UNIT 3 GU Flashcards
Wht are different types of GU tract disorders and defects?
- Obstructive uropathy
- External defects
Kidneys start developing when and finish developing when?
Kidneys start developing 1 week in embryo but dont finish until about a year after birth
What should we know bout the incidences of UTI in children?
- Females are still more susceptiable than males due to the shorter urethras
- Uncircumcised maless less than 3 months of age and females younger than 12 months have the highest prevalence of UTI’s
- Unexplained fever should be evaluated
Anytime a child has an unexplained fever we should r/o a…
What is the biggest culprut of UTIs
E. Coli– due to the proximity of the anus and urethra
What is the single most important factor of UTIs in children?
Urinary stasis
What are clinical manifestations of UTI’s?
Depends on the age of the patient
- Common in children
- Incontinence in the toliet trained (enuresis)
- Strong-smelling urine
- Urinary frequency or urgency
- Pain with urination (dysuria)
- Fever
- Hematuria (all ages)
- Newborn to infants
- Crying/fussy, not eating, difficult to console, crying when pottying, fever, diahrrea, jaundice, odor in urine, blood tinged
- Toddler
- Expresses that it hurts or hold themself
How do we dx a UTI in children since there is no specific s/s that indicates UTI?
Need a UA– looking for nitrates, leukocytes, blood, cooudy, odor
What are different methods of collecting urine specimens in children?
- ** Cotton ball in diaper **
- Place cotton ball around the area that they would excrete the urine. Wait for the child to pee. This method will not work if child poops in diaper. Once you have a specimen you place the cotton ball into a syringe and squeeze pee out
- ** Bagged specimen **
- Similar to a ziplock bag but velcrows. Take the sticky part and attach to private area and when child voids the speciment will go into the bag. Empty into speciment cup. Easily contaminated and doesnt stick well
- Older children can ** midstream clean catch **
- ** Sterile catheter specimen **
- **Suprapubic aspiration ** – MD does this if unable to straight cath. Done in the PICU
- ** Bladder catheterization ** (Straight cath)
What is a normal PH level in a UA?
What is a normal protien, glucose, ketone, leukocyte esterase, nitrites level in a UA?
What is a normal RBC & WBC level in a UA?
<1 or 2
What is a normal bacteria level in a UA?
Negative to few
What is a normal cast level in a UA?
When do you get the results of your UA with culture and sensitivity?
Prelim: 24 hours
Final: 72 hours (3days)
How is cycstitis normally treated
(Inpatient or outpatient)
Orally– outpatient
How is polynephritis usually treated
(IV or Oral)
How is urosepsis usually treated (inpatient or outpatient)
Inpatient with lots of meds
What are the goals of UTI treatment?
- Eliminate infection
- Identify contributing factiors
- Prevent systemic spread
- Preserve renal function
What scan might be done if a child has recurrent UTIs and what info regarding do that scan should we know?
VCUG… Before a child gets dye we must check there kidney function (BUN & CR) make sure they have no allergies to shelfish or iodine.
okay to void on table
After imaging we need to encourage fluids to wash out dyes
What education should we provide patients with UTI’s
- Wipe front to back
- Avoid bubble baths
- Wash hands
- Finish antibiotics
- Pee after sexaul intercourse
- Double void
What is the antibiotic of choice to treat UTI’s
- Penicillin
- Sulfonmide
- Cephlosporins
What is VUR
Vesicoureteral Reflux
It is the abnormal flow of urine from the bladder into the ureters
What are the different types of reflux?
- Primary
- Seen the most it is caused by the congenital abnormality of incorrect insertion of the ureters into the bladder
- Secondary
- Usually seen with a neurogenic bladder. The brain and bladder are not talking. Bladder gets full and brain doesnt tell it too empty.. Causing to to reflux
Kids with VUR have frequent ___1___ infections
- Kidney infections (pylonephritis)
What is a voiding cystourethrogram?
Images taken of the kidneys before during and after voiding to visulize the possible urine reflux…using contrast medium that is injected into the bladder through a catheter
Kids may have to be sedated for this exam. If they are awake reassure them its okay to have an accident on the exam table…
Ask allergies to shelfish and iodine… post hydration is important in riding kidneys of die.
What do we need to know about the VCUG grading scale?
Primary thing to know is that grade 1 is the least and 5 is the worst.
Grade 1: Reflux is only into the ureter
**Grade 2: ** Reflux into the renal pelvis
**Grade 3: ** Reflux into the renal pelvis w/mild hydropnephrosis
Grade 4: Reflux into the renal pelvis with moderate hydronephrosis
**Grade 5: ** Severe hydronephrosis and can cause ureter to twist and cause obstruction.
Conservative treatment of VUR consists of?
- Daily low dose antibiotic therapy-prophylactic
- Liberal fluids
- Regular voiding and double voiding
- Routine urine culture (every 2-3 months or anytime they have a fever)
- annual VCUG
Concervative treatment of VUR is reserved for grades….
What is the goal of concervative treatment in VUR?
- Prevent any bacteria from reaching kidneys
Surgical treatment of vur is reserved for what stages?
4 & 5
Why is concertative treatment used in grades 1-3?
Typically as the child grows the bladder stretches up making the ureters more on top so less reflux.
Surgical treatment of VUR includes?
- Ureteral reimplantation
Indications for surgery in VUR include?
- Severe forms of VUR
- Significant anatomic abnormaltiy
- Noncompliance with medical therapy
- antibiotic intolerance
- Infrequent access to health care system
Severe forms of VUR are at risk for damaging the kidney permentaly… usually doesnt resolve on its own like grade 1-3. This put them at risk for renal scaring
What is obstructive uropathy?
Structural or functional abnormality of the urinary system that obstructs the normal flow of urine, producing renal disorders. Obstruction can occur at any level of the urinary tract
Can be unilateral or bilateral, congenital or acquired and is more prevalant in boys.
What is the patho obstructive uropathy?
- Obstruction–>
- Damage to the distal nephrones (UTI)–>
- altered ability to concentrate urine —>
- increased urine flow—>
- decreased excretion of acid–>
- Urine pools—>
- Hydronephrosis —>
- UTI which goes back to #2
Understand that urine backs up which damages the kidney causing hydronephrosis
What is a inguinal hernia?
Protrusion of abdominal contents through inguinal canal into the scrotum
Usually seen on a sonogram… fairly common seen more often in preterm infants
Typically painless unless their is some kind of strangulation of content
What is hydrocele?
Fluid in the scrotom
How is a hydrocele trated?
- Typically self-resolving
- Surgical repair if not resolved in 1 year (hydrocelectomy)
In older children Hydrocele can be caused from….
How can we differentiate between a soild mass in the scrotum and fluid in the scrotum?
Basically we candle the bottom of the scrotum using a penlight. If light is seen then its fluid. If no light passes its a mass