What is the opposed to occupation?
What is defined as whose learning is achieved by practice?
Tradionally, professions are…
occupations that require a university degree.
Professions requiere?
- Theoretical and practical knowledge
- Training
- Control systems that regulates the acces to a degree
- Professional association in charge
- Code of behaviour
- Carrying a service for common good
Discipline is originally related with…
First scientific discipline because…
- Increase in the volume of knowledge
- Increasing difficulties in mastering all the kills
- Need to focus attention on a single fild
- Teaching model
To be a discipline needs a group of people that is dedicated to its…
To be a discipline needs a literature with a…
specific language
To be a discipline needs a acknoledgedment of the…
existence by society
To be a discipline needs a set of shared…
values and unsolved issues
To be a discipline needs a ….
genealogy (history).
What are the origins of pharmacy?
- Animist societies
- Shamanism
In the animist society medicines are selected according to…
sacred and symbolic criteria.
In the origins of pharmacy medicines do not heal on teir own the needed to be charge by….
- Expulsive
- Necrotising
Symbolic pharmacy is based on…
similarities and signs that lead to fictitious properties.
The 2 most famous medicines of galenisim are:
- Triaca
- Mithridate
The begginnings of technical pharmacy are in…
- Mesopotamia
- Egypt
- Pre-columbian
- China
- India
Hippocrates thought that illness is a…
natural phenomenon
The methodical school thought of clinical obvervation and theoretical and doctrinal elaborations based on the…
four elements of matter and humoral theory.
In the greco-roman pharmacy they think that medications act on..
In what year is the división of pharmacy and medicines?
In the pharmaceutical alchemy they thought that organism is were…
chemical equlibrium.
In the pharmaceutical alchemy diseases were…
chemical disharmony
In the pharmaceutical alchemy pharmacy is oriented towards..
The discovery of america was an immense impulse for…
many disciplines
In the discovery of america it was a increase of…
Materia Medica
In what year pharmacy shift from occupation to profession?
What were the creations of new training institutions in the 8th century?
- Courses at botanical gardens
- Chemical courses
In the universitary education regulated training coexist with…
practical formation in guilds.
In the mid-mineteenth pharmacy schools are integrated into…
The pharmaceutical knowledge goes from the great classics texts to…
modern pharmacy treatises.
The control o a profession is by…
- Exams and titles
- Limitations in professional practice
- Manegement
- Pharmacopeias
The goals of professional colleges are…
- Order the pharmaceutical profession in any of its modalities
- Supervice, facilitate knowledge, enforce ethical standards and promote training
- Defend proffesional interest
The production and dispersion of medicines is due to…
- Retail pharmacies
- Hospitals
- Laboratories
The ethical code is the…
Ethical code and pharmaceutical deontology of 2011