Unit 4 Day 2 Flashcards
Who “exemplified American success”
Andrew Carnegie
What industry didi Carnegie make his name in?
What did Carnegie deem to expensive?
collective bargaining
How did Carnegies’ union die out?
Violence and prosecution
T/F: There were more employees of large corporations than farmers and artisans in Antebellum America
What prompted millions of migrants to cross continents in search of jobs?
Did the industrialization cause inflation or deflation?
Between 1877 and 1900, American’s average real per capita increased from $388 to what?
What is Carnegie referring to in this quote: “the poor enjoy what the rich could no before afford. What were the luxuries have become the necessaries of life.”
Despite the increased wealth gap, everyone’s standard of living rose.
What does this quote refer to: “Take care of the pennies, and the pounds will take care of themselves”
Tracking revenue and expenses carefully
What cause the internal structure adopted in many large and complex corporations
the management revolution
What North American natural resource helped drive industrialism?
What was like a “giant cup of coffee for the economy”
Fossil fuels
Who invented the assembly line?
Gustavus Swift
What was the model in which a company controlled all aspects of production and who pioneered it?
Vertical integration/Gustavus Swift`
What industry was Gustavus Swift in?
Meat packing
What technique gave a few firms unprecedented market control
predatory pricing
Who was the “king of petroleum”
John D. Rockefeller
Who did Rockefeller ally with to control the oil market’s boom and bust cycles
railroad executives
What process included merging competitors to your business?
Horizontal integration
Who pioneered Horizontal integration?
What new legal form did Rockefeller’s lawyers create?
The trust
What was a trust?
An organized small group of associates (trustees) to hold stock from a group of combined firms
What 2 things did business tycoons such as Rockefeller, Swift, Carnegie, and Singer depend on
Fossil fuels and rapid long-distance communication
What term in popular usage referred to any large corporation that seemed to wield excessive power
“the trusts”
What did some states do to trusts
Outlaw it
What was the first state that allowed the creation of holding companies
New Jersey
By 1900, how many companies help 1/3 of the nations productive capacity
What was the nations first billion dollar corporation?
U.S. Steel
Who created U.S. steel?
J.P. Morgan
Which essay of Carnegie’s argued that corporate titans attained their wealth through talent
“The Gospel of Wealth”
What did Carnegie argue that wealth was
A “public trust”
What belief did Carnegie deem as essential to the success of the new industrial order
Social Darwinism or “survival of the fittest”
What do “robber barons” and “industrial statesmen” refer to
early industrialists
Which companies were the first to set up research laboratories
Bell Telephone and Westinghouse
What 2 things did corporate power depend on
Production and mass consumption
Who pioneered the department store
John Wanamaker
What does this quote refer to “Life will Cost You Less and Yield You More Than You Dreamed Possible”
Department stores
What companies used money-back guarentees
mail-order empires
What does this quote refer to “Don’t be afraid to make a mistake”
Mail-order companies and fear of quality
What was the first magazine with a million subscribers
Ladies Home Journal
What was the name for people in high level positions in corporations
White collar workers
What was the name for employees who labored with their hands
Blue collar employees
What were departments handling specific activities monitored by
Middle managers
What became a “familiar sight on city streets and in remote country stores”
Traveling salesmen
“Say to him, ‘Now, Mr. Blank, what color shall I make it?”
Salesmen scripts
Who believed that one must sell to customers based on their “instinct of escape and combat” and was taught at Harvard Business School
Walter Dill Sott
What dead-end job did employers begin to assign to women
secretarial work
What new industry game women many oppurtunities
The telephone
What did many wage working jobs turn into, essentially
Independent contractors
What does this quote refer to “had not been brought up under such a system of slavery”
Dislike for a wage working or 9-5 job
Who were known as “pushers”
What was the cause of workers losing much of the independent charecteristic of craft work
Deskilling of labor
What does this quote refer to: “cannot be a master of craft, but only a master of fragment”
Separation of labor tasks/Deskilling of labor
Who invented scientific management?
Frederick W. Taylor
What was scientific management?
Hiring experts to develop rules for the shop floor
T/F: Scientific management was a great success?
What were the three economic classes
A wealthy elite, a self-defined “middle class”, and a class of struggling workers
What caused the America’s higher death rates for dangerous jobs?
Lack of regulation
What were workers greatest priority, even more than their safety
What does this quote refer to “don’t blame married omen if the land of the free has become a land of slavery and oppression”
Response to critics of women in the workplace
Where was child labor more widespread
How many children under the age of 17 worked outside the home
Who were at the bottom of the pay scale
African Americans
How many black men worked in personal service
Between the civil war and WWI, how many immigrants entered the US
25 million
How many San Francisco and New York City residents had at least one parent who was foreign born
What concept does this quote enrapture: “America was known to foreigners as the land where you’d get rich”
Immigrant’s American dream
What does this quote refer to “How can a steerage passenger remember that he is a human being when he must pick the worms from his food?”
