Writing began in…
Egypt and Mesopotamia
The first librarie was…
In the beqining the scientific papers were translated from:
greek to arabic and arabic to latin
Manuscripts are present know a days as..
- Notebooks and labbooks
- Medical records
At irst the autor was forced to copy the same letter dozens of times, and send them at the same time, in order to:
- Reach all correspondents
- Demostrate authorship
- Avoid plagiarism
Printing represent a…
technical revolution
The dissemination through print was divide in 2 phases:
- Between 1453 and the 17th century
- From the 17th century to WWII
Compared to books, journals provided a greater… for scientific communication
In the 20th was mode commonly used the… for journals articles.
IMRAD structure
What is a indispensable requirement for the publication of an article?
peer review
Communicating knowledge that is being produced by the community.
Dissemination of new techniques.
Updating and systematization of knowledge.
Validation by experts.
Certification of authorship and primacy.
Avoid duplication of experiments.
Are the …?
Objectives of scientific journals
In the information challenges in today’s science is the growing obsolescence of..
scientific work.
In the information challenges in today’s science is the need for more..
dynamic forms of communication.
What is a very important part of scientific activity, particullary in the field of biomedicine?
popularization of science
What is the name of the model of science popularization?
Diffusionist model
What king of aproximation take the diffusionist model?
clasic, linear and unidimensional
In the dissusionist model the imformation go..
science –> media –> public
Many communicative activities are directed ar…
In science teaching overlap with…
research and popularization
In the continuum of comunication practices tehere are a lack of..
well-defined limits
The purpose of popularization is directed to show…
the work of the creator and the powers of reason.
Popularization is directed to decrease the..
fear of science
Popularization is directed to preserve..
health and fight dease
Popularization is directed to show the…
utility of science
Popularization is directed to promoting …