Unit 4 - AOS 2 - Training Methods Flashcards
Types of training
Aerobic and anaerobic
Training methods
- continuous
- fartlek
- Long interval
- High intensity interval training
- circuit
- resistance
- plyometric
- short interval
- medium ( intermediate) interval
Continuous training
‘Performing an exercise such as running, cycling or swimming over an extended period of time’
Work: 20-30 mins +
Intensity: 70-85% max HR (Sub max)
Fitness components - aerobic power, body comp
Overload- ^ distance, duration, intensity
Fartlek training
‘Speed play and a form of continuous training but with periods/Burt’s of high intensity, with times of low intensity work’
Fitness components- aerobic power, body comp, anaerobic capacity, speed
Overload - increase distance of each burst, ^ frequency of bursts, ^ intensity of bursts
Interval Training
High intensity work with periods of rest
- Allows ^ intensity of work without fatigue
- The work to rest ratio changes to target different energy systems
Long Interval ratio
1:1, 2:1, 3:1
Long interval training
Work: 1-5 min intervals (with equal, half or less recovery time)
Intensity: 85% MHR (a/just above LIP)
- Aims to improve LIP
Fitness components - Aerobic power, body comp
Medium interval ratio
1:3, 1:2
Medium Interval Training
Intensity: 85-95% MHR
Work: 20-45 secs (with 3 times rest)
- Aims to improve lactate tolerance
Fitness components: Anaerobic Capacity, speed, muscular endurance
Short Interval Ratio
Short Interval Training
Intensity: 95% MHR
Work: 10secs or less
Fitness components: Anaerobic capacity, speed
Hight Intensity interval training (HIIT) ratio
1:1, 2:1
Hight Intensity interval training (HIIT)
Intensity: 90-100% MHR
Work: 30secs-4mins / 4-12 reps
- Due to high intensity could be less than 20 mins
What intensity should active recovery be
50-60% MHR
Resistance training (M.Strength/Power/Endurance)
Strength: >80% IRM, 3 sets, 1-6 reps, S-M speed
Power: 40-60% IRM, 3 sets, 1-6 reps, Fast speed
Endurance: 40-60% IRM, 3 sets, 12-15+ reps, S-M speed
Plyometric Training
Used to increase speed or force of muscular contractions, providing explosiveness for a variety of sport specific activities.
Eccentric phase -> muscle is loaded
Concentric phase -> contracted in rapid sequence
Safety precautions of Plyometric training
- Progress gradually through skills
- Correct technique
- Start when a certain level of fitness (strength & flexibility)
- Warm up
- Reps to 100 per day
Circuit Training
Sequenced combination of high-intensity exercises & resistance training. (targets multiple fitness components)
- good for variety
Types of circuit training
Fixed time - complete as many reps for each exercise in predetermined time
Fixed load - complete exercise with predetermined number of reps
Individual load - 1. complete 1min max test for each exercise
2. training load established by halving test results
3. repeat two or more circuits at specified training load.
Static Stretching (flexibility) - Adv&Dis
“Gradual lengthening of a muscle to an elongated position and hold for 10-60 secs”
- Best as part of cool down
Adv - safe when apart of cool down, overcomes stretch reflex
Dis - Doesn’t increase flex through full range of motion, takes time
Dynamic Stretching (flexibility) - Adv&Dis
“Moving a joint through full range of movement with momentum in a controlled way”
- Ideal in warm up
Adv - full range of motion, stretched major muscles that cross joints
Dis - could lead to injury if not in a controlled manner
Ballistic Stretching (flexibility) - Adv&Dis
“Uses momentum of a moving body/limb in an attempt to force it beyond normal range of motion”
Adv - similar in speed and movement of sporting moves
Dis - muscle damage, ^ use can cause decrease flexibility, only limitedly appropriate