Unit 3-Pelvis Flashcards
What makes up the bony pelvis?
Sacrum, Coccyx, and Os Coxae (fusion of 3 bones)
What is the division of the abdominal and pelvic cavity?
The sacral prominatory
What makes up the lateral mass (ala)?
The transverse processes of the 5 sacral segments
Lateral masses articulate with Ilium at SI joint
What modailty shows the sacral nerves?
How many segments of the coccyx are there?
Consists of three to five small fused bony segments.
(dont need to label each segment by its number, just label coccyx)
What makes up the Os Coxae?
lium, Ischium and Pubis (anterior)
What is the concave, anterior surface of the ala called?
Iliac fossa
What is the largest and most superior part of the Os Coxae?
The Ilium
The superior iliac spines are on both the anterior and posterior part of the iliac crest
What is the upper portion of the acetabulum composed of?
Upper portion of the acetabulum is made of body of ileum
What forms the lower anterior portion of the acetabulum?
The pubis
What makes up the pubis?
Body + superior & inferior pubic rami
What makes up the pubic symphysis?
The body of the two pubic bones (R & L) meeting at the midline
The superior pubic ramus projects inferiorly and laterally from the acetabulum to the midsagittal plane.
False; The superior pubic ramus projects inferiorly and medially from the acetabulum to the midsagittal plane.
In what direction does the inferior pubic ramus travel to meet with the join the ischium? What is this union called?
The inferior pubic ramus projects inferiorly and laterally. Union called ischiopubic ramus.
What forms the lower posterior portion of the acetabulum?
Body of the ischium
What makes up the ischium?
Body + 2 rami
Which way does the superior ischial ramus extend towards the ischial tuberosity?
Posteriorly and inferiorly
What does the Inferior ischial ramus join with?
Inferior pubic ramus
What direction does the Inferior ischial ramus extend to join with the inferior pubic ramus?
Anteriorly and medially
What forms the obturator foramen?
The union of the pubic rami and ischium
If you see superior pubic ramus, you are at the level of the ischial spine
When we see pubic ramus, we see part of the body projecting backwards to see the ischial spine
What anatomy is this describing?
Extends from the posterior inferior iliac spine to the ischial spine.
Greater sciatic notch
What anatomy is this describing?
Extends from the ischial spine to the ischial tuberosity.
Lesser sciatic notch
How does the pubic symph and ischial tuberosity connect?
By the inferior pubic ramus and inferior ischial ramus
Where is the rectus abdominus muscle located in relation to the abdomen and the pelvis?
Anterior surface of the abdomen and pelvis
What is the origin of the rectus abdominus muscle?
Symphysis pubis
What is the insertion of the rectus abdominus muscle?
Xiphoid process.
What is the origin of the PSOAS muscle?
lateral surfaces of the lumbar vertebrae
What is the insertion of the PSOAS muscle?
lesser trochanter of the femur
What do the external and internal oblique muscles run between?
Run between the cartilages of the lower ribs and the iliac crest
What forms the inguinal ligament?
A band of fibrous connective tissue from the external oblique muscle folds back on itself
What does the inguinal ligament extend between?
ASIS and pubic bone
What structures pass posteriorly to the ligament and travel into the lower extremities?
The external iliac artery, vein and femoral nerve
What structure is located just superiorly to the inguinal ligament?
inguinal canal
The inguinal canal transmits the spermatic cord in males and the round ligament in females. (connected to overies)
What is the largest, most superficial Extrapelvic muscle?
Gluteus maximus
which makes up the bulk of the buttocks
The gluteus medius and minimus are smaller in size, and are deep to the gluteus maximus muscle.
What is the origin and insertion of the G. minimus?
Origin: Ilium
Insertion: greater trochanter
What is the origin and insertion of the G. medius?
Origin: Iliac crest (posterior) Insertion: greater trochanter
What Gluteus muscle is ussually visualized first in an axial image?
The gluteus medius
What is the origin and insertion of the G. maximus?
