Unit 5 Grammar Review Flashcards
In adjectives and adverbs, there are ___.
degrees of comparison
In English, many positive adjectives can be changed into comparisons by adding ___ and changed into superlatives by adding ___.
-er; -est
The ___ implies a comparison a comparison among more than two persons or things.
The degrees of comparison are:
positive, comparitive, superlative
Some adjectives, especially of quantity and number, form adverbs with the ___.
accusative singular
The superlative adjective is declined like ___.
bonus -a -um
The comparitive of regular adverbs is the ___.
neuter singular nominative form
A superlative adjective used to indicate degree rather than comparisons means ___.
The superlative of regular adverbs is formed by ___.
adding -ē to the superlative stem
The ___ implies a comparison among more than two persons or things.
Adjectives with stems ending in a vowel are usually compared with the adverbs ___.
magis, máximē
The ___ is descriptive.
Two nouns or pronouns compared using the adverb quam must be ___.
in the same case
1st/ 2nd declension adjectives are changed into adverbs by ___.
adding -ē to the stem
The superlative adjective is formed by adding ___ to the stem.
-issimus, -rimus, or -limus
The Latin comparitive is declined like a regular ___ noun.
3rd declension
3rd declension adjectives of two and three terminations are changed into adverbs by ___.
adding -iteror-er to the stem
Give an exampole of degrees of comparison in English using the adjective great.
great, greater, greatest
In English, other adjectives and adverbs are compared by means of the words ___.
more and most
The Latin comparitive is formed by adding ___ and ___ to the stem.
-ior; -ius
Adverbs stand ___ the verbs they modify.
A comparitive adjective used to indicate degree rather than comparison means ___.
rather, too, more than the average