Unit 6 Chapter 15 Key terms Flashcards
The area inside the city limits only
Urban area
A city and its surrounding suburbs
Metropolitan area
a city and the surrounding areas that are influenced economically and culturally by the city
Where is it? Absolute location
What is it like? A combination of human and physical characteristics
Why is it there? An explanation of why people settled there
How is it connected to the rest of the world? Focuses on trade routes and transportation hubs
Urban Sprawl
urban areas that expand in an unplanned and uncontrolled way, covering large expanses of land in housing, commercial development, and roads.
Types of suburbs
Boomburb, Exurb and edge cities
Edge city
a type of community located on the outskirts of a larger city
Boom burb
suburb that has grown rapidly into a large and sprawling city with more than 100,000 residents
a fast-growing community outside of or on the edge of a metropolitan area that is closely connected to the central city and suburbs
the process of redeveloping aging and decaying areas in the urban center to make the best of the space
Gravity model
Larger cities have a greater gravitational pull. Larger cities will interact more with each other than small cities
Rank - size rule
A concept that states the the 2nd largest city will be 1/2 the first, the 3rd largest city will be 1/3 of the largest etc.
Primate city rule
far larger and more influential that any other city in that country. These countries don’t fit the rank size rule. Ex: Mexico, Paris, Bangkok, and Tokyo
Central Place theory
Walter Christaller. Predicts the pattern in which cities will develop in a given country. determined by consumer choice and behavior
The size and location of a central place is determined by market’s
threshold and range
the minimum number of consumer needed to support a particular good or service
The distance a person is willing to travel for a particular good or service
Cities with a population of 10+ million
Megacities examples
New York, LA, Mexico City, Paris, Lagos
largest of the megacities and have a population of 20+ million
Metacities examples
Tokyo, Delhi, Shanghai, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Cairo
World cities
aka global cities, have influence on the whole world
Top 10 world cities
London, New York, Tokyo, Paris, Singapore, Amsterdam, Seoul, Berlin, Hong Kong, Sydney