Unit 3 Lo2.2-2.5 Flashcards
what is a policy
sets out the standards which can be expected within the setting often just a written document
what are the characteristics of a policy
outlines the purpose and what must be done to ensure the safety of individuals in the setting. Policies ensure that the organisation is complying with the legislation in place.
what is a procedure
provides a step by step guide of how to implement a policy or carry out tasks in accordance with policies
what are the characteristics of a procedure
they indicate to employees how they should be carrying out tasks in the setting
why are policies and procedures implemented differently in different settings
policies and procedures identify tasks, people and physcial parts of the setting so would be specific. Specific needs of the individual need to be taken into account
what is meant by the term safe gaurding
taking steps to ensure that a person is kept safe and free from harm and abuse. Involves reacting to potential harm and abuse.
is a legal requirment
who is the most at risk of harm and abuse
those who have:
learning difficulties
physical disabilities
lack mental capacity
sensory impairments
those who are looked after children
why may looked after children be more at risk of harm and abuse
-poor life experieinces
-may move in and out of different settings and therefore stuggle to form trusting relationships
-this can make it more difficult to report abuse
why may people with dementia be more at risk of harm and abuse
-they may not realise the abuse is happening
-may have difficulty remembering and comunicating their experiences to others
-behaviours such as withdrawel may be mistaken as part of dementia
what are the 9 kinds of abuse
what are the 4 key aspects of safegaurding
-protection from maltreatment
-ensuring they are provided with safe and effective care
-enabling all children to have the best outcome in life
-prevention of the impairment of promotion of their health and development
explain protection from maltreatment
-training staff
-reporting to safegaurding
-regular meals drinks and exercise
explain ensuring they are provided with safe and effective care
-dbs check staff
-child to staff ratios
explain prevention of the impairment of promotion in their health and development
-emotional support
-fresh air
explain enabling all children to have the best outcomes in life
-social life
-behaving in a sensible manner
what is a DBS check
checks to make sure that individuals that are working with vulnerable adults or children are suitable to do so. Checks a persons criminal records and is a legal requirment for anyone over 16
what is a barred list
identify individuals who are unsuitable to be working with children or vulnerable adults
what are the 3 kinds of DBS checks
-standard (checks previous conviction, caution and warnings)
-enhances (checks for additional info held by police)
-enhanced with lists checks (additionaly checks barring lists)
how are safegaurding implemented in health and social care settings
-restriction on the use of social media and phot use
-having a named person responsible for safe gaurding
-dbs checked
-all staff must know potential signs of abuse
key aspects of health and safety managment systems (this is what the manager of a health and social care setting has to do )
-carry out risk assessments
-allocation of roles and responsibilites for health and safety
-monitoring of staff
ensuring there are security systems in place
what is a risk assessment
the process of evaluating the liklihood of a hazard actually casuing harm
what is the aim of a risk assessment
to protect staff, service users and visitors from harm. they aim to minimise risks to provide a safe environment
what is the purpose of a risk assessment
- to ensure any planned trips or visits are safe
-to identify ways of controlling and minimizing risks
-check that equipment is safe and fit for purpose
-to assess how much supervision is needed
what are the key aspects of workplace hazards and risk controls
-walking around the setting to identify potential hazards
-it’s a legal requirement
-thinking about how individuals might be harmed and considering individual needs
-taking action to reduce risks of harm
5 aspects of carrying out a risk assessment
1)look for hazards associated with the activity
2)identify who might be harmed and how
3)consider the level of risk
4)decide on control measures needed to reduce the risk
5)review the risk assesment regualary and update
why is it important to carry out risk assessments
legal requirement
to ensure the safety of all who use the setting
to identify the potential hazrads and minimise the risks these hazrds can cause
key aspects of the fire safety policy
-fire risk assessment
-ensuring there are sufficent fire alarms and smoke detectors
-ensures there is enough fire exits and that theyre in the right place
-ensures there are peeps(personal emergancy evacuation plans)
-assembly points
what is a fire evacuation plan
act fast- act fast, contorl the scene, phone999, fight the fire, account for everyone, save others, treat injured
alarms must alert all individuals
all fire equipment must be maintained
key aspects of the asbestos policy
-find out if asbestos is present
-make a record of of the location and type
-assess the risks of anyone being exposed
-provide the info to anyone who may work on or disturb the asbestos
key aspects of the transport policy
-appropriate insurance and drivers liscence
-service and maintenence must be up to date
-seatbelts fitted and working
-first aid person
-risk assessments
-staff ratios
electrical safety policy
-testing: all electrical appliances must be tested anually (pat testing)
-clear procedures for faulty equipment
-high voltage plant room signages
reporting of accidents policy
-report all work related deaths
-report all work related incidents that cause serious injury
-keep records of incidents for 3 years
-training staff on what and how to report
food safety policy key aspects
-check use by and eat by dates
-use the correct coloured chopping boards to keep raw and cooked food seperate
-clear away used equipment using water and anti bacterial washing up liquid
-cook food thoroughly to kill bacteria using a temp probe to check 75 degrees
chemical and biological health hazards
-posters, signs and labelling of harzardous substances
-using hazard sign to keep people away
-wearing appropriate PPE
-discarding waste into the correct colour coded waste bags
disposal of hazardous waste policy
-disposing of wate in correct colour coded bins to reduce the risks of biological hazards
-wearing protective clothing
-disposing of used bandages, needles and gloves
-good personal hygiene washing hands to prevent bacteria which cause infections after handling hazarous waste
lone working policy
-carrying a personal alarm
-self defence training/ how to respond to an attack
-parking in well lit areas
-carrying a basic phone
-telling colleagues where you are
-doubling up on visits to people deemed as violent
storage and dispensing of medicines
storing-controlled drugs must be stored in a locked cupboard
transfering -medication has to stay with the individual as it is their property
administrating- ensure the right person recieves the right dose of medication at the right time
record-use the medicine administration record (MAR)
disposal- return unwanted medication to a pharmacy care homes must use a liscensed waste management
security of premises, possessions and individuals
-staff wearing id lanyards
-having electronic security pads with pin code
-cctv monitoring external entrancs
-monitoring of keys
-locking external doors and keys
-having a staffed reception
why is it important to regularly review policies and procedures
-must reflect changes in legislation
-allows any issues to be addressed
-checks that it is still meeting the needs of the setting
-checks that is is still being implemented effectively
when a review has taken place what info needs to be recorded
-date of the review
-who carried it out
-the date the next review is required
what could happen if policies and procedures were not regularly reviewed
-policy could be out of date
-not in line with legislation so…
-setting could be closed down
-managers and other individuals could face prosecution
-unsafe care
what happens if policies and procedures are not followed by the staff in the setting
-could face a dissmisal or disicplinary action
-could be sent for training
-could lead to harm to others / themselves
-could put other individuals in danger