Lesson 2: Vocabulary Review Flashcards
to make, do
fácio fácere feci factus
Time flies.
Tempus fugit.
fácio fácere feci factus
to make, do
Festina lentē
Make haste slowly.
Nóscitur ex sóciis.
He is known by his companions.
to come
vénio venire veni ventus
Iron is sharpened by iron.
Ferrum ferro exacúitur.
impédio (4)
to hinder, obstruct
to hear
áudio (4)
how many?
The master has spoken.
Magister dixit.
Repetítio mater studiorum.
Repetition is the mother of learning.
to rule
rego régere rexi rectus
rego régere rexi rectus
to rule
to fix, fasten
figo fígere fixi fixus
to join, connect
jungo júngere junxi junctus
to not know
néscio (4)
Ferrum ferro exacúitur.
Iron is sharpened by iron.
how (in what manner)?
fúgio fúgere fūgi fúgitus
to flee
Aut viam invéniam aut fáciam.
I shall either find a way or make one.
Said and done
Dictum et factum
to desire, wish for
cúpio cūpere cupivi cupitus
figo fígere fixi fixus
to fix, fasten
fínio (4)
to finish, limit
to sleep
dórmio (4)
enclictic used to form yes or no questions
to say speak
dico dícere dixi dictus
where? in what place?
A mari usque ad mare
From sea to sea
to convey, transport
veho véhere vexi vectus
Magister dixit.
The master has spoken.
séntio sentire sensi sensus
to feel perceive
vivo vívere vixi victus
to live, be alive
to drag, haul
traho tráhere traxi tractus
to know
scio (4)
scio (4)
to know
to build, construct
struo strúere struxi structus
dico dícere dixi dictus
to say speak
cúpio cūpere cupivi cupitus
to desire, wish for
cápio cápere cepi captus
to take, capture
vinco víncere vici victus
to conquer
Cápitur urbs quae totum cepit orbem.
The city which captured the whole world is now captured.
to feel perceive
séntio sentire sensi sensus
to lead
duco dúcere duxi ductus
struo strúere struxi structus
to build, construct
to finish, limit
fínio (4)
to conquer
vinco víncere vici victus
In hoc signo vinces.
In this sign you will conquer.
to flee
fúgio fúgere fūgi fúgitus
jácio jácere jeci jactus
to throw, hurl
duco dúcere duxi ductus
to lead
dórmio (4)
to sleep
vénio venire veni ventus
to come
how (in what manner)?
how many?
áudio (4)
to hear
to fortify, protect
múnio (4)
quam diu?
how long?
In this sign you will conquer.
In hoc signo vinces.
Tempus fugit.
Time flies.
Repetition is the mother of learning.
Repetítio mater studiorum.
to take, capture
cápio cápere cepi captus
how long?
quam diu?
The city which captured the whole world is now captured.
Cápitur urbs quae totum cepit orbem.
enclictic used to form yes or no questions
múnio (4)
to fortify, protect
traho tráhere traxi tractus
to drag, haul
invénio invenire inveni inventus
to discover, find out
néscio (4)
to not know
jungo júngere junxi junctus
to join, connect
to live, be alive
vivo vívere vixi victus
A friend is proven in time of necessity.
Amicus in necessitate probatur.
Make haste slowly.
Festina lentē
Dictum et factum
Said and done
where? in what place?
veho véhere vexi vectus
to convey, transport
Amicus in necessitate probatur.
A friend is proven in time of necessity.
I shall either find a way or make one.
Aut viam invéniam aut fáciam.
What’s new?
Quid novi?
Quid novi?
What’s new?
to discover, find out
invénio invenire inveni inventus
to throw, hurl
jácio jácere jeci jactus
From sea to sea
A mari usque ad mare
He is known by his companions.
Nóscitur ex sóciis.
to hinder, obstruct
impédio (4)