Unit 1A: History Of Psychology Flashcards
Socrates and Plato
Believed the mind to be separable from the body and continued after death. They also believed in innate ideas.
A surgical procedure in which a home is placed into the skull in order to reach the brain. Used to release “evil spirits”. If the person remained the same then the spirit didn’t want to leave.
He believed the mom and body were inseparable. He believes that knowledge grows from experience. And was an ancestor of science because he believed in data.
Why were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle important to psychology?
They all contributed great amounts of intellect which allowed their ancestors to add to after other discoveries.
René Descartes
Agreed with Socrates that the mind and body were separate but he believed in inborn knowledge.
John Locke
Believed in Tabula Rasa: the brain at birth was a “blank slate” and knowledge grew from experiences. He introduces empiricism to psychology.
The view that knowledge originates from experience and that science should rely on observation and experimentation.
Thomas Hobbes
Fathered the thoughts of materialism
The belief that the mind and spirit were not relevant but matter and energy were.
Wilhelm Wundt
Designed an experiment in 1879 which was considered the birth if psychology. Wilhelm is known as the father if psychology. Made the first psychological laboratory.
Edward R. Titchner
He brought psychology to the U.S. Introduces structuralism. He wanted to discover the elements of the mind by engaging people in self-reflective activities.
An early school of psychology that used introspection to explore the elemental structure if the human mind (self-reflection).
William James
Believed that people’s’ actions were acquired through their ancestors (Darwinism, “survival of the fittest”, etc) people did the things they did because it was what their ancestors did. (Acquired genetically)
A school of psychology that focused on how mental and behavioral processes function-how they enable the organism to adapt, survive, and flourish.
Principles of Psychology
The first educational informative about psychology for the public. First psych textbook
Mary Calkins
Earned a Ph.D from Harvard in psych but did bit receive it due to sexism until after her death. She was the first female president of the American Psychological Association 1905
The study of people as a whole. It was not a successful school of thought. It was later overruled by other studies.
Max Wertheimer
Founded gestalt psychology; holistic psychological approach.
The idea of the unconscious founded by Sigmund Freud (state of mind we are not aware of).
Study of how we learn behavior, introduced my John Watson.
Definition of psychology before 1920’s
The science if mental life
The definition of psychology from the 20’s-60’s
The science of observable behavior
The current definition of psychology
The science if behavior and mental processes.