political party to Democrats and Republicans
What type of education did the Chicano Movement push
bilingual education
T/F: The Supreme Court did not recognize the Chicano movement’s push for bilingual education
What did the 1974 Equal Education Opportunities Act push?
bilingual programs in school
Why did the Chicano movement ultimately fail at?
improving wages and working conditions
What was the predecessor of the American Indian Movement
National Indian Youth Council (NIYC)
What did the National Indian Youth Council promote
the idea that Indians are one ethnicity
What was the slogan of the National Indian Youth Council
“For a Greater Indian America”
What group took over the deserted Alcantar Island
Militant Indians of All Tribes (IAT)
How much did Indians of All Tribes want to purchase Alcantar Island for and why
$24 in glass beads and red cloth, since that’s what Manhattan island was purchased for 300 years ago
What did AIM members ransack
the Bureau of Indian Affairs HQ
Where did AIM members seige
Wounded Knee, South Dokota, stayed there for 2 months, fought government, and 2 were killed
What is significant about Wounded Knee, South Dakota
Where Sioux were massacred and it was part of the Pine Ridge Reservation where AIM members worked with some elders
What view did Kennedy have of the cold war
Who did Kennedy appeal for?
to people and called on them for what they could do to help the country
Who did Kennedy establish trust with in his inaugural address
with his young audience
Who wrote a realistic view of the Cold War
What did LaFeber acknowledge
that the Cold War was a global war, not just a conflict between the US and USSR
What song promoted teenage individualism and encouraged them to “make connections”
Hound Dog
Why does Holden struggle to resonate with the modern teenager
expectations of a cookie cutter life
What does Catcher in the Rye reveal about Hollywood
its influence and the teenage market
Why is Holden alienated from
“date” culture because he can’t form a connection
How does Holden relate to J.D. Salinger
his background as a WWII veteran and his PTSD, which relates to Holden’s mental disorder
How did the Watt Riots transform the SNCC
it went from non-violent to a more militant and black power organization
How was the Nation of Islam kind of like a cult
the original leader, Wallace Far, said he was the messiah
What did the Nation of Islam believe about religion
that black people’s true religion was Islam and that Christianity was forced upon them by slave owners
Who is the current leader of the Nation of Islam, and a black supremacist
Louis Farrakhan
How did the hajj change Malcolm X
because he saw the potential for racial coexistence afterward
Who was the chairman of the SNCC
John Lewis
What was John Lewis after his time with the SNCC
a congressmen, (Atlanta, Georgia)
What march did John Lewis lead
the first wave of the Selma March, which experienced Bloody Sunday
What award did John Lewis win in 2011
Presidential Medal of Freedom
Who was the president of the Mississippi chapter of the NAACP
Medgar Evers
How did Medger Evers die
in his driveway in Jackson by a white supremacist
What was ironic about the day Medgar Evers was killed
it was the same night of Kennedy’s TV speech, the second emancipation proclamation
Who was the “anti Thurgood Marshall”
Clarence Thomas
Who gave the longest filibuster ever by a lone senator (it was against civil rights)
Strom Thurmond
How old was Strom Thurmond when he died
Despite his anti civil rights stance, how long was Strom Thurmond a senator
until his death in 2003
What was the name for black institutions established before the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Historically Black Colleges and Universities
What were the NACCP’s 4 famous cases
Smith v. Allwright (1944), Shelley v. Kraemer (1948), Sweatt v. Painter (1950), Boran v. Board of Education
What was ruled in Smith v. Allwright
that states could not exclude black voters from primaries
What did Shelly v. Kraemer strike down
race-based restrictive housing covenants
What did Sweatt v. Painter deem
separate facilities for Black professional and graduate students unconstitutional
What was Thurgood Marshall’s most famous case
Brown v. Board
What did Brown v. Board of Education say has no place
the “separate but equal” doctrine
What does daily life today come from?
the 1950s
What were one of the two commercial forms that would dominate the rest of the century
Fast Food
Who bought McDonals from the McDonalds brothers
Ray Kroc, the Chicago-born son of Czech immigrants
What did Ray Kroc turn McDonalds into
the largest chain of restaurants in the world
What did Kroc’s vision change
the way American consumed food, with drive ins or fast food becoming a staple of the American diet
By 2000, how much money was the fast food industry worth
$100 billion
What fast food mascot was just as recognizable to children as Santa Claus?
