Pharmacy was a…., regulated by…
craft industry / guilds
Drugs were produced in the…
What were the first industries of pharmacy?
- Secondary metabolites of plants
- Intense physiological action with psychoactive effects
- Widely used in medicines to treat mental problems and calm pain.
In the second half of the 19th century started the creation of….
synthetic organic chemical inductry.
In the second half of the 19th century started the relationship between the….
dye inductry and the pharmaceutical inductry.
In the second half of the 19th century started the development of….
molecules and prediction of its behaviour
In the second half of the 19th century started the mass production of….
- Pills
- Digitised capsules
- Marketing
When the pharmaceutical industry starts its growth and expansion it increase the…
specialized personnel associated with industries.
When the pharmaceutical industry starts its growth and expansion it start the creation of…
research centers
In the fisrt world war and the interwar period started the vitamins as concept of…
deficiency diseases
In the fisrt world war and the interwar period started the studies on the cause of…
diabetes and function of the pancreas
In the fisrt world war and the interwar period started the isolation of…
In the fisrt world war and the interwar period started the determination of the…
chemical structure
In the fisrt world war and the interwar period start the development of…
synthetic forms
What hormones were studied in the fisrt world war and the interwar period?
- Insulin
- Adrenalin
- Testosterone
- Contraceptives