Unit 5 Day 2 Flashcards
What does this quote refer to and who said it? “Only a foolish optimist can deny the dark realities of the moment”
Great Depression/FDR
What plan contributed to the reinvention of liberalism
The New Deal
Classical liberals believed that what?
Government should be small and weak
What caused many to support the new deal
Many believed drastic action was needed
Why did the gold standard lead to the Great Depression?
The gold standard rendered nations unable to increase the supply of currency at precisely the moment when more was needed
What party was President Herbert Hoover
What 2 traditional beliefs did Herbert Hoover and most Republicans believe in?
Success went to those who earned it, business community could fight economic downturns without government assistance
“Any lack of confidence in the economic future or the strength of business in the United States is foolish.”
Herbert Hoover cutting taxes
What blunder led to the depression being prolonged?
Hover keeping the gold standard
What did Herbert do that caused damaged the economy greatly
Increased tarrifs
What law further hindered global trade and worsened economic contraction throughout the industrialized world.
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act
After his two blunders, what was Herbert’s next move.
To increase federal spending in public works by $700 million
What program of Hoover’s provided federal loans to railroads, banks, and other businesses.
The Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)>
Where did many evicted people move?
What group protested the falling commodity prices by cutting off supplies, barricading roads, and dumping milk vegetables, and other foodstuffs onto the roadways
Farmer’s Holiday Association
How did many unions end?
in violence
What group was a loose caravan of unemployed WWI veterans
The Bonus Army
What does this quote refer to: “We were heroes in 1917 but we’re bums now”
The Bonus Army
What did hoover do to the Bonus Army
Forcefully evicted them
Who was the republican nomination in the 1932 election?
Herbert Hoover
Who was the democratic nomination for the 1932 election?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
T/F: Roosevelt’s ideas greatly differed from Hoover’s
What did FDR of to make him an intimate presence in home life
Establish the fireside chats
What was the hundred days
Congress enacted fifteen major bills to fight the depression
What 4 fronts were the bills of the hundred days passed
Banking failures, agricultural overproduction, the manufacturing slump, and soaring unemployment
What was a bank holiday
when all the banks were closed an Congress would have a secret session
What law permitted banks to reopen one a Treasury Department inspection showed they had sufficient cash reserves
Emergency Banking Act
What law further restored public confidence by creating the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Glass-Steagall Act
What government agency insured deposits up to $2,500
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
When did Roosevelt remove the US Treasury from the gold standard
June 1933
What law marked the first direct governmental regulation of farm economy
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
What did the AAA provide farmers with
cash subsidies to cut overproduction
What law established the NRA
National Industrial Recovery Act
What did the national Recovery Administration (NRA) do?
regulated wages, prices, and production quotas
What government agency provided federal funds directly to state relief programs
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)
Who directed FERA
Harry Hopkins
What was the nickname for government welfare payments
“the dole”
What was the name of the large scale construction program that would construct the Boulder and Grand Coulee Dams
Public Works Administration (PWA)
What government agency provided jobs for 4 million Americans and repaired bridges
The Civil Works Administration (CWA)
Who headed the (CWA)
Harry Hopins
What government agency annually mobilized 250,000 men to do reforestation and conservation work
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
What organization refinanced home mortgages
Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC)
What law extended the HOLC to the Federal Housing Administration
The Federal Housing Act of 1934
What did critics of FDR call him
“That Man”
What citizen group fought against the New Deal
The American Liberty Leauge
What was a more permanent group that fought the new deal
National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)
How did NAM promote their cause?
radio, movies, billboards
In what Supreme Court case ruled that the National Industrial Recovery Act was unconstitutional
Schechter vs. United States
Who spoke for the nation’s elderly
Francis Townsend
What plan did Townsed propose
Old Age Revolving Pension Plan
What would the Townsend Plan do
Give $200 a month to retired citizens over the age of 60
Who charged Roosevelt and Democrats with insufficient action to protect the welfare of citizens
Father Charles E. Coughlin
Who proposed a 100% tax on all income over $1 million and inheritances over $5 milliion
Huey Long
What was the name for Roosevelt’s shift to the left
Second New Deal
What law proposed a substantial tax increase on corporate profits and higher income and estate taxes on the wealthy
Revenue at of 1935
What did the Second New Deal focus on
Social justice and the creation of a safety net
What term describes government-guarenteed social-welfare programs
Welfare state
What law guaranteed works the right to organize unions
National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)
What law established the right of industrial workers to join unions
Wagner Act
What government agency did the Wagner Act establish
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
What did the NLRB do?
authority to protect workers from employer coercion and to guarantee collective bargaining
What law created an old age pension system
Social Security Act
What conteversial program assisted widows and children
Aid to Dependent Children (ADC)
What was the ADCs? successor
Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)
What political ideology formed from the Second New Deal
“New Deal liberalism”
Which of Roosevelts terms was more successful?
His first
What agency employed others to construct roads, bridges, public buildings, parks, and airports
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
Who was the 1936 Republican presidential candidate
Alfred Landon
What was “the greatest revolution in our political history”
Roosevelts re-election for a 3rd term
What did Roosevelt propose to do to the court?
Add one new justice for every member over the age of 70
What did Roosevelt do to increase the unemployment rate?
Slashed New Deal Programs
What was Keynesian economics?
That government intervention could Smoot out the highs and lows of the business cycle
What law outlawed child labor
Fair Labor Standards Act
What hit ballad captured democratic aspirations of the New Deal
Ballad for Americans
Who wrote the Ballad for Americans
John La Touche, Earl robinson
What does this quote refer to “The era of privilege and predatory individuals is over”
Increase in unions
What party supported labor
Democratic party
Who was the first woman to fill a cabinet post
Frances Perkins
How many believed that wives should work outside the home when their husbands had jobs
Which African American women pushed for New Deal Programs to help African Americans
Mary McLeod Bethune
What agency actively protected the rights of black tenant farmers
Resettlement Administration
What government agency hurt African Americans because white landowners refused to distribute payments to tenants
What organization was notable for its racial integration
Southern Tenant Farmers Union (STFU)
What group of African Americans, accused of rape, inspired solidarity within African American communities
Scottsboro Boys
Who headed the Bureau of Indian Affairs
John Collier
What law reversed the breaking up of tribes with a system of individual land ownership
Indian Reorganization Act of 1934
What is the other name for the Indian Reorganization Act
Indian New Deal
fT/F: Roosevelts program fundamentally reformed the migrant farm labor system
What Asian group was discriminated from farm jobs
Who were “aliens ineligible for citizenship”
Chinese Americans
What law provided gradual independence for the Philippines
Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934
what was the dust bowl
an extreme drought
What did the Soil Conservation Service do to help the effects of the dustbowl
Educated farmers
What did the US Forest Service do to help the effects of the dustbowl
Planted 220 million trees in a wide “shelter belt”
What did Roosevelt see as the first step in modernizing the agrarian South
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
What did the TVA do?
Integrated environmental efforts under one government-owned corporation
What agency was central to enhancing the quality of rural life
Rural Electrification Administration (REA)
What region benefited the most from the New Deal’s focus on the enviroment
the West
What was the biggest environmental project in the West
The building of the Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River
What does this quote from a song refer to: “Roll on, Columbia, Roll on”
The Columbia dam
Wha project connected the Shenandoah National Park with the Smoky Mountains National Park
the Blue Ridge Parkway
What 2 project employed musicians and writers
Federal Music Project, Federal Writer’s Project (FWP)
What project nurtured talented directors, actors, and playwrights
Federal Theatre Project (FTP)