Unit 5 Day 1 Flashcards
Who was the democratic nomination in the 1900 election
William Jennings Bryan
Who said, “God himself placed every human heart the love of liberty” and what is it referring to
William Jennings Bryan and the denouncement of U.S. military occupations overseas
What happened because of Bryan’s pacifist beliefs?
He lost the election by a landslde
What does Bryan’s defeat show
How popular US imperialism was
What wars occurred continuously since the nations founding?
Wars against native people
Who saw access to global markets as key to international power
William Seward
What caused Seward’s ideas to reprise?
The depression of the 1890s
What did policymakers fear American workers would embrace?
Socialism of Marxism
What does this refer to “the largest liberty, the purest Christianity, the highest civilization”
The American Anglo-Saxon Race
What was the idea that the US had a unique destiny to foster democracy and civilization
American exceptionalism
What was the effect of Anglo-Saxon race theory
Many were denied citizenship, segregated, and disenfranchised
Who argued the “free land” on the western frontier was dwindling, and thus new outlets needed to be found for American energy and enterprise
How did imperialists justify their views?
The racialized Social Darwinism
What does this phrase refer to “Competition of Races”
Racial Social Darwinism
What power did many fear America was falling behind on?
Naval Power
What 2 battleships did Congress order constructed in 1866
USS Texas and USS Maine
By 1890, how many steel-hulled battleships did America have
Who warned grover Cleveland to stay away from Latin America
Richard Olney
What writing did Only invoke to get Britain to resolve a long-standing border dispute with Venezuela
The Monroe Doctrine
What was the name for journalists who turned Cuban’s plight into a cause célèbre
Yellow Journalists
Who was a famous yellow journalist
William Randolph Hearst
What does the phrase “manufacture manhood” refer to
Congress calling for Cuban Independence
Who had no interest in supporting the Cuban rebellion
President Grover Cleveland
What shocking news came in February 1898
The USS Maine had exploded and sunk in Havana Harbor
What popular chant arose from the sinking of Maine
Remember the Maine
what does this quote refer to “in the name of civilization, and in behalf of endangered American interests”
McKinley asking congress’ permission to intervene in Cuba
What amendment reassured Americans that their country would respect the political independence of other nations.
The Teller Amendment
Who wrote the Teller Amendment
Senator Henry M. Teller
What is this in response to “We must keep all we get; when the war is over we must keep what we want”
The Teller Amendment
When did Spain Declare War on the US
April 24, 1898
What is this quote in reference to “like Don Quixote go out to fight windmills and come back with a broken head”
US’s advantage in the war of 1898
What happened on May 1 1898
American ships cornered the Spanish Fleet in Manila Bay and destroyed it
What territory did US acquire as a result of the war of 1898
The phillipines
What did Dewey’s victory in Manila draw attention to
What caused tension between Hawaiian monarchs and the US
When Queen Liliuokalani succeeded her brother
What group organized the overthrow of the queen
Annexation Club
Who rejected the treaty of annexation in Hawaii
Grover Cleveland
What does this quote refer to “The Aryan race would rescue the islands”
Annexation of Hawaii
What was the first major battle of the war of 1898
The battle at San Juan Hill
Who did many credit the victory of the battle at San Juan Hill to
4 African American Regiments
How did many US soldiers die in the war of 1898
Malaria and Yellow Fever
Who did McKinley say were “unfit for self-rule”
The Filipinos
Who argued that “no power is given to the Federal Government to acquire territory to be held and governed permanently as colonies or to conquer alien people and hold them in subjugation”
George F. Hoar
What 2 citizens enlisted in the anti-imperial cause
Jane Addams and Mark Twain
What did Andrew Carnegie offer to the US government
$20 million to purchase Philippine independence and set the islands free.
Who became president after William McKinley’s assassination?
Theodore Roosevelt
T/F: Roosevelt believed in “policing the world”
What did Roosevelt argue about domestic progressivism
A strong federal government asserting itself both at home and abroad would enhance economic stability and political order
Who proposed an open door policy for nations seeking to do business in China
U.S. Secretary of State John Hay
What did the secret society of Chinese nationalists, who were pugnacious in their political stance, become known as
What was Hay’s second open door principle
China must be preserved as a “territorial and administrative entity”
Who did Japan rebel against
Why were westerners shocked at Japan’s victory
It was the first time a European power had been defeated by an Asian nation
Who did Roosevelt refer to as “a wonderful and civilized people”
The Japanese
Who signed the Root-Takahira Agreement?
The US and Japan
What did the Root-Takahira Agreement confirm?
principles of free oceanic commerce and recognizing Japan’s authority over Manchuria
How did Taft’s policies differ from Roosevelts?
