Unit 3A: Perception Part 2 Flashcards
Relative size
We assume that two objects are similar in size, we perceive that one casts the smaller retinal image as farther away
Monocular cues
Distance cues, such as linear perspective and overlap available to either eye alone
If one object partially blocked our view of another, we perceive it as closer
Relative clarity
Because light from distant objects passes the more atmosphere, we perceive hazy objects as farther away than shark, clear objects. Such as, fog and judging distance.
Texture gradient
A gradual change from a course, distinct texture to find, indistinct texture signals increasing distance. If a picture goes from distinct to indistinct, that means it is further away
Relative height
We perceive objects in our field of vision as farther away. Relative height may contribute to the illusion that vertical dimensions are longer than identical horizontal dimension.
Relative motion
As we move, objects that are actually stable me appear to move. Objects at different distances change their relative positions in our relative image.
Linear perspective
Parallel lines, such as railroad tracks, appeared to converses distance. The more the lines converge, the greater their perceived distance. Train accidents happen due to this because they seem a greater distance away
Light and shadow
Nearby objects with more light to our eyes. Dimmer object seem further away. Thus, given two identical objects, the dinner one seems farther away. When the fog shrouded vehicle, or one with only its parking lights on, seems farther away than it is it can cause an accident
Motion detection
Our brains ability to detect motion
1) our brain computes motion as objects move across the wetness
2) how our head follows a stimuli
Stroboscopic movement
The illusion of motion that occurs when a stationary object is for seeing briefly in one location and, following a short interval, is seen in another location.
Phi phenomenon
An illusion of movement created when two or more adjacent lights blink on and off in succession.
Auto kinetic effect
When still lights appearto move or twinkle in darkness
Perceptual constancy
Perceiving objects as unchanging (having consistent lightness, color, shape, and size) even as illumination and retinal images change
Size constancy
Our ability to perceive objects as having constant size, even while our distance from them varies. Things do not grow or shrink as they move closer or farther
Shape constancy
Our ability to perceive the form of familiar objects as constant even went to retinal images of them change
Brightness constancy
Our ability to perceive an object as having constant lightness or brightness even well it’s illumination varies. Constant color day or night.
Muller-lyer illusion
Suggests that the corners in a rectangular really carpeted world tedious to interpret “outward” or “inward” pointing arrow head at the ends of the line as cue to the lines distance from us and so it’s length
Critical period
Experience must activate the brains innate mechanism. People with cataracts are not able to distinguish shapes and forms. For example, Mike may was blind since he was three months old they fixed his cornea at 30 but he wasn’t able to recognize faces any motions because they were not in eight to him
Immanuel Kant versus John Locke
Can’t believe that knowledge is innate through our sensory experiences and Locke believe that knowledge is learn through experiences. Kant believe the perception comes from our innate ways of organizing out sensory experiences. Lock believed perception is learn through experiences
Perceptual adaptation
In vision, the ability to adjust and artificially displaced or even inverted visual field.
George Stratton
He invented a contraption that allows people to see the world as right side up image of the normal position he learned that he’d search for his body parts and some tasks like eating and drinking were impossible these glasses were known as displacement glasses
Concepts that organize and interpret unfamiliar information. Mental representations of how we expect the world to be
Perceptual set
A mental predisposition to perceive one thing and not another. Our learned assumptions and beliefs affect the way we see things
Context effect
A given stimulus may trigger radically different perceptions, partly because of our different schemas, but also because of the immediate context. How our perception of a stimulus is due to context or environment
Human factors psychology
A branch of psychology that explores how people and machines interact and how machines and physical environment can be adapted to human behaviors
The study of paranormal phenomena, including ESP and psychokinesis
Adopted by JB wine, to do note psychic abilities such as telling telepathy, Claire audience, and clairvoyance and their chance Temporel operation as precognition or retrocognition. Sometimes called the sixth sense. Controversial claim
Communication between minds and some means other than sensory perception
The supposedly Bacle tea of perceiving things or events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact. Perceiving things or events based on the feeling
The alleged ability to foresee future events
The suppose it ability to move objects by mental effort alone
Ganzfeld procedure
A procedure in which telepathy was hope to be discovered by depriving subject of their sensory use to minimize distractions