Unit 3 topic 6 Flashcards
airborne pollutants include ?
- carbon, nitrogen, and suffer oxides
- soot from combustion of fossil fuels
- dust from wind erosion from agricultural practices
- heavy metals such as lead, nickel, copper from industrial processes
these pollutants are eventually washed out of the atmosphere by rain and snow and then can fall in the ocean and travel around the world with ocean currents.
what is ozone
found in the three layers of the atmosphere
the ozone is made up of 3 oxygen molecules
stratospheric ozone is important to the earth because
protects us. because it sufficiently absorbs ultraviolet radiation which splits the ozone into a oxygen atom and Ito a oxygen molecule the free oxygen atom quickly combines with a near by oxygen molecule to reform ozone, it keeps doing this in a repeated process. Because of this repeated process uv is absorbed by ozone and less reaches earth
because Ozone is a highly reactive molecule it reacts with…
nitrogen, hydrogen. bromine and chlorine compounds
the chlorine increase has resulted from what…
chlorofluorocarbons or also known as CFCs released in large amounts due to human industrial activity
Do CFCs break down?
unlike ozone CFCs do not break down easily, they are not water soluble like most chlorine containing compounds which may be washed out of the atmosphere by rain
how are CFCs broken up in the upper stratosphere?
by Uv radiation the first step that destroys ozone layer the chlorine atoms are then free from the CFCs and then they can destroy ozone
how does ozone depletion occur?
cause the CFCs and other compounds are causing addition ozone destruction by this the ozone layer starts thinning causing to excessive exposure to the sun.
where do pollutants disperse?
above ground, water, (lakes rivers oceans) and our ground water
what are two ways pollutants can disperse?
- can be dumped directly into our surface water (point source)
or be washed into our rivers and lakes From the soil and atmosphere (non point source) wastewater (sewage) - pollutants can enter our ground water. Ground water that filters down though soil and fills the spaces between particles of rock and soil, and through cracks in the underlying rocks.
where do wastes go from home ?
wastes from bathrooms, kitchens, washing machines, watering lawns end up in our sewage or storm sewers. This water must be cleaned up before entering our lakes, rivers, and oceans
what are some examples of what needs to be removed from our water before it gets but into the ocean or bodies of water?
- phosphates and nitrates from household and other cleansers must be removed
- Organic material and bacterial and viruses must be removed from sewage
how is wastewater treated?
water treatments where they put chemicals and other particles. You can find water treatments at reservoirs
what happens when water reaches an impermeable layer of rock
it forms an aquifer, wells tap into this water
what percent of Canadians rely on ground water rather than city town treated water?
what about the pollutants in this water (wells)?
pollutants in aquifers are tough to clean up so we have to prevent the pollutants from getting there in the first place
what happened when we use green products?
decreased the ground and surface water contamination
what are biodegradable substances?
organic substances( natural or synthetic ) that can be broken down by bacteria and fungi into CO2 and H2O
what do biodegradable substances need to decompose properly?
Water, oxygen, soil microorganisms, and heat often these conditions are not present in landfills, so biodegradable substance put there do not degrade.
where do hazardous wastes get discarded?
some of these wastes are too toxic to be put in landfills so they are burned in incinerators such as corrosive, flammable topic material
many hazardous products are what
what are solvents
is any substance that van be used to dissolve another substance
what is important to remember about organic solvents?
they are all hazardous almost all organic solvents are poisonous if swallowed or inhaled in a large amount, and will cause rashes after repeated exposure.
what will high concentrations of most solvents cause?
dizziness, nausea, fatigue and loss of coordination and long term brain damage
what is solid waste?
it is garbage from households, industry and construction sites.
where do solid wastes go?
the material is dumped underground in landfills. Then plastic liners and clay are used in landfills to prevent chemicals from the waste from leaching into the soil and ground water below.
what is a secure landfill used for?
is used to deposit waste products. Typically is a hole in the ground but may also be above ground
if we put biodegradable substances int he landfill will they degrade?
they may not because of the process they went through in the industry.