What are signs of child abuse and neglect?
- Changes in behavior
- Changes in school performance and attendance
- Unexplained injuries
- Changes in eating
- Changes in sleeping
- Lack of personal care or hygiene
- Comes to school early, stays late, and does not want to go home
- Risk-Tasking behavior
- Fear of certain places or people
- Returning to earlier behaviors (regression)
- Inappropriately dressed for the weather
- Inappropriate sexual behaviors
What are types of child maltreatment?
- Physical neglect
- Emotional abuse/neglect
- Physical abuse
- sexual abuse
What is physical neglect?
Deprivation of necessitites
1. Food
2. clothing
3. shelter
4. supervision
5. medical care
6. education
Most common form of maltreatment
May be due to a lack of knowledge of child’s needs, lack of resoures and cargiver substance abuse.
What is emotional maltreatment?
- Emotional neglect is the FAILURE to meet the needs of affection, attention and emotional nurturance
- Emotional abuse is the Deliberate attempt to destory or significantly impair a child’s self-esteem or competence
What are forms of emotional abuse?
- Rejecting
- Isolating
- terrorizing
- ignoring
- verbally assaulting
- overerly pressuring the child
What is physical abuse?
The deliberate infliction of physical injury on a child, usually by the child’s caregiver
What is the rule of thumb when it comes to spanking?
Rule of thumb for parents who believe in spanking as a form of discipline is that they should only use an open hand (no objects such as wooden spoons, paddles etc.,) and only on the seat of the pants (or buttocks area) with clothes on
Injury from abuse can occur from
what and result in?
Occur from
1. punching
2. beating
3. shaking
4. kicking
5. biting
6. throwing
7. burning
Results in
1. bruses
2. bites
3. burns
4. lacerations
5. Pinch marks
6. swelling
7. tenderness
What is sexual abuse?
- Persuading any child to engage in, or assisting another person to engage in, sexual conduct or stimulation of such conduct
This type of abuse has significally increased the past decade due to increased awareness and increased reporting.
In sexual abuse who is the typical abuser?
Male/Female who the victim KNOWS
Usually family members
1. Fathers
2. Step fathers
3. Relatives
What are methods used to pressure children in sexual abuse caces?
- Children are offered gifts or privileges
- The child is told that it is “okay to do so”
- They may meet the child’s need for love and affection
- PRessures them into secrecy by describing it as a “secret between us
- The offender plays on the child’s fear (of punishment, repercussions , abandoment)
What are physical signs/symptoms of sexual abuse?
- Injury to external genitalia, anus, mouth or throat
- painful urination
- Recurrent UTI’s
- Constipation or stool incontinence
- Difficulty walking or sitting
- preganacy
What are some emotional/psychological s/s
- Sexual comments, behaviors or play
- Regressive behavior (bed wetting)
- Personality change (withdrawn)
- May resist removing clothes for exam
- Phobias (dark, stranger, leaving the house)
- Reports nightmares
- Sudden change inappetite
Whar are causes of child maltreatment?
Exact cause is unknown
1. No single factor or group of factors is predictive of abuse
2. The interaction of these factors is thought to **increase the risk of abuse **occuring in a particular family.
Charcteristics of the child that contribute to mal treatment?
Children unintentionally contribute due to common characteristics:
1. Temperament
2. Ordinal position/birth order
3. Age- Brith to 1 year are at highest risk (must have all of their needs met by others). Children birth to 2 years comprise 25% of all victims
4. Prematurity, behavioral disorder, unwanted pregnancy, cognitive impairment, hyperactivity or physical disability or chronic illness
5. Usually, one child the victim of abuse
6. May be in a difficult developmental stage
- Colic
- Potty training
- Teenagers
7. Removal often places other siblings at risk
What are some parental characteristics that contribute to child maltreatment?
- History of abuse/neglect– “Parenting imprint”
- Difficulty controlling aggression
- Substance abuse
- Inadequate support systems (few supportive relationships
- Usually one parent that is the abuser, the other permits it
- Younger parents
- Socially isolated
- Marital problems
- single-parent families
- single-parent families that include an unrealated partner
- Low-income
- Little education
- Low self- esteem
Inadequate knowledge of appropriate parenting skills/inappropriate or unrealistic expectations for child’s developmental level can lead too….
Child maltreatment
What are some examples of unrealistic expectations related to developmental levels?
- A parent who almost severed their 8 months old penis due to incontinence when the parent was trying to potty train them
- An infant with a severed frenulum who refused to tak etheir bottle
- A toddler’s legs and wrists tied and amouth gagged because they woul dnot stop walking and talking
What is anticipatory guidance?
That is why “anticipatory guidance” with parents about normal growth and development is so important and should be part of a chlds well checks at the pedi office or clinic
What are environmental contributors that can lead to child maltreatment?
- Chronic stress
- Poverty
- Unemployement
- Poor housing/crowded living conditions
- Frequent relocation
- Divorce
- Daycare providers and babysitters (esp. if they have not been fully evaluated)
What are indicators within our assessment that indicate maltreatment has happened?
1. Inconsistent with injury
- For exmaple, a concussion, broken arm and brusies all over the body from falling off of a couch onto a carpeted floor
2. Incompatible with the childs developement
- A 6 month- old turning on the hot water of the bathtub and climbing in and getting burned
3. Delay in seeking medical treatment
4. History changes with repetition
5. Contradictory histories
6. Non-accidental injuries (loop mark bruises)
What are differnet types of injuries that can happen with child maltreatment?
- Skin or soft tissue injuries
- Musculoskeltal injuries/fractures
- Abdominal injries
- Head injuries
What are examples of skin or soft tissue injuries?
- Bruises
- bites
- burns
- lacerations
What should we know about bruises in child maltreatment?
1.Most common manifestation
2.Bruses in varying stages of healing
Where might accidental bruising locations be located?
- Bony prominences- knees and elbows
- Shins
- Lower arms
- Under the chin
- Forehead
Usually minor and small
Where might a non-accidental bruise be located?
- Upper arms
- Trunk
- Upper anterior legs
- Sides of face
- Ears and neck
- Genitalia and buttocks