What are eating disorders?
Eating disorder symptoms severe some kind of PURPOSE that goes beyound weight loss, food as comfort, an addition, and beyound a need to feel special or in control
Examples of “purpose”
1. Comfort
2. numbing
3. cry for help
4. self-punishment
5. avoidance of intamacy
ED are NOT….
- Vanity (self love or self absorption)
- Diets
- Obsession w/food
- obsession w/exercise
- fun
- eat to treat
- discriminatory- they affect all cultures and socioeconomic levels
What is disordered eating?
Problematic eating patterns that are not practiced at high enough frequency or severity to merit the formal diagnosis of an eating disorder but it is still very serious in nature
What is the progression of disordered eating?
- no disordered eating thoughts or behaviors
- Some thoughts and behaviors
- Bridesmaid trying to slim down for wedding
- Frequent thoughts and behaviors
- eating disorder
- severe eating disorder?
What are some influential factors of ED?
- Genetics
- Comorbid disorders (occuring at the same time or one after another)
- Anxiety disorder
- Depression
- OCD– restrictive ED liek anorexia
- Addiction-40% of substance abuse patients have an eating disorder-often binge ED
- Borderline personality disorder
- Significant weight loss as a child or adolesent due to illness
- neonatal and maternal factors (premature, small for gestational age or experiences in utero
- Trauma (changing schools, interpersonal event sexual assult)
- ACE’s
- Media
- sports
- Environment-peers, family drama
What is PICA?
Eating inedible things or craving and chewing substances that have no nutrition value like
- Ice
- clay
- dirt
- paper
- paint
- hair
What is rumination disorder?
Regurgitating and re-swallowing food
May start with GERD
It comforts them
What are risk factors of AN?
- Gender: Females (1:8 <14 y/o are boys)
- Early childhood eating problems (picky eating)
- Personality: perfectionism, anxiety, obsessive
- Competitive athletics (ballet, gymnastics)
- academically high achievers
- conforming and consientious
What is the driving force for those suffering with AN?
Maintaining sense of control (everything else is controlled by the family
What are the clinical manifestations of AN?
- Usually preceded by mood disturbances & behavior changes
- They find achieement through losing weight
- High level of distrust (paranoia)
- “of course im fat”
According to the PSM5 AN is defined as….
- Restriction of energy intake relative to requirement, leading to a significantly low body weight (restrict food intake)
- Intense fear of gaining weight or of becoming fat, or persistent behavior that interferes with them gaining weight
- Distrubance in the way in which ones body weight or shape is experienced
- Persisteant lack of recognition of seriousness of the current low body weight
- Lots of body checking activites “trophies”
What are the 2 subtypes of AN?
- Restricting type
- Weight loss primarily achieved through dieting/fasting/excessive exercise
- Binge-eating/purging type (NOT TESTED ON)
- Eneergy restriction with the presence of episodes of binge eating or purging
True or false: May patients who suffer from AN may have a loss in hunger ques?
True– we shouldn’t wait for them to eat..
What are medical complications of AN?
Cardiovascular (5), Dermatologic (1), GI (1), Endocrine & Metabolic (3)
2. 1. Bradycardia & hypotension
2. Mitral valve porlapse (common)
3. Arrhythmias
4. Refeeding syndrome
5. ECHO changes
1. Dry skin, alopecia, lanugo hair
1. Constipation
Endocrine & Metabolic
1. Amenorrhea
2. Infertility
3. Osteoprosis
BN is more common in older _____ and ______
1.Adolescent girls and young women
Unlike AN where patients are typically underweight. Patients who have BN are typically….
Average or slightly above average weight
BN patients typically have a ____ personality?
- Outgoing, impulsive
- Aware of problems and want help unlike AN patients who deny anything is wrong
- Prone to acting out behaviors like shoplifting, self-destructive behaviors like excessive drinking and drug use
What is BN?
- Eating disorder characterized by recurrent binge eating followed by purpging (1x/week for x3 months)
Binge eating in BN is defined as?
- Eating a large amount of food in a short period of time (2 hours) with a sense of lack of control
Purging in BN is defined as
- An attempt to rid the body of unwanted food by:
- Vomiting
- laxitives and or diuretics
- fasting for days (following a binge)
- excessive excercise (more common in men)
What are medical complication asscoiated with BN?
1. arrhythmias
2. diet pill toxicity: palpatations hypertension
1. Esophageal repture r/t vomiting
2. Constipation r/t laxitive use
3. Dental erosion r/t acidic contents of stomach when they vomit
4. Parotid gland swelling r/t parotid gland helps you salivate… frequent vomiting causes it too be enlarged constantly
Metabolic (typically fatality causes)
1. Hypokalemia
2. Dehydration
3. Metabolic alkalosis
1. Irregular menses (AN is absense of)
1. Aspiration pneumonia
What is Russel’s sign?
Calluses on hands from a BN patient sticking hand in mouth to puke… not always present in our more chronic BN patients they may be able to puke “on command”