Scientific communication use their own..
language too express ideas and concepts.
The analysis of the origin, formation process, norms of construction of neologisms, and the main problems in the use of scientific language helps with..
its undertanding and use.
The inadequacy of colloquial language is because its lack of..
precision and conciseness.
The inadequacy of colloquial language is because is not..
universal or emotionally neutral.
Caracteristics of the scientific language:
- Universality
- Conciseness
- Accuracy
- Neutrality
The origins of the scientific terminology is based on..
latin and greek texts
The basic elements of the scientific terminology is…
- Traditional lexical heritage
- Words from modern languages
- Vocabulary with other origins
- Eponyms
- Acronyms
- Onomatopeyas
One of the basic aharacterístics os scientific language is its…
adaptability and possibilities of expansion.
Types of neologisms:
- Neologisms of form
- Neologisms of sense
- Syntactic neologisms
The neologisms of form are form from the combination of..
roots, prefixes and suffixes.
Neologisms of form come from..
greco-roman morphenes.
Many suffixes indicates the..
type of disease.
What are the basic combination of neologisms?
- Determinative
- Copulative
- Mixed
What is the basic combination that is based on: A main root is delimited and specified by other roots, prefixes, or suffixes?
What is the basic combination that is based on: Several morphemes combine to associate their meanings?
What is the basic combination that is based on: a combination of determinative and copulative?
What is the spacial combination that is used when combining a morpheme that ends up consonant and another that begins by consonant. It consists of adding a vowel?
What are the 2 ways of forming complex words or expressions form by syntactic combinations of several words to form an expession?
- Juxtaposed form
- Coordinated way
What is the name of the incorporation of a new meaning to a word in everyday language?
What is the name of the change of grammatical category of an element, or in its change of function?
Syntactic neologisms
Semantic phenomenas:
- Synonyms
- Polisemia and homonimia
- Antonyms
- Generic-specific relations
What are the change of meaning?
- Transfer
- Contraction
- Expansion
How is the name of the simple change of meaning of a term?
How is the name of the reduction of meaning, a term has a more restrictive meaning?
How is the name of when a term has a broader meaning than before?
How is name the list or catalog of terms approved by a specific scientific community according to norms that determine their meanings?
How is name the establishment and characterisation of systematic groups according to the knowledge and resources available at any given moment?
One pharmaceutical substance can be known by several names:
chemistry nomenclature, research codes, official name and commercial names.
What are the name that is use in the agencies and advertising campains?
Brand names
The similarities and confusion normally force..
name changes.