Origin: Posterior surface of sacrum/coccyx (origin) and Ilium Insertion: gluteal tuberosity and ilio-tibial tract
What shape is the Iliacus Muscle?
Triangular shape
What is the origin of the Iliacus Muscle?
Origin: iliac crest
As the iliacus spans the iliac fossa, it is joined by the psoas muscle to form the iliopsoas muscle, which extends to insert on the lesser trochanter of the femur.
At what level does the Aorta bifurcate into the left and right Iliac?
At what level does the Left and right iliac veins (common) appear?
What forms the common iliac veins?
Internal & external iliac veins
What vessels confluence at the level of the superior border of sacrum?
Internal & external iliac veins
The internal and external illiac arteries arise at the level of the upper margin of the SI joints
In which direction does the Internal iliac artery run, and where does it supply blood to?
-Runs posteriorly through the bony pelvis
-Gives rise to artieries that supply the buttocks and the rest of the pelvis with blood
The External iliac artery enters the true pelvis.
False; External iliac artery does not enter the true pelvis
The external illiac arteries run under the inguinal ligament.
Where does the external illiac arteries travel?
Extends along the pelvic brim to exit the iliac fossa
Where does the internal illiac vein ascend in relation to the internal illiac artery?
Ascends the pelvis medial to the internal iliac artery
What do the external iliac arteries turn into and at what structure?
The femoral arteries once they exit the pelvis region (under the inguinal ligament).
Where do the femoral arteries run in relation to the femoral veins?
Runs lateral to the femoral veins
What vessel do the femoral veins give rise to and at what structure/level?
Femoral veins give rise to the external iliac veins as it passes over the pubic bone and under the inguinal ligament
What female reproductive organs lie within the pelvic cavity?
Uterus, ovaries, uterine (fallopian) tubes and vagina
What are the 2 anatomic regions of the uterus?
2 anatomic regions: Body & Cervix
Where do the Uterine tubes enter the uterus?
At the lateral borders of the fundus.
What is the Rounded superior portion of the uterus called?
The fundus
What part of the uterus is this?
Largest portion (2/3rd) of uterus
The body of the uterus
What is the Uterine Cervix?
Narrow inferior third of the uterus
In which direction does the body of the uterus project in relation to the bladder?
superiorly and anteriorly over the bladder
Where is the fundus of the uterus located in relation to the anterior abdominal wall?
fundus adjacent to the anterior abdominal wall
What direction is the cervix directed into the vaginal vault?
The cervix directed inferior and posteriorly into the vaginal vault.
Depending on how full the bladder is, that can change the position of the uterus
What are the three layers of the uterus from deepest to superficial?
Where does the vagina extend to and from?
cervix of the uterus to the external vaginal orifice
In what direction does the vagina travel from deep to superficial?
What structue is this describing?
Upper vaginal area that surrounds the opening to the cervix
vaginal vault or fornix
Where is the Vesicouterine or Uterovesical pouch (Pouch of Meiring) located?
located between the uterus and the posterior wall of the bladder
Where is the Rectouterine pouch (Pouch of Douglas) located?
located between the uterus and rectum
What is the muscle that originates at the pubic symphysis and runs along the anterior wall of the abdomen?
Rectus abdominus
What is this describing?
extraperitoneal cavity between the pubic symphysis and bladder
Retropubic space
The male reproductive organs are entirely extraperitoneal
What structures of the male reproductive organs are not located within the pelvic cavity?
testes and penis
What are the testes suspended in?
Suspended in scrotum
Where are the Seminal Vesicles located in relation to the bladder?
Posterior surface of bladder
Where are the Seminal Vesicles located in relation to the prostate gland?
Superior to prostate gland
Where are the Seminal Vesicles located in relation to the rectum?
Anterior to rectum
The seminal vesicles are paried
What is the largest acessory gland of the male reproductive system?
The prostate
Where is the prostate gland located in relation to the bladder?
Immediatly Inferior to the bladder
What are the 2 spaces loacted within the male reproductive system?
Retrovesicle pouch
Retropubic space