Unit 3 Flashcards
causes infection
infect mouth, feet, vagina
one-celled animals
blood, brain, intestines
spread by insects
fleas, ticks, mosquitoes
live in cells
cold, herpes, HIV, influenza
when pathogens invade & grow in body
Medical Asepsis
practices to reduce & control spread of microbes
Surgical Asepsis/Sterile Technique
practices to eliminate all microbes
Localized Infection
limited to part of body
may be red, swollen, and warm
may have drainage
Systemic Infection
pathogen in bloodstream & infects whole body
fever, chills, mental confusion
Healthcare-Associated Infection
infection acquired in healthcare setting
HAI spread through
direct & indirect contact
Body fluids that spread pathogens
tears saliva sputum urine semen feces vaginal secretions pus or wound drainage vomit
Microbes live and grow in
warm, dark, moist place in susceptible person & where food is present
Infectious Disease
caused by pathogen
Communicable disease
passed from person to person
not able to be spread
Chain of infections
Organism -> reservoir -> portal of exit -> transmission -> portal of entry -> vulnerable host -> organism…
If one link is broken, transmission can be prevented
1: Organism (Causative Agent)
Pathogen that caused infection
Prevention: vaccines
2: Reservoir
Where organism lives & grows
Prevention: Keep surfaces clean and dry
3: Portal of Exit
opening of infected person allowing pathogen to leave
Prevention: Bandaide’s, cover mouth & nose when coughing
4: Mode of Transmission
How pathogen travels
Prevention: Washing hands
5: Portal of Entry
how pathogen enters host
Prevention: wear gloves
6: Vulnerable Host
One exposed & has low resistance to illness
Prevention: healthy lifestyle
Why elderly are susceptible
hospitalized more often more serious infections with longer recovery skin is thinner, tears easily, dry limited mobility catheters malnutrition dehydration
Normal flora
normal bacteria that is helpful to the body when they stay where they’re supposed to
Mucous Membranes
line body cavities open to outside of body
ex. mouth, nose, urinary, genital, gastrointestinal tract
if dry or cracked, can be portal of entry
-air humidifier
-lip moisturizer
-mild soaps
-good fluid intake
Standard Precautions
used with everyone you care for
wash hands
wear gloves
When to Wash Hands
when arrive at work before, between, after personal contact before gloves, after gloves before & after passing meal trays or feeding before entering clean supply before getting clean linen before leaving dirty supply room