Pelvis-Image Pack Flashcards
Label a-d
a. Rt SI joint
b. Rt lateral mass (sacrum)
c. Sacral foramina
d. Lt ilium
Label a-f
a. Ala (Rt Ilium)
b. Lt gluteus medius
c. Lt gluteus maximus
d. Rt iliacus
e. Lt sacral foramen
f. Lt psoas
Label a,b,c,e,g,h,i,j
a=Rt iliacus
b=Rt psoas
c=Rt iliac body
e=Lesser trochanter (Rt femur)
g=Rt femoral head
h=Rt femoral neck
i=Rt ischium
j=Rt gluteus minimus
Label 1-7
- Small bowel
- Lt common iliac artery
- Lt iliac crest
- Rt psoas
- Rt ureter
- Rt common iliac artery
Label 1-7
- Lt common iliac artery
- Rt common iliac artery
- Lt common iliac vein
- Rt common iliac vein
- Ala (Rt ilium)
- Lt iliacus
- Lt gluteus medius
Label 1-4
- Lt gluteus minimus
- Lt gluteus medius
- Lt gluteus maximus
- Lt iliopsoas
Label 1-5
- Rt femoral head
- Rt ischium
- Rt superior pubic ramus
- Lt greater trochanter
- Lt gluteus maximus
Label 1-3
- Rt superior ischial ramus
- Rt inferior pubis ramus
- Lt femoral neck
Label 1-5
1-Rt common iliac vein
2-Lt external iliac artery
3-Lt internal iliac artery
4-Rt lateral mass (sacrum)
5-Rt iliacus
Label 6-9
6-Convergence of lt external and internal iliac veins
7-Bifurcation of rt common iliac artery
8-Lt external oblique
9-Lt gluteus medius
Label 1-6
- Lt iliopsoas
- Rt external iliac artery
- Rt external iliac vein
- Lt internal iliac artery
- Lt internal iliac vein
- Rt gluteus minimus
Label 1-5
- Rt femoral artery
- Prostate gland
- Lt femoral vein
- Rectum
- Prostatic urethra
Label a-e
a. Myometrium (uterus)
b. Rectum
c. Retropubic space
d. Pouch of Douglas/Rectouterine space
e. Bladder
Label f-j
f-Uterine cavity
g-Rectus abdominis
i-Pubis symphysis
Label b,c,e,f
c=Uterine cavity
f=Left rectus abdominis
Label 1-3
- Lt inferior pubic ramus
- Lesser trochanter (Rt femur)
- Lt femur
Label a-g
a-Seminal vesicles
c-Lt femoral vein
e-Lt acetabulum
f-Rt ischial spine
g-Rt femoral artery
Label a,c,d,e,g,h
a. Prostate gland
c. Bladder
d. Seminal vesicle
e. Pubic symphysis
g. Rectus abdominis
h. Urethra
Label a-d
a. Lt SI joint
b. Lt sacral foramina
c. Lt sacral nerve
d. Lt gluteus maximus
Label a-d
a. Pubic symphysis
b. Prostate gland
c. Rectum
d. Coccyx
Label b,d,e
b. Bladder
d. Uterine cavity
e. Myometrium (Uterus)