How is called the notion or connotation placed on an object or event by a society and adopted by it?
Social constructionism
Theoretical framework that suggests various facets of social reality such as…
concepts, beliefes, norms and values
Theoretical framework that suggests various facets of social reality is formed through…
continuous interactions and negotiations among society’s members.
Social aspects of medicines:
- Illness may have social causes
- Illness has social consequences
- Medicine is a social act and product
- Illness is constructed socially
What are the characteristics of the social aspects of medicines?
- Health and illness cannot be defined merely in anatomical or physiological terms.
- Its true measure is the individual’s ability to function acceptably.
Illnesses are affected by…
a variety of sociocultural factors
Society and culture define and typify what is…
health and illness
Cultural relativity of the concept of biological alteration:
- Historical change
- Cultural change
- Recent issues
Society and culture give…
illness different meanings
Every society and its culture create their…
own therapeutical context
How is name the practice used to heal illness that are applied by a specific society during a certain period?
Healthcare pluralism
Consequences of the social image of AIDS
- Stigmatization of IVH positives
- Hiding and spread contagion