Module 3.3 Flashcards
The biologically influenced characteristics by which people define male, female, and intersex
The attitudes, feeling, and behaviors that a given culture associates with a person’s biological sex
biological sex characteristics don’t align with male or female
physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt
cyberbullying, gossip
any way to harm a relationship or social standing of a person
relational aggression
theory of moral development outlines how a woman’s morality is heavily influenced by caring about personal relationships.
Carol Gilligan
The sex chromosome found in females and males
X chromosome
The sex chromosome typically found only in males
Y chromosome
The most important male sex hormone
Sex hormones that contribute to female sex characteristics
The body structures that make sexual reproduction possible
Primary sex characteristics
Non-reproductive sexual traits that develop during puberty
Secondary sex characteristics
the first time a male ejaculates and is a key milestone in male sexual development.
the first menstrual period in a female. menarche
societal guidelines that define gender
Gender role