Taft wanted more involvement in Asia
What does this quote refer to “speak softly and carry a big stick”
Naval fleets
What did Britain surrender in the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
Central American canal-building rightd
T/F: Colombians accepted Roosevelt’s offer for Panama
What gave the US a commanding position in the Western Hemisphere
The Panama Canal
What did the Roosevelt Corollary declare
The US would police the whole Caribbean
What writing did the Roosevelt Corollary refute
The Monroe Doctrine
T/F: The Roosevelt Corollary was a treaty
Which democratic president criticized his predecessors’ foreign policy
Woodrow Wilson
T/F: Wilson’s policies greatly differed from those of Taft’s and Roosevelt’s
What decision of Wilson’s created lasting mistrust with Mexico
To interfere with the Mexican Revolution, helping the Venustiana Carranza
Who crossed the U.S-Mexico border, killing 16 Americans and raided the town of Columbus, New Mexico
General Fransico “Pancho” Villa
What military power terrorized europeans
What alliance was Germany, Austria Hungary, and Italy a part of
The Triple Alliance
What alliance was Britain France and Russia a part of
Triple Entente
T/F: Americans remained neutral in the war originally
What does “the power of our detachment” refer to
America’s neutrality in WWi
What event triggered WWI
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne
What was the first country to declare war and who was that country declaring war on
Germany on Russia and its ally France
How far could WWI rifles hit a target from
1000 yards
Why were American leaned towards Britain and France, even though they were still neutral
What weapon did Germany launch to challenge the British navy
U-boat, or submarine
What attack caused Americans to lose hope of neutrality
Submarine attack on the Lusitania
What was agreed in the Sussex pledge
Germany would not target ships unless an inspection showed that it carried weapons
How much money did Wilson invest in US Military Buildup
$1 Billion
Who did Republicans turn to after Roosevelt,
Charles Evan Hughes
Who did democrats nominate agains Hughes
Who won the election of 1916
What did Wilson to to combat Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare
Cut off diplomatic relations with Germany
What urged Mexico to join Mexico to join the central powers, promising that it would help Mexico seize Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona
Zimmermann telegram
What did German U-boats do after Wilson cut off diplomatic relations
Sink US Ships
When did Wilson ask congress for a declaration of war
April 2, 1917
When did the US declare war on Germany
April 6, 1917
T/F: The vote to war was basically unanimous
Why was the military draft successful
Civilian run draft boards
Who was tasked to head the American Expeditionary Force
General Pershing
What did the AEF require
Safer shipping
Why did Russia drop out of the war?
To fight its own civil war after communism
When did Germany sign an armistice
November 11, 1918
What was a crucial turning point in the war
America’s support
What were men who wore US uniforms known as
What percent of armed forces consisted of African Americans?
How many Native Americans served in WWI
T/F: WWI was a deadly war for Americans
What class mostly benefited from WWI
Upper Class
What organization directed military production
War Industries Board (WIB)
Who headed the WIB
Bernard Baruch
What federal agency established an eight-hour day for war workers with time and half pay overtime
The National War Labor Board (NWLB)
T/F: The NWLB, like many other labor organizations, disregarded women
What group introduced daylight savings time to conserve coal and oil
The Fuel Administration
What group seized control of the nation’s hodgepodge of private railroads, seeking to facilitate rapid movement of troops and equipment
The Railroad Administration
what wartime agency was headed by Herbert Hoover
Food Administration
What was the Food Administration’s slogan?
“Food will win the war”
What effect did the food administration have on politics
saw Hoover emerging from the war as one o the nation’s most admired public figures
What was a government propaganda agency
Committee on Public Information (CPI)
Who headed the CPI
Journalist George Creel
What was the purpose of the CPI
mold Americans into “one white-hot mass” of war patriotism.
T/F: The CPI was successful
What was the name given to people who delivered short prewar speeches at movie theaters
Four-Minute Men
What organization pressured immigrants to become “100% American”
What quasi-vigilante group mobilized about 250,000 “agents” and trained them to spy on neighbors and coworkers
American Protective Leauge
T/F: The American Protective League remained purely peaceful
What law prohibited any words or behavior that might “incite, provoke, or encourage resistance to the United States, or promote the cause of its enemies.”
Sedition Act of 1918
What act, similar to the sedition act, defined treason loosely, resulting in the prosecution of thousands
The Espionage Act
What Supreme Court ruling upheld the conviction of a socialist who was jailed for circulating pamphlets that encouraged draftees to resist induction
Schenck v. united States
What Supreme Court decision allowed authorities to prosecute speech
Abrams v. United States
Where did African Americans migrate
South to North
What cities were African Americans attracted to during the Great Migration
St. Louis, Chicago, New York, ddetroit
What did the demand for framework encourage
Mexicans to move across the border
What was the largest group to take advantage of wartime opportunities
what women’s organization accepted the war effort
The National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA)
Who founded the National Woman’s Party (NWP)
Alice Paul
T/F: The NWP was an ineffective suffrage group due to their extreme protests
When was the 19th amendment passed
August 20, 1920
What is the reason for Women’s suffrage
The Great War
What does “peace among equals” represent
Wilson’s belief that there should be no victor in World War 1
What was the name for Wilson’s blueprint for peace
fourteen points
What was the 14th point of the fourteen points
The League of Nations
What 3 countries were not present in the conference of Versailles
Russia, Germany, Italy
How much did Germany have to pay in reparations
$33 Billion
What was established regarding Palestine by the british
Britain would work to find a national home for the Jewish people
What is this quote in reference to “all-powerful, all-ignorant men, sitting there and carving up continents”
The conditions created by the Versailles treaty that led to WWII
What group opposed US involvement in European affairs
the irreconcilables
T/F: Wilson’s 14 points were greatly applauded in America
What did Wilson do to garner support for the League of Nations
Went on a grueling speaking tour
T/F: The United States ratified the Treaty of Versailles and joined the League of Nations