Lower extremity-Image pack Flashcards
Good image to reference
Label 1-5
- Lt. TFL
- Rt. Iliopsoas
- Rt. Sartorius
- Rt. Rectus Femoris
- Rt. Femoral head
Label 6-11
6=Lt. fovea capitis
7=Lt. acetabular fossa
8=Lt. ischium
9=Lt. gluteus maximus
11=Rt. Greater trochanter
Label 1-8
- Lt. Femoral vein
- Lt. Femoral artery
- Lt. greater trochanter
- Lt. femoral neck
- Lt. femoral head
- Pubic Symphysis
- Rt. pubic body
- Rt. ischium
Label 1-7
- Rt. TFL
- Rt. Femoral neck
- Rt. Ischium (ischial tuberosity)
- Rt. Gluteus maximus
- Lt. inferior pubic ramus
- Lt. rectus femoris
- Lt. sartorius
Label 1,11,12,13,19,21,25,26
1= Rt. Femoral head
11=Rt. Gluteus maximus
12=Rt. Greater trochanter
13=Rt. Femoral neck
19=Rt. Iliopsoas
21=Rt. sartorius
25=Rt. Rectus femoris
26=Rt. TFL
Label 6,21,34,35,36,37,41
6=Lt. ASIS
21=Lt. iliopsoas
34=Lt. pubis
35=Lt. rectus abdominis
36=Lt. rectus femoris
37=Lt. sartorius
41=Lt. LTF
Label 19,21,34,36
19=Lt. great saphenous vein
21=Lt. iliopsoas
34=Lt. superior pubic ramus
36=Lt. rectus femoris
Label 1,12,13,18,20
1=Lt ilium (body)
12=Lt. femoral neck
13=Lt. fovea capitis
18=Lt. greater trochanter
20=Lt. iliacus
Label 15,16,17,18,22,25,27
15=Lt. gluteus maximus
16=Lt. gluteus medius
17=Lt. gluteus minimus
18=Lt. greater trochanter
22=Lt. ilium (body)
25=Lt. pubis
27-Lt. lesser trochanter
Label 15,22,26
15=Lt. gluteus maximus
22=Lt. ilium
26=Lt. ischium (superior ischial ramus)
Label 14,19,25,28,45,46
14=Femoral head
19-Gluteus maximus
45-Rectus femoris
Label 1-6
- Rt. Vastus lateralis
- Rt. Rectus femoris
- Rt. Vastus medialis
- Rt. sartorius
- Rt. Great saphenous vein
- Rt. Femoral artery
Label 7-11
7=Rt. Femoral vein
8=Rt. semimembranosus
9-Rt. semitendinosus
10=Rt. Biceps femoris
11=Rt. Vastus intermedius
Label 2,6,12,13,14,
2=Biceps femoris
13-Anterior horn of lateral meniscus
14-Posterior horn of lateral meniscus
Label 20,21,27,32,34,35
21-Patellar ligament
27-Quadriceps tendon
32-Tibiofibular joint
35-Tibial tuberosity
Label 14,16,21,23,28,39
14-Rt. Calcaneus
16-Rt. Fibula
21-Rt. Lateral malleolus
23-Rt. Medial malleolus
28-Rt. talus
39-Rt. tibia
Label 5,7,27,31,34,36,44,45
5-Calcaneal tuberosity
27-Subtalar joint
36-Achilles tendon
45-Talotibial joint
Label 1-4 (MR knee)
- Rt. Vastus medialis
- Rt. Quadriceps tendon
- Rt. Patella
- Rt. Patellar ligament
Coronal slice
Label 1-4
- Rt. Vastus medialis
- Rt. Quadriceps tendon
- Rt. Patella
- Rt. Patellar ligament
Label 1-5
- Rt. Vastus medialis
- Rt. Femur
- Rt. Lateral femoral condyle
- Rt. Medial femoral condyle
- Rt. Tibia
Label 6-10
6-Rt. Vastus lateralis
7-Rt. Medial femoral epicondyle
8-Rt. Lateral femoral epicondyle
9-Rt. IT band
10-Rt. Medial meniscus
Label 1-5
- Rt. Vastus medialis
- Rt. Vastus lateralis
- Rt. Medial femoral condyle
- Rt. Lateral femoral condyle
- Rt. Lateral tibial condyle
Label 6-10
6-Rt. IT band
7-Rt. Medial tibial plateau
8-Rt. Medial meniscus
9-Rt. Medial intercondylar eminence
10-Rt. Lateral meniscus
Label 1-6
- Rt. Fibula
- Rt. Gastrocnemius
- Rt. Biceps femoris
- Rt. Lateral tibial plateau
- Rt. Medial tibial condyle
- Rt. Lateral intercondylar eminence
Label 1-6
- Rt. Gastrocnemius
- Rt. Biceps femoris
- Rt. Popliteal artery
- Rt. Tibiofibular joint
- Rt. Medial meniscus
- Rt. Popliteal vein
Label 1-5
- Rt. Gastrocnemius
- Rt. Biceps femoris
- Rt. Semimembranosus
- Rt. Sartorius
- Rt. Soleus
Label 1-6
- Rt. Gastrocnemius
- Rt. Popliteal artery
- Rt. Soleus
- Rt. Biceps femoris
- Rt. Semimembranosus
- Rt. Sartorius
Label 1-7
- Lateral femoral condyle
- Tibia
- Fibula
- Tibiofibular joint
- Biceps femoris
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus
Label 1-7
- Patella
- Quadriceps tendon
- Patellar ligament
- Gastrocnemius
- Biceps femoris
- Lateral meniscus (posterior horn)
- Lateral meniscus (anterior horn)
Label 1-4
- Popliteal artery
- Popliteal vein
- Semimembranosus
- Gastrocnemius
Label 1-7
- Semimembranosus
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus
- Vastus medialis
- Patella
- Medial meniscus (posterior horn)
- Medial meniscus (anterior horn)
Label 1-6
- Vastus medialis
- Gastrocnemius
- Tendon of semimembranosus
- Medial meniscus (posterior horn)
- Medial femoral condyle
- Medial tibial condyle