Unit 3 Modules 3.1, 3.2a, 3.2b Flashcards
The study of physical, cognitive, and social change throughout the life span
Developmental psychology
What are the 3 major issues that developmental psychology focuses on
nature and nurture
continuity and stages
Stability and change
What are the most common research methods used in developmental psychology?
Longitudinal study
Cross-sectional study
Expensive and long, but more accurate
Take group of people of same age and analyze them over time
longitudinal study
Cheaper and shorter but prone to error
take a group of people of all different ages and compare them
asks if development is more influenced by our DNA or life experiences
nature vs nurture
Many theories propose discontinuous (_____) of development. Like steps in a staircase, age-specific periods for children
More often, continuous (________) development is observed. A relatively even process without distinct stages (escalator)
Do we stay the same or completely change as we age? Developmental psychology begins before an individual is even born.
stability and change
Begins with conception and ends at birth.
A fertilized egg is a _____ at the first 2 weeks
prenatal development
Organs develop at this times and the first heartbeat can be seen at about __ weeks
Embryo (2-8 weeks)
4 weeks
Harmful agents (tobacco, drugs, infections) that can lead to physical and/or functional deficits especially damaging in this stage
The final stage (8 weeks to birth) Alcohol consumption may lead to fetal alcohol syndrome. Severity depends on the timing (the first half is most critical), the baby’s genetic makeup (some are more susceptible), and duration. Symptoms: low birth weight, deformations, intellectual disabilities
Fetal stage begins
9 weeks
sex organs differentiate
12 weeks
fingers and toes develop
16 weeks
hearing begins
20 weeks
lungs develop
24 weeks
brain grows rapidly
28 weeks