Ronald McDonald
What program did Lyndon B. Johnson launch
Great Society Program, which created Medicare and Medicaid
What was the Great Society Program
a dramatic expansion of liberal social programs to assist the needy and strengthen the middle class
Who built Levittown homes
innovative Long Island building contractor William J. Levitt
How did William J. Levitt allow his company to rapidly build affordable douses
applied mass-production techniques to construction
How much were Levitt’s houses priced
When did Levitt’s homes first on sale
How did word about Levitt houses spread
word of mouth which brought buyers to his Levittowns in NY, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey
T/F: Levitt’s houses were very unique
False - many developers across the country copied him
How were Levittown homes restricting
they only allowed members of the caucasian race
What did the Federal Housing Administration do?
issue thirty year mortgages with as little as 5% down payment and a 2-3% intest
What did the Veterans Administration do?
require only a token $1 down payment for qualified ex-GIs
What did home mortgages help push
home ownership rates to 60% by 1960
T/F: Playboy was very popular at its time
T/F: Playboy magazine had a lot of influence
False - few actually pursued its fantasy lifestyle as marriage still remained the final destination
Who was Alfred Kinsley
a published zoologist by Indiana University
What was Alfred Kinsey’s nickname
sex doctor
What did Alfred Kinsey document
full range of sexual experiences of thousands of Americans
What taboos did Alfred Kinsey break?
homosexuality, marital infidelity
What phrase was coined because of the Kinsey report
“Hotter than the Kinsey Report
What did the ladies home journal teach women?
how to raise children, make a home, be a devoted wife
What milestone did the Ladies Home Journal surpass?
The first magazine with a million subscribers
What question did the Ladies Home Journal ask
“Is college Education Wasted on Women?”
What was the new phrase on US coins in 1956
In god we trust
What caused Many Americans to affirm their religious faith
the Age of Anxiety
What were religious revivals caleld
What was Billy Graham the leading of
the nation’s leading evangelical
What was Billy Graham’s most famous revival
the 1957 revival at Madison Square Garden which lasted more than 3 months
How did Billy Graham spread his message?
TV, radio, and advertising
What did Jack Kerouac’s On the Road glorify
spontaneity, sexual adventurism, drug use, and iconoclastic spirituality (attacks on traditional beliefs of spirituality)
What was the unofficial manifesto of the Beat movement
What were the beats
a small group of literacy figured in NY, LA, and SF who rejected mainstream culture and celebrated personal freedoms
T/F: The beats were very political
false - but they would inspire the defiant counterculture of subsequent generations
Who pioneered R&B
Chuck Berry, Little Richard, and Fat Domino
Who introduced America to R&B and popularized the name Rock N’ Roll
Cleveland disc jockey Alan Freed
What caused the rise of Rock ‘n’ roll
the rise of the middle class, which allowed for more spending power
Who was the first breakout Rock ‘n’ roll performer
Elvis Presely
Who recorded originally Elvis’ Presley’s hit “Hound Dog”
Big Mama Thorton, a black women
What is this quote in reference to “If I could find a white man who had the Negro sound and Negro feel, I could make a billion dollars”
Elvis Presley and ingrained racism in Rock n’ Roll
What does Kennedy justify in his first inaugural address
nuclear weapons arsenal;
What is Kennedy’s first inaugural address about
foreign policy
What did LaFeber think drove American descisions
money and greed
What irony does LaFeber point out?
that America both promoted free, individualistic society while having secret military forces and alliances
How many “cold wars” does LaFeber say there are
What is Hughes denied because he is black
a literal and metaphorical seat at the table
T/F: Hughes is very aggressive in his poem
False - he wants people to patiently wait for civil rights
What author does Hughes allude to in his poem I, too
Walt Whitman
What 3 things does King elude to in I have a Dream
Decleration of Independence, Emancipation Proclamation, and Constitution
What does King quote in his I have a Dream
the bible
What historically significant event does Obama recognize
Bloody Sunday and the Selma March
How does Obama’s defenition of American exceptionalism difer from the commonly used one
it says American exceptionalism comes from the small, “unimportant” person, not the Great Man
What did Freedom Rides convince the ICC to do?
desegregate buses
What was Johnson’s focus in the war on poverty
focusing on poverty as a social problem rather than economic, and training rather than income
When was the Berlin Wall constructed
When did JFK fly to West Berlin
What famous event happened at Checkpoint Charlie
Berlin Standoff
What 3 new security apparatuses were made because of containment policy
National Security Council, CIA, and Atomic Energy Commission
What report called for the creation of the Hydrogen Bomb
Where was containment policy first mentioned
Long telegram
Where and when was the Marshall plan introduced
Harvard’s commencement address June 1947
Instead of calling it a war, what did Truman call the Korean war
“police action”
What war tactics did the US use in the Korean war
scorched earth
What physicist worked on the Manhattan project and leaked information to Soviets and Chinese
Klatches Fuchs
What are 3 famous spies
Rosenbergs, Alfred Hiss, Whitaker Chambers
What accord did the US neglect when they rigged SOuthern vietnam election to support the anticommunist Diem regime
Geneva Accords
T/F: Eisenhower was successfully able to avoid American War in Vietnam
What were 3 minor successes of the Fair Deal
expanded Social Security, increased minimum wage, and the national housing act of 1949
What did Joseph McCarthy announce that he had
a list of 205 communists in the state department
What war, which Americans were growing tired of, helped give support to Ike
Korean War