Immigrant ships
How many immigrants in this era returned to their home countries
What immigrants came to America to escape religious prosecution?
Eastern European Jews
What does this quote enrapture “a mere struggle for bread”
immigrant life in America
When did the first Chinese immigrants arrive
the gold rush
What does this quote refer to “we kept indoors after dark for fear of being shot in the back”
Chinese immigrant’s fear of violence
Who incited the burning of San Francisco’s China Town?
Dennis Kearny
What happened at the 1885 Rock Springs massacre in Wyoming
White miners burned down the local china town and murdered 28 Chinese men
What law barred the importation of women for prostitution
The 1875 Page Act
What did the 1875 Page act secretly do?
exclude Chinese women to join their husbands in the united states
What law barred Chinese laborers from entering the united states
Chinese exclusion act
When was the Chinese exclusion act repealed
1943, when US and Chinese fought together in WWII
What was a result of cases brought up by Chinese and Japanese immigrants
all persons born in the US had citizenship rights
What 3 groups did the U.S. attorney general rule in 1906 that were barred from citizenship
Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese
Who were America’s first “illegal immigrants”
What was the name of the group of would-be immigrants that relied on Chinese residents, who falsely generated documents
paper sons
What is this quote in reference to “that was a big chance for a lot of Chinese”
The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 that helped the cause of paper sons
Which areas were underrepresented in the Senate and presidential electoral college: urban or rural
What strategy did labor advocates adopt due to political criticisms of industrialization
political alliances with sympathetic rural voters
What is the name of the strike where thousands of railroad workers walked off the job due to steep wage cuts
Great Railroad Strike of 1877
What event is this quote in reference to “The officers of the road were bound to break the spirit of the men and any or all organizations they belonged to”
Labor strikes
How many people died in the 1877 Railroad strike and how much damage did it cause
50/$40 million
What event is this in reference to: “It seemed as if the whole social and political structure was on the very brink of ruin”
The great railroad strike of 1877
What happened to many who participated in strikes
fired, blacklisted, and put on “do not hire list”
What organization was created to enforce order at home
National Guard
What caused the creation of the National Guard
violent workers stirkes
Who warned that Americans were to optimistic about railroad’s impact
Henry George
What was Henry George’s solution
a “single tax” on landholdings
T/F: Farmers were not exploited during industrialism
What did farmers believe America should protect
Cotton and wheat
What benefited from Republican financial policies
What was the most prominent rural protest group
National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry
What platforms did Grange members run on?
What party protested the collapse of reconstruction and urged black man’s vote to be protected?
Greenback-Labor Party
What was the ideal, that the Greenback’s had, that dismissed middlemen, bankers, lawyers, and investors as idlers
What does this quote argue: “noble sons of labor who with bone, and brain, and fiber make the nations wealth”
It was not the money0handlers or executives who contributed to the nations wealth
What was the wave of economic regulatory actions in the midwest caused by greenback pressure called?
Granger laws
What did granger laws primarily do
What was the name of a secret society of garment makers in Philadelphia
Knights of Labor
What did Knights of Labor believe
ordinary people needed control over the enterprises in which they worked
What did the Knights of labor propose transitioning American economy into
cooperative commonwealth
What is this quote in reference to: “aggressiveness of great capitalists and corporations”
Knights of Labor movement
Who was the Knights of Labor’s leader
Terence Powderly
Who was Leona Barry
A women’s organizer for the Knights of Labor
How many were a member of the Knights of Labor
What event signified the downfall of the Knights of Labor
the meeting at Haymarket square, where a bomb was thrown, killing several police officers
What rural movement was founded in Texas during the depression of the 1870s
The Farmer’s alliance
What group does this quote reference: “stand as a great conservative body against … the growing corruption of wealth and power”
The farmer’s alliance
what offered members cheap hail insurance and low prices on machinery and farm supplies
The Dakota Alliance
What established a huge cooperative enterprise to market cotton and provide farmers with cheap loans
The Texas Alliance
What economic system did the Texas Farmer’s Alliance propose
a federal price-support system for farm products
What political party was created after democrats denied the federal price-support system
The Populist
What law provided federal funding for agricultural research and education
The Hatch Act
What law re-instated states Authority to regulate railroads, and created the Interstate Commerce commission
The Interstate Commerce Act
What did the Interstate Commerce commission do
investigate interstate shipping
What continued under the ICC
secret “pooling”
T/F: The Supreme Court was for the ICC
What groups sought a closed shop
trade unions
What did trade unionists create?
the American Federation of Labor (AFL)
Who led the trade unionists
Samuel Gompers
What doctrine did Gompers make
pure-and-simple unionism
What was the aim of pure-and-simple unionists
direct collective bargaining with employers
T/F: The AFL was not more welcoming to blacks and women in comparison to the Knights of Labor