In the second half of the nineteenth century, the experimental method was consolidated also in…
pharmacology and other science.
At the same time the experimental method was consolidated it began the…
debate about cruelty animals
The debate about cruelty animals was the:
- Beginning of the protectionist movement and appearance of the first societies against vivisection.
- First protectionist legislation.
During the first half of the twentieth century, there was a strong…..
increase in the use of animals in laboratories.
During the first half of the twentieth century, it come the improvement of…
conditions and refinement of techniques.
In the biological reagent of animal experimentation depending on the…
subject of study, animals capable of a reliable and reproducible answer.
The animal experimentation is base on…
- Transferring the results of experiments from one species to another.
- Existence of an infinity of experimental models in animals that can be applied to humans.
- Lack of a perfect model of animal experimentation applicable to humans.
What is define as study of diseases?
What is define as non-invasive techniques?
Clinical diagnosis
What is define as mechanism of action of drugs, toxicology, etc..?
What is define as transgenic food?
What is define as physical and genetic mapping, identification of disease-causing genes?
genomic research
In bioethics the Movements against animal experimentation question the ….
morality and legitimacy of the experiments.
The ethics and legal aspects make a limitation about the..
number of animals sacrified and of pain.
The suffering animals, is opposition to discrimination of a …
living being according to its belonging to a particular species.